6 Answers

  1. Have you ever heard the parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 13-30)? Let's imagine an additional plot: a man came to the slaves and said that all the talents should be gathered together, and he, this person, as the vanguard of all the slaves, will dispose of these talents. Everyone gave their talents, and those who did not want to, the” avant-gardist ” killed or rotted. What will all these people say to the returning Master? And what will the Master say?

    Christianity does not have any socialist core, it is all fiction. Christianity is about the personal responsibility of each person for their own fate and the fate of their things (property). Any socialization of people and things is contrary to this principle of personal responsibility.

  2. No, Christianity, in the original, does not support capitalism and other isms.

    Why churches support different trends, including those that support socialism, is another question. Various reasons. From the presence of special beliefs to the direct interests of merging with the authorities.

    I just had a question here:

    I understand that humans have free will and all the pies, and yet: what is the form of human governance from God recommended by the Creator?

    And there has been a discussion here for a long time:

    What are the main disadvantages of communism?

  3. Most religions, including Christianity, promise paradise after death, not during life. Life is a test, a test of your faith. It doesn't matter if you live under feudalism, capitalism, or communism. At the same time, ordinary people who were brought up in the society and structure that exists at this time serve in churches. If it is normal in society to have slaves, then the church agrees. If there is serfdom, then the church will correctly explain it, if capitalism is in the yard, then God's servants turn a blind eye to exploitation and social stratification.�

    If faith falls out of the general paradigm of society, then the church loses the favor of those in power, loses money, parishioners, and disappears.�

    In times of feudal fragmentation, and even after, the church blessed troops for fratricide, crowned parricides.�

    So capitalism is not the worst thing approved by religion.

  4. Our great compatriot Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich in his book “Socialism as a phenomenon of world history” also considered in detail the Christian origins of socialist theories. In medieval sects, for example. But other Christian sects have just done what your Marx called capitalism. The history of this question is brilliantly described by Max Weber in the work “Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of capitalism”.

    The first capitalists worked hard because God told them to work constantly. The very word business is a religious term of the early Protestants, meaning constant employment before the face of God. Little was consumed because God is against luxury. They lent each other money without interest. On my word of honor to God. And they always paid back their debts. Therefore, they left a very decent inheritance to their children. And the children were taught to live the same way. Therefore, it is strange to say “slave-parasitic capitalism”about these people. It was these people who made modern civilization as we know it. With ready-to-wear stores, for example. Then, however, Jews of the Jewish faith flooded into this movement and ruined everything. But it all started heroically. Decent people lived decent lives to save their souls.

    Personally, I don't like the rabid Anabaptist fanatics with their socialist sermons. But I am grateful to those who created capitalism. So both capitalism and socialism grew up in the bosom of Christian civilization.

    At the same time, the very teaching of Christ is indifferent to social formations. “Everyone stay in the rank in which you are called.

    Whether you are called a slave, do not be dismayed; but if you can become free, use the best.For the servant who is called in the Lord is the Lord's free man, and he who is called free is also the servant of Christ.

    You have been bought with a high price; do not become the slaves of men.

    In whatever rank one is called, brethren, let every one remain before God.”

    “So, don't worry and don't say,' What should we eat? ' or 'what should we drink?' or 'What should we wear?' Because all these things are sought by the Gentiles, and because your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of its own: each day has enough of its own care.”

  5. Hello.

    Christianity supports neither capitalism nor slavery. It just doesn't want war and revolutions. It is written, ” Whether you are called to be a slave, do not be dismayed.” But if you can become free, take advantage of the best (first epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, chapter 7).

    Communism was in the early Church. Everyone sold their possessions and put their prices (money) at the Apostles ' feet, and everything was common, and everyone was given what they needed (see the Book of Acts of the Holy Apostles, chapter 4).

    How can we talk about Christianity supporting capitallism? Jesus says: give also, expecting nothing in return; sell your possessions and give alms; blessed are the poor in spirit, for yours is the kingdom of heaven; woe to you, the rich, for you have already received your consolation; it is difficult for him who hopes for riches to enter the kingdom of heaven; you cannot work for God and Mammon, etc.

    But still, the Lord Jesus Christ only called for non-possessiveness. He did not demand the dispossession of a rich young man who did not want to give away his estate. He didn't say: anyone who wants to follow Me must give everything away. But only: he who does not renounce all that he has (in mind and heart) cannot be My disciple.

    What the Communists did is not Christ's work. Yes, and they fought with God as best they could. For them, the Church was the first enemy. And they put non-possessiveness itself at the service of the world revolution and the “Party”.

    Thousands of people killed and shot, tortured in exile and dekulakized, that's what communism is. It is much closer to German-Fascist national Socialism than to Christianity.

    And capitalism is evil. But the lesser evil is for the Church. The feudal system of the Middle Ages conveys Christianity much more accurately than capitalism, and it is closer to the Church. Yes, and the transition to capitalism and democracy was in Europe through the same revolutions. But still, any system – feudalism or capitalism – is human, and Christianity is Divine, established by God. Capitalism is the lesser evil when you choose between the two. But one should not think that the Church is against the Reds and for the Whites. The whites betrayed the tsar, turned their backs on the Church, and wanted their earthly happiness. And they fought with the Reds for their earthly happiness. The church stood between them, like a mother to her sons, and begged: children! don't kill each other, you're brothers! And the brothers didn't even care about Mother Church!..

    God help us!

  6. A communist, capitalist, Orthodox and atheist enter the bar.
    Bartender: Hello, Gennady Andreevich.

    It seems that no one else has ever managed to put everything in one pile

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