Posted on 2022-09-01 by Artem Tolstyakov What should I do?Develop creative skills(something you like) or learn programming and web design(something that will bring income)? Read What should I do?Develop creative skills(something you like) or learn programming and web design(something that will bring income)?
Read What should I do?Develop creative skills(something you like) or learn programming and web design(something that will bring income)?
Posted on 2022-09-01 by Svyatoslav Tarasov Why is playing cards exciting and addictive? How can this be explained from a psychological point of view? Read Why is playing cards exciting and addictive? How can this be explained from a psychological point of view?
Read Why is playing cards exciting and addictive? How can this be explained from a psychological point of view?
Posted on 2022-09-01 by Vladislav Chirikov how to stop depending on communication in general, and is it even possible? Read how to stop depending on communication in general, and is it even possible?
Posted on 2022-09-01 by tovarisch cheburaskin What is the most effective way to develop inadequate thinking ? Read What is the most effective way to develop inadequate thinking ?
Posted on 2022-09-01 by Timofey Gavrilov What should I do if I sometimes feel like smoking, even though I quit two years ago? Read What should I do if I sometimes feel like smoking, even though I quit two years ago?
Posted on 2022-09-01 by cyril G. How to stop degrading and start developing? Read How to stop degrading and start developing?
Posted on 2022-09-01 by Dmitry Fincher If love ends, then it's not love? Read If love ends, then it's not love?
Posted on 2022-09-01 by Yaroslav Kukharenko How to get rid of nostalgia for childhood when you are 19, and you are just starting an adult, independent life in a foreign country ? Read How to get rid of nostalgia for childhood when you are 19, and you are just starting an adult, independent life in a foreign country ?
Read How to get rid of nostalgia for childhood when you are 19, and you are just starting an adult, independent life in a foreign country ?
Posted on 2022-09-01 by Anonymous question How do you accept what you can't change (you can't change your attitude to it)? Read How do you accept what you can't change (you can't change your attitude to it)?