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Since the living and the dead are opposite concepts, primarily related to biology, it is more correct to speak not about life after death, but about post-mortem existence. So it turns out that for some people the idea of posthumous existence is comfortable, while for others it is uncomfortable. Therefore, I would not be surprised if there are other answers to this question in the spirit of the fact that there is definitely no life after death, and this is supposedly proven, or, on the contrary, it definitely exists, and that only a person with little education can think otherwise. Because the opposite point of view on this issue violates your existential comfort and people are usually ready to defend their comfort with foam at the mouth.
The question of posthumous existence belongs to the realm of the unknown, so if we talk about the whole of science, then there is no unambiguous position on this issue. Buddhism borrows the doctrine of reincarnation from Hinduism. Whether it was born in Hinduism is not exactly known. Transmigration of souls or metempsychosis is a concept from Greek philosophy. You should take this approach depending on whether you are comfortable with the idea or not. Everyone should have the right to feel comfortable about it, and others ' right to feel comfortable about it should be respected. I can't say anything definite about the Earth's information field.
I don't think I'm going to tell you openly that all this is fiction. Especially when these fictions are protected by law. Therefore, it is said that the study of such phenomena goes beyond the scope of existing scientific theories and cannot be proved, because it is impossible to set up a correct experiment.
There is a so-called Popper criterion, or falsification criterion. That is, a fact, knowledge is scientific if it can be falsified. In other words-to invent, apply a method, experiment by which you can understand that the fact is not true.
It is impossible to refute the existence of God, not because there is evidence of his existence, but because of the lack of verification methodology and facts, the results of experiments.
So science doesn't say if life is after death. This is what priests, lamas, clairvoyants, palmists, and sorcerers say.