4 Answers

  1. This may be a motive for some people (there have been cases when criminals did not want to get out of prison, but this happens in many places), but if you look at the whole, the goal of the Norwegian prison system is to rehabilitate criminals, and not to destroy them morally, as is the case in many other countries. It doesn't matter if you are sitting in a cell with good conditions or in a punishment cell of some kind, you don't have one thing – freedom.

  2. Norway's” good ” prisons are not a motive for committing crimes.�

    In the theory of criminal law, three goals of criminal punishment are distinguished:�

    1. restoration of social justice (punitive),
    2. correction of the convicted person (correctional),
    3. prevention of new crimes (preventive).�

    The main goal of the Norwegian penal correction system is to correct the convicted person and prevent the commission of new crimes. And it should be recognized that it successfully copes with this task. As an example: the number of repeat offenders in Russia is about 70% of former convicts, in the USA-80%, on average in Europe-50%, and in Norway-up to 20%.�

    The advantage of this system is that it does not breed criminals, but gives them a chance to improve, to find themselves, if you will, to start life from scratch.�

    In Russian prisons, the individual is suppressed, and unfavorable conditions of detention significantly undermine health. There is its own set of norms, the so-called “thieves ' law”, its own quasi-public system that supports this “law and order”. The society treats convicted persons with disdain and in fact does not give them a chance to continue/start a normal life after serving their sentence. All this together hardly favors the person to improve. Rather, on the contrary, such a system counteracts correction, condemning a once-convicted person to the fact that he is unlikely to return to normal life. Therefore, most likely, he will return/turn to a life of crime. Of course, there are many examples of how after prison a person corrected himself, found himself, started a new life and even improved, but we must admit that these are rather exceptions. I have tried to describe the prevailing picture and the typical course of events.�

    The Norwegian prison operates on the principle of “to correct a person, you must first of all respect him”. For prisoners, conditions are created that promote their re-socialization, everyone is required to study or work, and hobbies, hobbies, and self-development are encouraged. Communication with the staff takes place on an equal footing, respectfully. Six months before their release, prisoners are placed in a rehabilitation center, where they are prepared for release. Here the following principle manifests itself:”Before you can get a person out of prison, you need to get the prison out of the person.” There are already conditions of detention as close as possible to freedom, a kind of curator is attached to the prisoner, who deals with the problems of his residence, employment, treatment, etc. Thus, a normal person comes out of prison, who respects others, respects work, has interests, normal health, future plans, and is ready to return to society as a full member. Again, not without exceptions.�

    The Norwegian prison practically does not punish. The only incarceration there is incarceration outside of a correctional facility. The Russian prison punishes severely. Somewhere on an emotional level, it may seem that this is the right thing to do, saying that criminals deserve it. But it is worth asking the question: what is the intrinsic value of punishment as punishment? In theory, punishment is only an intermediate goal that serves the implementation of other goals: correcting the convicted person and preventing the commission of new crimes. It is worth admitting that in Russia the theory is as far away from practice as possible.�

    Total: the Russian “harsh” prison only punishes, and the Norwegian “good” prison-corrects convicts and prevents the commission of new crimes. Norwegian society is more than satisfied with this.�

    So the answer is no. Such conditions of detention, as an element of the unified penitentiary system, do not encourage the commission of new crimes and are not their motive.�

    Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.

  3. In Norway, there is a rule for correcting the offender. There people read books, do what they love, and the brain falls into place. They are not forbidden to communicate with people and so on. For them, prison is a way of realizing their mistake. After all, criminals are treated very well there, this makes them feel guilty much more acutely: “I am guilty, I killed, and I am not being bullied, but they treat me well. What a … fool I am.”�

    In Russia, everything is a little different. Our criminals are afraid to go to jail, and therefore more creative 🙂 Some people are stopped by the psychological factor that no one will hold them for people in prison.�

    But if in Norway a person realizes his mistake in prison and does not commit it again (for the most part), then in Russia after prison a person becomes angry with the whole world and the system as a whole, which encourages him to return to crimes again, only now to be more inventive so as not to return to prison (for the most part).�

    Well this is purely my opinion)

  4. Good news, because Norway has the highest standard of living in the world. Since about the beginning of the 19th century, i.e. for a very, very long time. However, good conditions there do not motivate you to go to prison. For example, the number of prisoners per 100,000 population there (in Norway) is 71. For comparison: in Ukraine-195, in Belarus-335, and in Russia-449.

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