One Answer

  1. Let's first understand that there is no democracy anywhere. Including and even more so in the United States. As I understand it, we are talking about contrasting the United States, as a democratic system, and Russia, as an authoritarian regime. This is not quite the case, and I would not oppose it in this plane. Before I continue, I will say that I am absolutely not a fan of the United States, however, as well as not a fan of Russia.

    In the United States, both in the domestic economy and in politics, the principle of neoliberalism – free competition and a free market-applies. The mechanisms that ensure real freedom and fair competition in politics are well established and work very well. Mind you, I said honesty and freedom, but not justice. The real power in the United States belongs to the legislative body – the House of Representatives (435 deputies) and the Senate (100 people). They are the ones who, by cooperating, criticizing, and fighting with the president's office, make vital laws and decisions for the country, which in the end, of course, must be supported by the president.

    These deputies are elected from each state, fairly honestly. It's really impossible to find fault here. Candidates are not blocked from entering cities, they are given airtime, and they, in turn, go to debates. This means that the political struggle is really present.

    There is no corruption as such, but there is so-called lobbying, which they are trying to fight, but ineffectively. Lobbying is when a large company takes over the expenses of candidates ' election campaigns, which is millions of dollars, in exchange for representing their interests when passing laws in Congress. This kind of “corruption”, of course, let's be honest, is much milder than in Russia. Big business may have some influence on certain decisions of individual senators, but this does not lead to their total control, but only translates the economic struggle of companies into a political channel. Politicians have no personal financial interest in lobbying other than to satisfy their career ambitions. But career ambitions are directly related to the integrity of a politician in the eyes of the media, for example, which are biased, but at least different.

    For ordinary people, this does not end in total poverty precisely because in the United States, judicial institutions and antitrust committees operate very clearly and almost always without discrimination. It is precisely this rather complex, not at all democratic and absolutely not liberal mechanism of institutions that allows the United States to exist more or less stably and painlessly for its citizens.

    There are simply no such mechanisms in Russia. Deputies in Russia are mostly highly dependent, and the same can be said about judges (not about courts). Big media outlets are also highly dependent on the political will of the elite, and medium and small officials are highly corrupt. The oligarchy as such in its pure form has been abolished in Russia, but nevertheless the influence of big business on officials is quite large. The American neoliberal mechanism, which, I think, is simply necessary for a healthy capitalist country, stupidly does not work in Russian conditions. Therefore, in your question, you compare only election slogans and big words that have nothing to do with reality. It is necessary to compare what really is and what really works.

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