4 Answers

  1. Little information available.
    What level — local, regional, federal, or international?
    Target audience?
    Services, trade, production?
    Competitive environment?
    At the very least, you need to know this for an answer.

  2. If you asked a question about who does PR on the Internet, then most likely the answer was: do promotion and PR company in such niches to place ads:
    thematic sites;
    bulletin boards.

    A traditional entrepreneur would say go through these advertising channels:

    • distribution of leaflets and business cards,

    • use signs and advertising stands, up to slim panels, such as this, here is a photo

    взято с http://koroba.slim-panels.ru/tonkie-svetovye-koroba/

    1. Create a cool infopovod and tell us about us in the appropriate media.
    2. Improve yourself as an opinion leader on a business topic by publishing articles and videos on various platforms. By boosting yourself , you make your business more popular.
    3. Make a virus – either at the expense of some elegant business solution or at the expense of material that you can prepare about your business.

    The easiest way to get a lot of free PR is to get your business into a major scandal)

  3. Use the Internet! This is the most effective and cheapest type of advertising. On the site, you can tell us in detail about your business with pictures and videos.


    • These are websites of companies that conduct their business mainly offline (i.e. in the normal real world). Such sites provide “insight into the company, its actual business, the goods” produced or sold by the firm, or the services provided by the firm for ” profit.” Creating websites for a company is an essential element of a PR or advertising campaign. Representative sites usually do not perform any interactive actions. The site usually does not contain an order form, forum, or chat. These are “fairly static sites that have a beautiful design, a clear” structure and comprehensive information about the business of the owner “of the Internet resource.

    If the format of the online store isYou can develop and implement any methods of attracting customers on your site, including gaming ones, that will help increase customer interest in your site. They work perfectly on �real business sites that have the format of an executive site or even �the format of a social network-an Internet portal. Such sites attract a huge audience, and the owner of the resource-an Internet portal-has the opportunity to advertise their services or products to this entire audience.

    Below are some examples of ” representative corporate websites developed by our company in various years. Many of them are already outdated in both design and basic software, but customers are not always ready to update their sites on time, which is due to both financial problems and some conservatism and inattention to advertising issues on the Internet.

    We advise our clients to update their representative sites more often, so that the company's image does not suffer.

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