6 Answers

  1. Dislike at home, and, as a result, lack of demand in society. If we talk about the trend in general, in the post-Soviet space, the cultural features of upbringing in which do not imply preparing children for the tough competition that takes place in the modern world, and, as a result, at the time of the child's transition to adolescence, when he begins to face this phenomenon directly ,and the inability to oppose him at this moment (for lack, as a rule, of the necessary skills and knowledge), and causes a depressed state of the fragile psyche, diagnosed as depression and, as a result, the desire to escape from the problem, and given its totality and the lack of support or even hope for it from the older generation, the only correct way out seems to be to escape there, I don't know where, most importantly, away from here. 30-40 years ago, they ran away more and more just from home, but now, because of globalization, and premature generalizations that everything is the same everywhere, this desire is transformed into suicidal thoughts.
    Simply put, children lose their faith. And they are doing the right thing, by the way, because adults put their upbringing and preparation for adulthood in someone else's hands, hoping, probably, for the best, but in fact – to the mercy of fate. And when this education and training do not stand up to the test of strength (and in general, they do not stand up to any criticism at all), they complain that something is wrong with the younger generation, and the thoughts of this generation are not the same.
    All this is quite natural.

  2. When there is no ideal, when the boundaries of what is permissible are blurred, when children do not know what is “good” and what is “bad”, when there is no core around which the psyche of the future person should be formed, what can be the behavior of a teenager entering adult life? a life of violence and hatred? The first ideal in the life of a child, the “image of a mother” – bright, kind, understanding and forgiving – is humiliated, vulgarized and trampled on. The formation of the child's character and thinking goes through associations. In our time, from the earliest childhood, what does a child observe: half-naked aunts run around with weapons, shoot and kill, then men rape women or women rape women, etc. All these pictures are imprinted in the child's subconscious and growing up the child has associations with his mother. If the bright image is supported by the behavior of the mother, then the correct formation of the child's psyche is also possible, and if growing up, the child is disappointed in the “bright image”, because the mother drinks, smokes, swears obscenities and fights, then where to find the “light” in later life? Therefore, the main problem of educating the future person lies in the sphere of the image of a woman-mother, since she is the first mentor and educator of all mankind. It is the enlightened female human mother who subconsciously instills honor, dignity, courage and resilience in the child, unlike the female mother, who, bowing to the “cult of the body”(various manipulations with the body and appearance), selling and selling, humiliating and humiliating, brings up new slaves and slave owners.

    “The most important human effort is the pursuit of morality. Our inner stability and our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions gives beauty and dignity to our life. It is the main task of education to make it a living force and help us clearly understand its significance” / A. Einstein/.

  3. I will answer this question using my own personal example: I first thought about suicide when I was 9 years old. I had a conversation with my mother, due to the fact that my own father began to regularly insult and humiliate me, and even beat me with a belt, while the reason for this was that I did not look like my peers, I have a feminine (andoginous) appearance and the same character, I did not give any other reasons for my father's dissatisfaction. But it was enough for him. So I went to my mother, my mother, whom I still loved at that time, and asked her to intercede with my father for me. I asked her to protect me, I begged her on my knees and cried, and she saw all this and told me the following:

    “You little brat, you bastard and geek, I don't love you get back to your room out of my sight and don't let me see you again!”

    All this she said without hiding her hatred for me, she literally spat out the words in my direction.

    To say that I was shocked by her words means not to convey even a small fraction of what I experienced at that moment, I froze with horror and humiliation, I could not believe my ears, how my beloved mother could say this, I tried to say that I love her, that I do not understand why she treats me like this, but she just looked at me with

    On wobbly legs, I went to my room, my whole life in an instant collapsed into the abyss, I did not know how to continue to live.

    I had a thin silk cord that I used for games. as if in a dream, I tied it by the handle of the window, standing on a stool, then tied a loop around my neck and then jumped off the stool, fortunately for me the cord broke.

    My parents heard me fall to the floor, but they weren't interested in what happened to me. And then I finally realized that they didn't care about me at all.

    The second time, the idea of suicide came to me when I was 11 years old, my appearance became even more obvious to others, at school I was treated by everyone because of it, I was disliked by all my classmates, high school students and teachers. Everyone regularly insulted and humiliated me for being different, and once I was ambushed after school by 12 high school students and raped. The 2 hours I was sexually assaulted seemed like an eternity, and when I got home, my father first yelled at me for being late after school, and then whipped me with a whip.

    After that, I wanted to die again, at this time I decided to drown myself, there was a pond not far from our house, it was late autumn, I took off all my clothes and went into the water, the depth of the pond in the middle was about 2 meters, so with my height of 160 I could easily drown, especially since the water was icy, and

    But again a lucky chance intervened, I was accidentally seen by a passerby who turned out to be a sailor on leave, he pulled me out of the pond at the very moment when I reached the place where the depth began.

    As he later told me, he saw the moment when my head disappeared under the water and without hesitation rushed to save me.

    At that moment, he saw me, but unfortunately my nightmares didn't end there, for 6, 5 years, I endured beatings and humiliation from my father, and humiliation and violence at school, until one day I ran away from home.

  4. This is true not only of” this ” generation of teenagers, but also of my generation, for example. Probably, this is typical for all generations of teenagers who are faced with a lack of resources ( emotional, volitional, financial, etc., lack of their own space, the right to express their will) with high demands on themselves and on the part of the family (parents).

  5. Isolation is explained by the fact that young people sit at smartphones, they all live there, and when the hour comes to go out into the world of reality, of course, it does not become very difficult for them. And in general, due to the fact that they sit in smartphones, they lose communication skills, how to properly communicate with their own kind, and because of the exaggeration of the importance of the opposite sex, they are generally lost( applies to both sexes).

    Depression, people have everything food, shelter and (health) for this all they do not need to do anything special, they lose interest in life, because life becomes boring, because a person starts to think too much. Here earlier everyone was busy with their own business and there was no time to think, for example, about life and its meaning, sages and priests were engaged in this.

    Suicidal thoughts occur in people due to isolation, which appears with low communication skills in real life, and depression, which grows due to boredom and mental circulation.

    A generation of teenagers who can't find themselves in real life, hiding behind virtual masks of smartphones.

  6. The same thing that explained all the listed phenomena that are characteristic of other generations of adolescents: social and hormonal changes, as well as adolescents themselves, and those who undertake to evaluate them.�

    Teenagers are more labile, have less practical experience, and respond more emotionally and variously to it (without forming any more stable cliches). Due to the relatively small number of responsibilities, “they have more free time to feel the increased importance of their own experiences,” and the locus of control that varies depending on the situation. At the same time, they are constantly monitored from the outside by mentors. The conflict is quite natural.

    The interest to evaluate in a sophistical way “generations”, “epochs” and “earlier”, which “was better”, is often associated with the experience of evaluating one's own transition to an older social group, and such an indirect self-identification. Very simplistic – this is competition. An aged former teenager proves to himself that he has not lost anything important, because new people are no longer the same.

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