4 Answers

  1. Speaking about Peter the Great, we are certainly talking about modernization, Europeanization, and industrialization. However, we should not forget about the trauma inflicted on traditional Russian society: beards were cut, Russian national clothing was banned, and European fashion was imposed. In my humble opinion, all these innovations could have been adapted and Russified. The powerful state-administrative system laid down by Peter was borrowed with negligible adaptations. It should be noted that the organized system of state legal supervision was amazing – for example, the institutions of prosecutors (state supervision) and fiscal officers (state secret supervision that monitored prosecutors) were established – this indicates internal distrust. Of course, this is a very small part of the disadvantages of his rule, of course, there were also huge advantages – industry was created, the Russian army was literally created from scratch, which defeated Sweden, which was a superpower at that time. Such historians as V. O. Klyuchevsky and Yu. S. Pivovarov speak negatively about Peter the Great.
    As for the “great people” themselves, I would suggest the candidacy of Emperor Alexander II, who liberated the peasantry, took a historic step, and established the Zemstvo (an institution that is extremely necessary because under a unitary, ultra-centralized government, the regions needed local or zemstvo administration).

  2. Mendeleev – the man who created his famous table, this is undoubtedly one of the greatest inventions, without him the world that we now see would be impossible.

    Lomonosov is a great physicist, chemist, mathematician, member of the Academy of Sciences, and much more can be said about him.

    PS I really want to see here a more detailed answer about each of these great people, if I had more time I would have compiled it myself.
    P. P. s. there have been an incredible number of great people in Russia throughout its history, and I hope that local authors will try to describe them in all their glory

  3. Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

    The generalship genius of Suvorov is reflected in the minted wording of A. Shishov: “he did not lose a single battle, and most of them were won with the numerical superiority of the enemy” (more than 60 battles).

    Suvorov had extensive knowledge not only in military sciences, but also in other areas of knowledge. Suvorov left a huge military-theoretical and practical legacy, enriched all areas of military affairs with new conclusions and provisions. Having discarded the outdated principles of cordon strategy and linear tactics, Suvorov developed and applied in military practice more advanced forms and methods of conducting armed struggle, which were far ahead of their era and provided the Russian military art with a leading place.

    Suvorov created an advanced system of education and training of troops. It was based on the belief that a person is the decisive factor in winning. He was an enemy of aimless and senseless drill, sought to awaken in the soldiers a sense of national identity and love for the Motherland, to teach them to brave, proactive and skilful actions in a wide variety of combat conditions. The main focus was on training the troops in what was needed in war. Suvorov demanded that his subordinates clearly understand the nature of their tasks: the action plan was reported to non-commissioned officers and soldiers, since “every soldier must understand his maneuver.”

    Suvorov paid great attention to the everyday life and provision of soldiers, as a result of which the diseases that were the scourge of the armies of the XVIII century were sharply reduced. Showing tireless care for the soldiers, their everyday life and needs and sharing with them all the hardships of marching life, Suvorov won the boundless trust and love of the army. Suvorov directly recommended: “Who does not take care of people-an arrest officer, a non-commissioned officer and a corporal sticks, and sticks himself, who does not take care of himself.”

  4. In my answer, I will cite the example of the great Emperor Peter I.

    In turn, he won the Northern War. At the end of which Sweden lost its status as a great empire.

    The territory has increased. At the beginning of the war, the land on which St. Petersburg was built was captured(1703).

    Peter I built a building of 12 colleges in the Northern Capital, which, in fact, were an administrative quarter.

    During the reign of Peter, a military fleet was created, and a reform of church administration was carried out in the spirit of Caesaropapism, aimed at eliminating the church's autonomous jurisdiction from the state and subordinating the Russian church hierarchy to the emperor. Financial reform was also implemented, and measures were taken to develop industry and trade.

    The education system has significantly increased.The purpose of mass education was to serve the digital schools created by the decree of 1714 in provincial cities, designed to ” teach children of all ranks to read, write, and geometry.” Peter created new printing houses, in which 1,312 titles of books were printed in 1700-1725 (twice as many as in the entire previous history of Russian book printing). The most remarkable thing was that the Emperor invited foreign artists to Russia and at the same time sent talented young people to study “arts” abroad.

    Peter tried to change the position of women in Russian society. By special decrees (1700, 1702, and 1724), he forbade forced marriage. In fact, he was fighting feminism.

    He devoted a lot of time to reforms. In general, Peter's reforms were aimed at strengthening the state and introducing the elite to European culture, while strengthening absolutism. In the course of the reforms, Russia's technical and economic lag behind a number of other European states was overcome, access to the Baltic Sea was gained, and many areas of Russian society were transformed.

    During his reign, Peter reorganized all branches of the national economy. Exploration studies have begun.

    Summing up, in Russian historiography, Peter was considered one of the most prominent statesmen who determined the direction of Russia's development in the XVIII century.

    I am waiting for additions in my response.

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