8 Answers

  1. Answer the following questions for yourself:

    1. What do you lose if you write to her?
    2. What will you regret if you don't write to her?

    After answering these questions, you can make the right decision

  2. I don't know the reason for the breakup. There can be thousands of reasons. Here are a few points. Either she left you and regrets it. Either she left and doesn't regret it at all.

    You can check it out. Try to meet her again as if nothing had happened. Maybe she's regretting the breakup. If you get in touch, you can invite them to a meeting. The main thing is not to discuss the reason for the breakup on the first day. Chat about the simple, get to know each other again as if for the first time.

    If you understand what your shoals are and realize this, I think it will not be superfluous to apologize for this very sincerely to her, a little later, when you feel the warmth from her. Then the chance to restore the relationship will increase, as she will understand that you are ready to change and admit your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. I understand that she was far from an angel, but if the initiative for recovery is from you , then you should take responsibility for it.

  3. And why not? In this case, there is one great piece of advice – it is better to regret what you have done than what you have not done. If you get rejected, you'll live a little longer and forget. If you don't, you will think for a very long time about what would have happened and how your life would have turned out if you still wrote it. So I'm definitely in favor.

    But before you write, you need to think about what causes this desire. Do you really still love her, or just couldn't find anyone else? Do you really have feelings for her, or just can't stand your own loneliness?

    You also need to remember why you broke up and what problems plagued you during the relationship. The human psyche has such a feature – to filter out most of the bad, leaving only bright memories in memory. Maybe now you are just in the stage of “bargaining” after a breakup, and you are not yet able to rationalize things.

    Perhaps she has long gone through all the stages of parting, lost interest and lives her own life. But you won't know if you don't write it. In any case, you do not lose anything – I would advise you to decide and write. There is nothing shameful or reprehensible about this. You are not strangers to each other and can directly write to her everything that you think and feel.

  4. If you don't write, there is a chance that in six years she will write first. Or forget it.

    What do you have to lose? She always has her own opinion and attitude towards you. You won't break anything with this touch, there's nothing to break. And if she still has an interest , she will respond.

  5. Be sure to write it. I remember waiting three years for a letter from a man I loved. And he wrote. It was happiness. But I know a case in my life when “silence broke after 11 years – no one dared to take the first step, and” these 11 years were lost for both of them. Maybe you've already lost half a year? We could have been together for six months, but no one wrote to each other first. Write us today!

  6. If for six months She did not have “absolutely (to you) interest” and “compete” further with her. Only she probably doesn't participate in this “competition”. And you need to write, you don't lose anything.

  7. I wrote six months later “I miss communicating with you” in response to “don't write to me” Why did I write?I assumed that it would be so.So listen to your inner voice, maybe you know what not to write ndo. Who threw, and return

  8. First, remember the reason for the breakup. Then think 10 times. Well, after that, make an informed decision, there is time and no one is rushing you, but you should not delay it either. The main question here is, do you need it? Rationally, putting aside your feelings, answer this question to yourself.

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