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Hi, I'm an expert on ADHD. I live with it myself and help others successfully.
First, a diagnosis. If this is a genetic disorder, then it is diagnosed only in a clinical setting. If nothing is found there, or there is no opportunity to undergo an examination , a diagnosis of ADD is made (an acquired form of ADD or “situational attention deficit disorder”. It is set by the presence of symptoms, including high distractibility, forgetfulness, inability to finish what you started, constant jumps from topic to topic, hanging in your thoughts, and others.
If the form is genetic , it cannot be cured, but it can be maintained. Someone uses various drugs, but I am against them, because many are addictive, and the effect is lost if you stop taking them. Therefore, in this case, exercises are introduced to develop attention and strengthen the dopominergic system. The exercises are difficult at first and require developing habits, but later they allow you to fully enjoy life.
In the second case, it is enough to remove the underlying factors for a while and the symptoms will pass. But it is better to combine these methods together, and with the acquired form, methods of improving productivity and developing attention are often used for treatment, as an alternative to giving up the phone, sweets and other conditioning factors.
According to the WHO International Classification of Diseases ICD-10 (introduced in the Russian Federation in 1999 as a single regulatory document for the formation of a system of accounting and reporting in the health system), ADHD is included in Class V: Mental disorders and behavioral disorders (F00—F99) , in group F98 (emotional disorders and behavioral disorders).
This is the end of the discussion about whether ADHD is invented or actually exists.
And ask a question about how effective and recognized as such by WHO are therapeutic drugs used in Russia.�
First, nootropics (and they are mainly used) do not have clinically proven effectiveness in the treatment of ADHD. The second follows from the first – WHO also does not consider these drugs effective for drug therapy of ADHD, and does not consider it possible to recommend them as such. A questionable survey of parents whose children were treated with nootropics for ADHD showed that about 60% of them were satisfied with the results obtained (these results were not clinically proven at all, and parental satisfaction could also arise from” treatment ” with placebo).
However, there are drugs that are recognized as effective for treating ADHD by the WHO, but have possible negative side effects. These drugs are banned in Russia. Thus, in the current situation, Russian citizens who are diagnosed with ADHD do not have the opportunity to receive effective treatment for this disease.
Wow!! Straight cry of the soul. You are not alone.
Because of this thing (ADHD) I just have my life on edge…
You are struggling there….
I have when I do an ECG for vod. you can also see slight disturbances in the frontal lobes – this is where attention deficit disorder lives.
They are treated by biofeedback and transcranial micropolarization.
Look for neurostimulants (transcranial electrical stimulation).
For example, “Brainstorm” St. Petersburg guys do or another.
Try, after all, to train attention, slowly but succumb. Just a little bit at a time.
For example, take a blind seal and try not to get distracted!!!
Contrary to the current opinion that ADHD is a myth of pharmacologists and that it is perfectly treated with psychocorrection, I note that ADHD as a symptom in itself does not occur, that it is part of the structure of any syndrome, for example, mental retardation in children. I watched children with various forms of ADHD, and some of them responded quite well to the psychocorrective measures of a doctor, psychologist, or speech pathologist. But a few times I've seen true ADHD, when a 3-year-old child's hyperactivity was such that they couldn't be caught in a ward of 2 adults. ADHD can be treated with drugs that are commonly called “nootropics”. If you were strong enough to write this question, it is highly likely that you will not find ADHD on your own.
Jerome Kagan is one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century, whose scientific rating according to the American Psychological Association is higher than Carl Jung and Ivan Pavlov. He became famous for his pioneering work in psychology at Harvard University. He has studied the development of young children for decades and has a well-deserved reputation in the field of child psychology.
Therefore, it is very surprising that he claims that the diagnosis of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a fiction that benefits only the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatrists.
In an interview with Spiegel, Kagan spoke about the dramatic rise in the number of ADHD diagnoses in the United States, which he attributes to ” vague diagnostic methods.” He illustrated his point with the following example.
“Let's say 50 years ago you had a 7-year-old child who was bored and naughty at school. They called him lazy then. And today, the same child is being diagnosed with ADHD. This is why we are seeing a sharp increase in mental illness. Each problem child is referred to a pediatrician, who diagnoses them with ADHD and prescribes Ritalin. In fact, 90% of these 5.4 million children do not have abnormal dopamine metabolism. The problem is that if the medicine is available to doctors, they will make the appropriate diagnosis, ” he said.
Full text HERE. You can make the translation yourself