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The question is visionary in nature, and therefore there can be no correct answer to it.
Any answer will not be correct, but despite the age of this question, I can say that 5 years after the publication of the question, there is still no AI.
All those who write that AI has already been created, you confuse the concepts of true AI and its imitation. What is currently represented is simply a set of specific algorithms that the program executes. Those same Siri, Google Now, all chatbots, etc. – this is an imitation of AI, and not its true meaning. This problem is very well shown in the movie “Out of the Car”, in which the main character had to understand whether the robot's mind is intelligence, whether it has thinking or simply works according to certain algorithms. The only thing that now looks like real AI is self-learning programs, but even this is not enough to create a technical human mind.
We can already see its beginnings. Not so long ago, the simplest AI developments began to appear in the public domain, where any user can indulge in speech and image recognition.
Recently, an online service was added to the network (http://hi.cs.waseda.ac.jp:8082/) from Japanese researchers, which allows you to test a neural network that colors black and white images.
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Artificial intelligence is not something mythical. These technologies have already been successfully applied for many years. What is their essence? Artificial intelligence assumes that the machine itself makes this or that decision. Where can I find it? For example, you can “see” artificial intelligence in the ABBYY FineReader program, which is familiar to many from the student bench. After all, many of us have to translate paper books and documents into electronic format. FineReader uses machine learning methods and various images of characters to work with ABBYY text recognition technology. For example, we need to recognize the letter “A”. We take different types of writing it, compose it in a certain way and use the machine learning algorithm: learn from such and such features. For training, there must be a training set – a set of data and documents that contain the letter “A” in different styles. In this case, artificial intelligence consists of these components of machine learning – algorithms, attributes (those characteristics that algorithms rely on for training), and data. Thanks to these technologies, the program itself understands which character is written and translates it into electronic form.
Another example of artificial intelligence is our other development, ABBYY Compreno technology for analyzing and understanding natural language texts. It analyzes texts, creates their semantic representation, and can extract really important information from arrays of unstructured texts that are convenient to work with. So, the technology helps simplify the work of technical support services. For example, when you send a request to a client service, it analyzes your request, understands its meaning, and directs the question to a specific technical specialist. If the response to this request has already been prepared earlier, the technology can automatically respond to you.
In fact, there are already many devices around us that have more or less artificial intelligence: air conditioners that can maintain the right temperature, a personal assistant Siri in the iPhone, and speed cameras that can read a car license plate, determine the speed and automatically decide whether a fine should be issued. In many countries, traffic lights are programmed by machines: their mode is calculated per second, depending on the average load on the road section. The AI also decides whether to treat the route with reagents, determining the temperature of the air and asphalt, the presence of ice, and taking into account the weather forecast. Automatic car control systems, such as those used by Tesla, are also an example of artificial intelligence.
I suggest that we first classify the ACTION designation. AI has long been in action. Even when they started creating the first computer opponents in chess.�
I will assume that the author of the question is referring to the action of intelligence, which is able to think like a person.�
Answer: Yes, we will definitely see. AI is divided into three types: primitive, advanced, and hyper-intelligent. Right now, we're stuck between stage 1 and 2. But this is a matter of time. The functioning of advanced intelligence requires a certain speed of computer processors and a certain amount of memory. In our case, this progress follows an exponential arc.
With such forecasts, we can assume that a developed AI will appear somewhere in the 50-60 years, or even earlier. But I want to explain why the question WHAT is more important than WHEN. As soon as the AI reaches the level of human thinking, it will not stop at this level, but will move on. This will happen so quickly that no one will notice the transition between stage 2 and stage 3.�
The most frightening thing is that scientists don't have a 100% consensus on what will happen next. Then there are two possible outcomes: either humanity will die out, or it will become immortal. The chance of extinction is present due to the fact that hyper AI will perceive people as we are ants. And did people ever take an interest in the interests of ant colonies in order to destroy them and build something of their own? On the other hand, AI can open up all possible technologies instantly, including immortality, too….
I advise you to read this article:�waitbutwhy.com
Yes, definitely, the question is what kind of forecasts we have for the future and how we define the concepts in the question.
So, for example, now there is a certain trend towards bioengineering, prosthetics, etc., so it is quite possible that we still have to change our own concept of “We” very much, as well as re-evaluate the viability of an individual in years.
Artificial intelligence itself already exists. We will not flame on the topic of” true “and” not true ” intelligence. Intelligence – ensembles of neurons organized in a certain way. The neurons themselves are quite complex and we have not fully understood them, but, in general, we can already simulate the action of one neuron and even build ensembles from it.�
The simplest intellectual and creative tasks, namely their complexity, have already been solved, and then it will only get cooler. And if you really remember the 80s(basic kilobit Internet and phones in suitcases) and understand that only 37 years have passed) and remember the infosingularity, then it turns out that the wait is very short and you should start seriously thinking about the ethics of AI and its inevitable mutual integration with humans with all the ensuing consequences.
We (you and I) are unlikely to see it.
On the other hand, you and I can call artificial intelligence completely different things. If you look at it from some points of view, we have been observing it for seven decades. And with others, we can't even define the term itself! 🙂