Posted on 2022-02-04 by Tania Chertopolohova If Buddhism says that there is no time, does this mean that, for example, after death I can be reborn into an ancient Greek, or even into my classmate? Read If Buddhism says that there is no time, does this mean that, for example, after death I can be reborn into an ancient Greek, or even into my classmate?
Read If Buddhism says that there is no time, does this mean that, for example, after death I can be reborn into an ancient Greek, or even into my classmate?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Temur Kadirov What is the difference between a discourse and a narrative? Read What is the difference between a discourse and a narrative?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Alexander Novikov What are the most overlooked problems of humanity? Read What are the most overlooked problems of humanity?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Anna Diricheva There is an episode in the Bible when Jesus expelled all shopkeepers and forbade them to trade in the temple. Why is trade in Orthodox churches booming now? Read There is an episode in the Bible when Jesus expelled all shopkeepers and forbade them to trade in the temple. Why is trade in Orthodox churches booming now?
Read There is an episode in the Bible when Jesus expelled all shopkeepers and forbade them to trade in the temple. Why is trade in Orthodox churches booming now?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Kirill Machekhin Why is Russia so far behind in comparison with the same America? And where did such aggression towards America come from on the part of the Russians? Read Why is Russia so far behind in comparison with the same America? And where did such aggression towards America come from on the part of the Russians?
Read Why is Russia so far behind in comparison with the same America? And where did such aggression towards America come from on the part of the Russians?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Anonymous question What to do if a girl on a date doesn't follow the rules of etiquette, but you look stupid? Read What to do if a girl on a date doesn't follow the rules of etiquette, but you look stupid?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Alexander Kulinich What is the difference between anarcho-communism and anarchism and communism? Read What is the difference between anarcho-communism and anarchism and communism?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Anonymous question October 1917: coup or revolution? Read October 1917: coup or revolution?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Georgy P Why did scientists decide that Homo sapiens exterminated Neanderthals? When you have two species or races mixed together, you get a NEW SPECIES. And the white population is the descendants of Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens? Read Why did scientists decide that Homo sapiens exterminated Neanderthals? When you have two species or races mixed together, you get a NEW SPECIES. And the white population is the descendants of Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens?
Read Why did scientists decide that Homo sapiens exterminated Neanderthals? When you have two species or races mixed together, you get a NEW SPECIES. And the white population is the descendants of Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Dmitry Shustov Why are there no philosophers and philosophers in Russia? Read Why are there no philosophers and philosophers in Russia?