45 Answers

  1. There are many points of view about the meaning of life. I will give only those that I personally adhere to. This is my position as a psychologist and practitioner and I do not claim to be a universal truth.

    I think that people can give meaning to everything that can be known. For example, we realize that we have desires that we realize through specific goals. Moving towards the goal gives meaning to the activity of achieving the goal until it is achieved. When the goal is achieved, the meaning is completed. Further, there are new goals and movement towards them, with new meanings. Thus, we can see life as a movement from meaning to meaning.

  2. The fact that you are not satisfied with the idea of coming up with a meaning for life is a very good sign. You see beyond many people. Perhaps the only chance in which the meaning of life has the opportunity not to be an illusion is if this meaning was obtained, and not invented.

    Personally, I have come to the conclusion that the only objective, non-illusory meaning of life can be found only in religion. I believe that God created me for something. Why – I find out through religion, namely-Orthodox Christianity.

  3. Dear Vasily,

    Normal, real People have always had, have, and will always have a Meaning in life.

    The meaning of life is to Make Life Better! Move on from that life. what is now-to a better life.

    Your ancestors were also guided by this Meaning. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here at all.

    You now have a choice: make the decision to build a better life for yourself and others!

    Or continue to spend time, effort, and money searching for other meanings, psychologists and coaches, meaningless classes, or ” burning through life.”

    Everything is in your hands!
    All Reasonable Things!

  4. Any healthy person is absolutely sure that life is full of meaning and pleasure, practically. This is the norm by Nature.

    Absolutely healthy people do not exist – in a very unhealthy system of vital activity.

    Very unhealthy people absolutely do not see the practical meaning in life, any theoretical persuasions here are useless and inadequate, the best medicine is health – improving measures.

  5. If you start thinking about your own life as something useless on the scale of reality, then you'd better ask yourself – isn't this reality useless on the scale of you?

    If you feel that it is useless and nothing else touches it, then you can be congratulated – you have reached a certain level of freedom and now the fun begins for you ) The main thing in this situation is to be able to wait a little bit.

  6. There is no meaning to life. But much more important is the fact that it is not worth looking for at all. You need to live in such a way that your own life suits you. And leave various concepts about the meaning of being for later=)

  7. Don Juan's quote from the books of Carlos Castaneda is quite appropriate here:

    For me, nothing is important anymore – no things, no events, no people, no phenomena, no actions – nothing. But still, I continue to live, because I have a will. This will has been tempered throughout my life and as a result has become complete and perfect. And now it doesn't matter to me whether something matters or not. The stupidity of my life is controlled by my will.”

    If you are experiencing difficulties due to the fact that everything is meaningless, then you have not reached the end yet. You still have something that makes sense to you – yourself. In your personality. Let go of your sense of self-importance, and another Don Juan quote will work:

    And so the warrior treats the world as an infinite mystery, and what people do as an infinite folly.

  8. The meaning is in the present moment. If the cold catches up with an unprepared person, then the meaning will immediately be found – to save yourself, to warm up. Such apostate nihilistic concepts are more harmful than liberating. It makes no sense if you are stunned, your senses are frozen. For living people – a myriad of pulsating meanings!

  9. It is possible that the meaning of life is about the same as in a dream. Life is like a long, incessant dream in which we are immersed and the only way out of it is to wake up. The problem for many people is that they have already realized or have just begun to suspect that everything around them is illusory and not logical, like in a dream. They are aware of it, but they can't wake up yet. It wasn't time to wake up yet. Apparently you need to be patient and watch this dream to the end. Yes. And more. We may be here on a voluntary basis, but we don't remember that. Well, we don't seem to remember anything at all that is outside of this illusory world. Otherwise, there would be no point in us being here. As they say-infa 100%. But this is not accurate. ))

  10. To understand the meaning of something, it is advisable to understand the meaning of the word “meaning” in order to separate the concept of meaning from the concepts of “purpose”, “purpose”, “benefit” and others…

  11. And I am Sure, I know that there is a Higher Meaning, and I found it at the age of 7, and I have lived with it for 50 years, and it does not come down to anything that is said in religions, in science, in esotericism, because EVERYTHING IN SOCIETY is a large self-destructing system based on nesting. If you look at EVERYTHING social again, you can find a Higher Meaning. To do this, log out of the system …NOT LITERALLY, NOT ACCUSING HER, not turning HER into evil, not denying HER …just O-So-Knowing, with more consciousness than her.

  12. Meaning is content that is important, has value and continuation, i.e. the possibility of realizing one's own Self. If you look at everything that happens in your Life just like a spectator in a movie theater…then such thoughts will not leave you for a long time. Another point is what exactly you pay attention to. We either make ourselves pathetic or we make ourselves strong — the amount of effort spent remains the same. Find your goal, there are resources available! Each of us has only two options: either we just live by the circumstances, or we shape the circumstances for our own Lives. The longer you wait for something, the more days you will lose. Forever.

  13. These concepts go beyond the scientific, and are philosophical or religious.

    Imagine that this is a giant slalom, i.e. you were allowed down the mountain and you need to avoid obstacles.

    It is impossible to stop and you are rushing down-this is time that cannot be stopped, and obstacles are all that you meet on the path of life.

    At the finish line, you will be counted. So steer as best you can, every day and every hour, big and small. All that matters is how you handled them, and nothing else in life matters.

  14. You came into this world alone, and you will leave here alone.

    Make the most of this time. Come up with a meaning for yourself and follow it steadily until the last day.

  15. I think we will be able to answer this question when we understand the essence of everything, how the universe came to be, what is beyond it, and how it all works.
    Maybe then we will see what is the essence and what is the meaning.
    Well, the sciences that try to answer these questions are mathematics and physics, with our short lives we can only try to give answers to these questions.
    So at this point, the meaning of life is to find answers to the first questions, to give an answer to the global question of what is the meaning.

  16. From the point of view of philosophy, MEANING is the substance, the out-of-place essence of a phenomenon (phenomenon, process) which justifies or determines its existence. Essence is considered as a set of such properties of an object, without which it is unable to exist, and these properties connect the phenomenon with layers of reality that go beyond the revealed, observed. By defining the place of a phenomenon in a certain multidimensional totality, meaning turns its implementation into a necessity. It follows that if a person does not see the meaning in life, then this means that he is simply ignorant. Life always takes place in a complex reality, which contains two branches: real and imaginary, or as they like to say in the New Age – illusory. But this emphasis on illusion is just a trick designed to impress the simpletons.

  17. There is an old Jewish joke:
    – Izzy! Do you know that Moisha is attracted to your wife?
    – Not indifferent and don't!

    This is just about what not to do. Well, or you don't have to.
    Do not be under any illusions about the special significance of your life, supporting them with meanings. We all have the right to choose, but we make it, more and more in a certain direction, often complaining about the lack of motivation in the form of some kind of meaning.
    “Mom, would you like some fish soup?”

  18. You have to live in order not to die, because the process of death is very painful. The longer you live, the more your senses are dulled, your nerves worn down, and death becomes a little less painful.

  19. If you still live and ask about it, then it makes sense for you, ask yourself. And all the talk about depression is nonsense , if you are interested in it, then you do not have depression…

  20. Hint: An aimless existence really doesn't make sense.
    You need to understand your purpose and fulfill it.
    Before their birth, everyone receives a task from God.
    Upon completion of the earth journey, it reports on its implementation.

  21. You don't want to do anything, you don't care about people, you don't do them any good? And it makes you realize that your life doesn't make sense. To understand why you live on your own, you need to benefit others. Those who know why they live.

  22. Each person has their own meaning of life. If you look at the animal world, there they have a sense of procreation. And it doesn't matter how many females the male has,or how many food reserves. It's just that this meaning of life has been taken away from a person. Instead of hunting, fishing, and starting a family, they gave him a job, a mortgage, and a bunch of problems, foisting alcohol on him so that he could forget about any problems. In our modern world Kadyy finds his own meaning of life

  23. Congratulations, you have already approached the most important problem of our existence.

    He's just a human being. The feeling of meaninglessness in existence against the background of all these troubles that haunt us, against the background of endless suffering, diseases, wars, crises. So throughout history, we create meanings. Man could not accept the fact that after death there will be nothing and invented God. Of course, this was also accompanied by the inability to explain natural and other phenomena, but still. After all, it is pleasant to entertain the idea that after death we will have a paradise where we will live forever and where everything is so beautiful.

    But then we were done with God. And replaced it with a Human. Man as the highest manifestation in nature. But shouldn't this concept also be criticized? After all, Man is far from the most pleasant creature, he is cruel, insidious, he arranges wars, kills his own kind. For what? For their own fictional purposes.

    After all, it is so pleasant to be saved from the realization of the meaninglessness of being by giving it a Purpose. It can be ideologies, patriotism, science, anything. We are not trying to make this world beautiful, depending on our beliefs, but only trying to escape from the realization that this world is an extremely unpleasant place and that our life is short, and there is nothing waiting for us there.

    What should I do in this situation? Come up with your own meanings. This will not change anything, and we will all die, and, believe me, your grandchildren will no longer remember you, but you need to somehow turn in this cycle? Try not to create big illusions and ideals for yourself. Try to enjoy the smallest things as much as possible. A good book or movie, favorite weather, walks, and so on.

  24. Get a cat. Or better yet, two. Wait to drive. Let's slow down. Let us dwell on the fact that the brain sees this meaning. Higher needs. Pleasure from life, from communication, from creativity. The joy of finding a friend. Love. To the motherland and to the people. Yuri Detochkin stole cars to give money to the orphanage. The laugh is that the kids didn't get the money. Joy from this to anyone. But here he is, the builder of communism. There is Alain Delon and there is Gagarin. And he is for himself, a hero and a handsome man. Happiness to turn your life into a joke. Hamlet in the fight against theft. A double joke. You want to laugh, you want to put up a monument. Oh, my gosh. It turns out that they did. In Samara.
    And who needs it? Who is this Detochkin for us? A person could become a parent. Millions of dads and moms. They love their children. As long as there is a reason, as long as there are goals. There is also a meaning.
    And why did Gagarin go into space? Out of boredom, or something. Progress, the future of humanity. And Alain Delon, why is it so necessary for women? There must be a handsome, intelligent hero. At least in the movies. It is clear that in life all the characters are ordinary. But millions of single women needed one. To fly as if on wings. It turns out that there are some meanings. We need to find them. The brain sees it. Love. And joy.

  25. It all depends on who is asking this question… The answer will be found when the bowl is empty. The first step is clarity. “You have to die before you die.”But who is dying?)

  26. The meaning of life is relentless progress, all-round development, struggle, through the thorns to the stars, from the mediocre to the beautiful, from chaos to the ordered, from the earthly to the cosmic, from the human to the vast. A person, rather, gives purpose to their daily activities. To reach a certain position at work, to have a child, to visit England, to see a new film – all these are goals. Look around you, there are so many beautiful and meaningful things in life. Touch the high: the art-symphonies of Beethoven (who was on the verge of suicide at a certain point in his life), which will take you from Apollonian motifs through a heroic struggle against darkness and the will to light to an immense love for all mankind. To science – incredible stories from the microcosm, where the world looks completely different from what we are used to seeing it, to infinity of Universal scales, giant clusters of galaxies, the life of stars and the Universe itself. The evolutionary path of life from the simplest microorganisms to creatures who have asked questions: “Who am I?What am I doing here?What is the meaning of life?” Take a walk in the forest, listen to what the birds will tell you, see what the trees and streams will show you.
    In order to live, you need to be born, many people die without being born. The choice of death is one of the simplest and most cowardly. To live, you need to rise above everyday life, above routine, above injustice. You need to have the courage to call yourself a Person, to strive forward from birth to death. Strive to live, do not be deceived by the statements of necrophiles shouting about senselessness and death, they are weak and stupid, step over it. Become A Human Being!

  27. With such questions, it is best to contact psychologists and psychotherapists. These may be symptoms of depression, as far as I know, normally people do not ask such questions

  28. Life doesn't make any sense. Humans do not benefit the planet or each other. They just live, burn through resources, and spend their allotted time. The search for meaning in life, like loneliness, is when it's boring to be with yourself. For me, the meaning of life is in some kind of occupation, even if it's for the soul to embroider, if only I like it.

  29. Hello. From the age of 8 to 25, I was tormented by this disgusting worldview. But I am glad to inform you that your answer is in your question. What YOU give meaning to “automatically” ceases to be an illusion. Even if you do not take into account the fact that words, thoughts and desires are material(because many people simply do not understand this), think about how there can be illusions in what you saw the meaning?! And if this happens, it means that you do not believe yourself,and this is a different situation. Do you love yourself? Maybe not. Do you believe in yourself? Maybe not. Do you believe in your own existence? I think so. So if you believe that you exist, why can't you believe something that makes sense? Well, if you don't believe in your own existence, then what is stopping you from living?) if you are not there, if there is nothing around you, then why can't you live your life the way you want? Are you trapped by school, work, or friends? No one bothers you to change your job, school, or friends. If you just don't want anything, drop everything, and even so you will understand that you are alive, because the stomach will start to turn from hunger, the body from the cold, because if you are not in a sieve around someone's neck, then throwing everything will not be sweet, but even this can serve as an experience for further development, self-awareness in this world, and

    I wish you success, believe, and everything will come.�

  30. they don't live for meaning, monsieur. and for the sake of satisfaction and satisfaction from the activity.

    Here are people who live by business, no matter what it is( even if they have children, or shoot a video on a YouTube tube, or work, or something else), it is immediately easy to distinguish from those who have no BUSINESS and no passion for anything.

    The latter do not live. they are just looking for a goal that will attract them and so on… pathetic claim to the world is made, they say, HEY, world, skatina, why didn't you get me carried away?

    Get carried away yourself. or cut out, the universe, so-and-so, it doesn't matter.

  31. The point is this – there is no point! Live spontaneously, be light, be children, as Jesus said.

    Once again, when you live spontaneously, time and space don't exist for you. Because every second you live your life to the fullest. Every second that you exist.

  32. If you don't see the meaning of your life, become the meaning of life for someone else. Support, support. There are so many people in need of help these days. You will help each other. Your life will not be as useless as it seems to you, and you will make it easier for that other person to exist with your support.

  33. and there is no sense at all!… people live and suffer just because they were born!.. you need to live just to LIVE!.. that's it!.. but at the same time, of course, do not spoil the life of others!.. this is my personal opinion!.. yes, and so it is in fact!..

  34. Whatever you are doing today, whatever “problems” you are solving right now, sooner or later they will all come down to one thing: to be or not to be? And not only in the Shakespearean sense of acting or accepting, but also in a broader sense: is it worth living at all? �The answer is obvious, it is on the surface: �not worth it, not why, meaningless. Because it ends in the same thing-death. And only the uncertainty, the uncertainty of what follows, makes us “put up…with the familiar evil”, otherwise “who would agree…to drag ourselves under the burden of life”. Actually, people are divided into two groups according to the answer to this question. Those who “tend to believe” that there is nothing beyond the line are doomed to live on “autopilot”. They are often accompanied by indifference, despondency, a complete or selective set of “deadly sins” and a sense of wasted time. Those who accept the possibility of continuing existence after death most often turn to the idea of God. Christianity promises resurrection, Islam-barzah, and then eternal life in the Next World, Buddhism – rebirth in another body, Kabbalah-reincarnation…But can we judge what we can't know by definition? Your ideas will always be unreliable, and the future built under their influence is questionable!

    But there is also an alternative: to realize the life of individual consciousness after the death of the body as a result of the evolution of the collective consciousness of civilization. Of course, this will become possible as a result of the development of technology, but, in addition, it will become a necessary moral need of humanity. The soul is bound by the inevitability of death and cannot move further in its evolution, cannot move through this “Rubicon”, the boundary of its temporal development. Belief in the possibility of prolonging the evolution of individual consciousness multiplies the potential for the evolution of collective consciousness, and the possibility of “changing the concepts themselves in the process of “longer evolution” gives hope for finding other meanings, motives and content of life. Having realized the possibility of” eternal life ” a Person, his collective consciousness really becomes like the Creator. As a result, a different spiritual and moral reality will arise. After all, the continuation of the evolution of individual consciousness, the “afterlife”, now really depends not on God, but on civilization, its development and existence itself among this stardust and a mess of colliding stones. All those who have lived and are living are really in the same boat. After all, collective consciousness and its capabilities are the result of joint efforts and the totality of all, even the most inconspicuous souls and lives in the past.

    The main commandment – “love your neighbor”, to become a real need and program of life, without religious and mystical ideas and hopes for a higher being. Is it possible not to share this state with everyone who lived and went to this painful search through thousands of years of evolution, and even more so with close people? In addition , the spiritual potential of a civilization will accelerate and increase if life interrupted by death is included in the evolution. All this is the guarantee and moral basis of the “resurrection” mechanism.

    The possibility of “eternal life” and “love for one's neighbor” is what gives rise to a different reality, in which the question “to be or not to be” is decided without a doubt in favor of”being”. Of course, with respect for the freedom of choice – suicide. That is why suicides have no place in the “kingdom of God”.

    Ideas about the future determine the present. Disbelief in the possibility of continuing existence after life is the source of all the ills of society. Civilization is doomed if it does not find new ways and solutions to its moral problems in a free search. Evolution without freedom is not possible. We can't know for certain how everything works, so we need to learn in all directions and test our knowledge with time and existence. The world is illusory. One thing is certain: our consciousness is changing, and this evolution increases our chance of prolonging the process of knowledge up to the invisible limits of approaching the Truth. Recognition of this is sufficient to build a worldview system that comes to the same moral values and motives for existence that religious concessions declare, but at the same time avoids unconfirmed, illusory, false, and unreliable concepts and assumptions.

    Change and build your worldview consciously-this is how you change the future of civilization!

  35. absolutely nothing makes sense!!!

    Since when did you become the Great Absolute, speaking the Absolute Truth? Aren't these statements too loud? Even in the life of an earthworm, there is a meaning – passing through all organic residues, earthworms or earthworms process them into humus, which contains plant nutrition elements in an accessible form, and make the soil fertile. And worms loosen the ground, contribute to its aeration and hydration.

    If I were you, I would put the question differently : why is there no meaning in your life? Maybe it's time to change something in your life ? And then you look and there will be a certain light at the end of the tunnel.

  36. The meaning of your life is to get through it, making similar conclusions while lying on the couch .�

    Each person gives meaning to his own existence.�

    If you were a passionate person, you would not have thought of such thoughts .

    Try to find yourself in something . Or first, get a job .

  37. The meaning of life is in constant development, I think this is a universal meaning for everyone, the most important one. just as important is the spiritual foundation, Faith in God. because we all still believe in him, because even the most avid atheist in a life-threatening situation begins to remember Him. I'm also a proponent of goals, because they make a lot of sense, too. There are three areas of goal setting: spiritual goals, personal goals, and professional goals.

  38. Tell me, if you were given a million dollars, will you ask why? Or will you think about what to spend it on?
    Only honestly) answer yourself this question.
    Why are people always looking for the meaning of life, and not wondering what to spend it on?
    These thoughts are similar, but the point is that you will always figure out how to use a million, perhaps because you will not think about why you were given it and doubt whether you need it)
    Take it for granted, you were given life, you can do whatever you want with it. What do you want? What do you like, what brings joy to you or your loved ones, what makes life easier for you or others? Spend your life on this and maybe at least someone will become happier)

  39. The illusion is not so small. Sometimes one illusion is enough to live a happy life.Reality is relative and depends on your worldview. which changes. The meaning of life on Earth, i.e. the divine plan, is not yet clear to us. The whole picture of an infinite world is complex. but not everything is so hopeless. A person is gifted with a brain that can make connections in it in greater numbers.than there are positrons in the entire universe . Each of our cells is more complex than the entire universe. The meaning of this is incomprehensible to us yet. but our chances are great.

  40. I join in congratulating you-the author, you have taken the first step towards Enlightenment. Life is full of misery, the world is all illusion. The main thing is to try not to forget about it when you want to chase another deceptive pleasure (apartment, car, career, family-it doesn't matter). Any pleasure is suffering in disguise. It is not pleasure that removes suffering, but awareness. If you have reached such a point, then everything is fine with you and you don't need to change anything. There is no need to live, but there is no need to die either, so let everything go as it goes.

  41. So you need to fill your life with meaning…. When it's really bad, you can help those in need…for example, become an assistant in an organization like Lisa Alert. Do something… Do good… fill this life with meaning…

  42. And what is meaning? There are different definitions. For example, in the answers to this question, you can read some of them. For many centuries, people have argued not about whether there is a meaning, but about what meaning is in general.

  43. The meaning of life is in life itself, in its process. And in general, in the processes leading to goals. In victories and defeats (often a defeat is also part of a victory). Life is too big and diverse to attempt to make sense of it. Life is above meaning. Meaning is secondary, life is primary. There would be no concept of meaning if there were no being.

  44. You were deceived that there is no meaning in life just to take your life. Step out of this “comfort” zone. Make a list of the most plausible meanings from your point of view and work through them, try carefully. Connect with people. Think about it, read it. Take your time. Heaven give you time to figure it out. If you search with a pure heart and without a priori prejudice, you will definitely find the meaning one way or another. And remember that the absence of meaning also makes sense… ))))

  45. You came to this planet to suffer! That's the idea! YOUR goal and purpose in life is to REDUCE your suffering. You will not be able to completely avoid suffering – so, everything is arranged here. Don't forget to suffer, in general, but don't get too carried away, after all : )

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