5 Answers

  1. This is an extremely interesting question, because in the end, we are all “made up of people” – from what we have heard, read, and seen from others.

    I think, however, there are a couple of signs that can show that “someone's opinion” has been reworked and integrated into your worldview system, that is, it has become its own.

    First, it is the ease of giving up an opinion (for the sake of small benefits). If the internal resistance is high, then most likely it is already yours.

    Secondly, it is the ability to express this opinion in different ways (including endlessly giving examples). If you really understand something, you can not only say it in different ways, but even dance. This criterion shows the depth of understanding, but also the embeddedness of the utterance in the general system of views.

    Third, it is the presence of additional personal meaning. True opinion is only one that can be an answer to an important (for you) question, usually related to the circumstances of the biography. If something describes well the realities that you don't care about (for example, why does thunder rumble?), then this is knowledge, but not personal opinion. It is usually fragile, not obvious, but valuable in this sense.

  2. In my opinion, any “personal opinion” still has a collective component, since one way or another we draw news from the media (one way or another). Our own opinion is based on the arguments of several parties, after which we choose the most rational explanation in a particular situation and are able to generate our own position on the issue (this is a good scenario). Bad news is when we look at information one-sidedly, using a minimum of sources. In this case, of course, we only think what we think, in fact, someone has already spoken for us, whether it's Lifenews or Latynina. The truth is somewhere in the middle, so read a lot, analyze and everything will work out.

  3. The fact is that this is almost impossible. And the word is practically here just to keep hope alive.

    We are formed from birth by the space that surrounds us. First of all, social, of course. In the process of socialization (which, as we know, lasts a lifetime), society invests certain models of behavior, reaction, and evaluation in us. We are rarely aware of this influence (in the first years of our life, we generally eat it calmly), but as we get older, we still learn to distinguish some outright influences (the message of Vesti Nedelya with Vladimir Kiselyov, for example). But still, by the time the categorical question suddenly wakes up in us: “What exactly is mine in me?” there is no way to determine this in a simple way. And the point here is that the influence of this very society extends much further than the urge to love power or necessarily buy this vacuum cleaner, and not that one.�

    One of the greatest sociologists who stood at the origins of this science was the Frenchman Emile Durkheim. He argued that your entire life is determined by society. And it's hard to argue with him. (even here you can see the influence of someone's point of view on my position, ahah)

    I repeat, I am not talking about such things that someone consciously invests in you, such as a love of power, for specific vacuum cleaners, for comfort, and so on. Everything is invested in us. For example, think about it, there is no logical reason for us to think that killing people is bad. Our strong belief in the immoral nature of murder exists in us only because society would not survive if everyone killed each other. And so that we don't even think about such things, society has come up with a moral. You can go further. You don't know, for example, why you aesthetically like rain and not sun. No, right now you can certainly answer why. Everyone can have their own reason. But ask this reason the question ” Why?” Ultimately (through so many “whys”) you will come to a dead end. And your love for rain can be explained either by what you saw as a child (for example, on TV), that someone likes rain, and this stuck in you; or by the fact that rain plays an important role for the development of your society (imagine an agricultural society living in an area with frequent droughts), and so on. Durkheim showed in his works that even�categories of thinking (that is, trite the set of tools that our brain uses) arose in humans precisely because at some point they had to start living collectively.�

    What's left? The answer is simple: biology. We still have those very remnants of our animal past that could not possibly have been invested by society. Yes, society may have made you like this kind of food instead of this kind, but you should eat it anyway. Sleep too. Ironically, society has even changed the way we defecate, even though it is more harmful to our health. Yes, pooping while sitting on the toilet is harmful. It is necessary to squat. Nevertheless, you still need to poop (in any way).�

    Natural needs are those things that are really yours. It's already good. How to go on in life, taking only the most notorious “your”?

    The fact is that in life people are able to feel life most fully only through themselves. I can't see the world through someone else's eyes. Just feel like the other one. Enjoy, suffer like another. From this we can conclude that life is primarily my life. The rest of the world is accessible to me only through me. Therefore, it is logical that in order to live my life most fully, I must please myself. Selfishness is the solution to all problems.�

    Now I will not describe all the advantages of selfishness (which is not at all the same as a hermit), but I will only say that next you need to start choosing such opinions and thoughts that will bring you the greatest benefit yourself. Moreover, the criteria of benefit can also be imposed by society, remember this. But this is not so important. In the end, we don't know what's not imposed on us. It's just that things that are imposed one hundred percent – such as fashionable cars and prestige-can't bring much happiness by themselves. It is necessary to seek out the most fundamental and short-term pleasures and enjoy life.�

    Such cases.

  4. Your opinion on a particular issue can only appear when you have thoroughly studied a particular topic (and you have studied only objective aspects and theory, absolutely without touching on subjective judgments) and are a guru in this field. Then yes – you have your own non-biased opinion. In any other case, your opinion is made up of various subjective opinions of other people and will never be purely your personal one again

  5. Do you mean you're supposed to think that way, or do you really think that way? I think you should listen to yourself, understand the essence of the question and answer as you think is right from your point of view, even if your opinion contradicts the opinion of the majority. In the modern world, as many years ago, it is just as important not to lose your own opinion and be able to defend your views.

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