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Recent Questions
- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
Well, it depends on what it means to go with the flow. After all, along the current there are also rough areas and even waterfalls from which you will have to fall. In general, there is nothing wrong with the phrase go with the flow: you choose a goal for yourself and “swim” to it, sometimes you are carried calmly you are practically drifting, and sometimes you have to “row with the fess” so as not to be broken on a rocky shore wherever you are in a stormy stream. Still, the etl phrase makes a little more sense than we think. It does not call us not to take responsibility for our lives, but on the other hand makes us understand that when you have chosen a goal, you do not need to notice the little things and other people's conversations, but rather swim along your chosen river…