Posted on 2022-03-05 by Anonymous question If I find art boring, am I stupid? Read If I find art boring, am I stupid?
Posted on 2022-03-05 by Evgeny Nikitin (timemechanic ) Why is origami a construction project, but not a constructor? Read Why is origami a construction project, but not a constructor?
Posted on 2022-03-05 by Viach M Why do I feel uncomfortable in public places? Something like feeling faint or dizzy? Read Why do I feel uncomfortable in public places? Something like feeling faint or dizzy?
Posted on 2022-03-05 by Zakir A. I'm tired of searching for a definition of what consciousness is, a lot of disparate information. As exhaustive as possible, what is it? Read I'm tired of searching for a definition of what consciousness is, a lot of disparate information. As exhaustive as possible, what is it?
Read I'm tired of searching for a definition of what consciousness is, a lot of disparate information. As exhaustive as possible, what is it?
Posted on 2022-03-05 by Eric Akhmetzhanov What should I do if I sometimes don't think straight, and how can I improve my brain performance? Read What should I do if I sometimes don't think straight, and how can I improve my brain performance?
Read What should I do if I sometimes don't think straight, and how can I improve my brain performance?
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Posted on 2022-03-05 by Psychology I see death in everything. Seeing something good, in a moment there are thoughts about death (not about me, but in general). What to do? Read I see death in everything. Seeing something good, in a moment there are thoughts about death (not about me, but in general). What to do?
Read I see death in everything. Seeing something good, in a moment there are thoughts about death (not about me, but in general). What to do?
Posted on 2022-03-05 by Aiden Romanov Why are people of the Soviet generation so easily susceptible to zombification? Read Why are people of the Soviet generation so easily susceptible to zombification?
Posted on 2022-03-05 by Nikolai Pashinski Where did the word love come from and what does it mean? Read Where did the word love come from and what does it mean?