3 Answers

  1. It is important to understand that there is no answer to this question. If some gallery tells you otherwise and strongly advises you to invest in a future star, you should know that they are not telling you the truth. But if you still really want to try your luck, here are some tips that will help you get closer to a successful investment.

    1. Don't buy a young artist's work at lightning speed. Follow him for a couple of years. If he is serious, then even hunger will not make him stop doing creative work. And a single series of works will not make an artist great for all time.

    2. Start communicating with knowledgeable people — curators, art historians, and gallery owners. They are not always objective (how many times have the “knowledgeable” brought our present-day society to poverty!). But you can listen to them: they know where young artists live and show their works, and most importantly – they themselves actively buy up the works of young children. Your job is to observe and record.

    3. If you like Basquiat and you have found a young artist whose work is similar to Basquiat's paintings, then you can be sure that he is not waiting for the success of the famous American artist. A potentially successful artist should have their own unique style. To do this, they all work hard, study a lot, and only a few of them are born with a natural gift.

    4. If you really set out to do this, prepare to spend a lot of time: go to exhibitions of young artists, somehow find information about these exhibitions, because often announcements about them go unnoticed.

    5. If you invest in art, it's best to start building your own collection right away. Think of it for yourself: for example, it can only be watercolors by young artists or abstract impressionism.

    Good luck!

  2. If you want to invest in an art object, you must first make sure that your investment will last as long as it will wait for its value to increase. For example, if you look at oil paintings, you need to pay attention to the canvas, paints, and diluents that the artist used. Usually, these issues are handled by gallery owners, who do not take low-quality works for sale at all. But the gallery is different from the gallery!

    If the artist himself finds it difficult to answer questions about the materials and does not know anything about it at all, then there is a chance that the purchased painting will lose its appearance in 3-5 years.

    If you are serious about buying with the purpose of investing, but you don't want to understand art yourself, then it is better to find a gallery and trust it

  3. The future is unpredictable. Many artists who seemed very strong 10-20 years ago are now “faded”, have become somewhat “outdated”. When evaluating the scale of an artist, we rely on well-known examples of the” global success ” of authors who sell for a lot of money. Perhaps, following one of them, exploiting the “method”, the artist will achieve some success, as did the Russian Cezannists who used the Cezanne method, or the Cubists who followed Picasso and Braque. It is difficult to identify the potential of a young artist, because now they “grow up” late, they are under the influence of “school and teachers” for a long time. A well-established author can fade away due to everyday circumstances, lose energy, and start repeating what is being sold. Even long-term experience of working with art does not guarantee against mistakes in calculating the potential of authors. It's not just about the development of the artist himself – the world and the interests of society are changing. What caused a stir 20 years ago – in many ways, “went into the shadows” today. What will interest the public in 2030-2040-no one will say. Therefore, it is necessary to buy those things that personally give you pleasure, cause pleasant associations, with which you are comfortable Do not count – sell them later, at a profit. Paintings should adorn life now, today. This is their function. How-the function of a car is to drive, not be sold profitably in 20 years.

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