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Of course, it is possible, but at first you still have to work at a regular job, or live under the guardianship of your parents or spouse. In order to start monetizing your creativity, you first need to decide where and in what direction your talent will be useful, and then it's just a matter of small things. Here are some possible scenarios::
Determine whether your skill level is suitable for suitable vacancies.
If not, then improve your skill level through training, courses, or independent practice.
Create a good portfolio that shows your skills in the field of the job you need.
And of course, distribute your portfolio to all suitable employers, and sooner or later you will get a positive response.
If working “for an uncle” is not your option, then freelancing is a good option (although it's still the same uncle, but always different). Now there are a lot of freelance sites, the choice is huge. Your task will be to have a good portfolio and constantly monitor new vacancies.
If freelancing is also not suitable for you, then you can choose options where there is a possibility of free donations for your creativity. These include streams on various platforms and the patreon site.
Of course, it is possible if you have a good inheritance, or a bank deposit, or relatives support : -) But seriously, creativity is also work, or in other words, also work. In the work of an artist, creativity and craft are equally divided, as it seems to me. To realize your creative vision, you need to work very hard to reach the level of skill that will allow you to do this. And if there is a demand for the fruits of creativity ( whether you sing, write, cut with a jigsaw, sculpt sculptures), then you can only do it, do not get a job in a factory or in an office, if that's what you mean. Possible options. In general, as A. S. Pushkin said.:”Inspiration doesn't sell, but you can sell a manuscript…”
Living in the village, milking your goats, in the evenings, you can certainly be creative and not work at the same time. And then the question is, is goat milking expensive in the standard sense of “work” or is it just a kick for you? Or you can perceive it as creativity, the very approach to such work. A person either creates goods and products for himself, or is forced to purchase them in exchange for money. In our capitalist times, only what is subject to capitalization and monetization can provide money. The final product of art (depending on how popular it is) can be perceived as a commodity for sale and providing the means to do nothing else. The answer to your question is OF COURSE YOU CAN. But here's a question for you. Are you ready to give such a product of your creativity that in exchange for it, people will bring you everything you need or a sufficient amount of money for you so that you don't have to work on anything else?
Perhaps, only first you need to achieve international recognition and make your work popular. When the demand for works of art is high, you can evaluate them at a higher value and engage exclusively in creativity.
The future can be invented, for example. Inventions, feed inventions. The main thing is to successfully sell, for example, the first invention that is significant for people, and then-money and fame will come. Money is not an end, but a means to achieve your goals. Difficult, but possible. Good luck to all creative people!
Perhaps, if the money issue is not important. However, as any creator, recognition is important to you. Whatever “God's spark”, real talent or even genius you have, no one will know about you and you won't get crowds of fans if you don't work on it. Yes, alas, talent is only 20% of success, and then-work to promote yourself. Myths about miracles, when a rich sponsor saw the work of a poor artist, was amazed and by magic the artist no longer knew the troubles until the end of his days, can be attributed to the “legends of the deep antiquity”. Constant communication with representatives of the art business, the ability to find a common language with them, knowledge of the basics of marketing, including SMM, etc. – this is work. Another option is possible – to create “on the table”, not caring about promotion, interrupting “from bread to water” and in the best case, the glory will go to your descendants later, when it will no longer be relevant to you… but you don't want to do that, do you?
Currently, there is an opportunity to monetize absolutely everything, the main thing, in the case of art, is not to have such a goal, but to develop skills, and do all this, first of all, for yourself. I will not deny that money is important in this business, but creating solely for the sake of financial prosperity is the lot of an amateur. Most famous artists have written their name in history through long search and innovation, which makes their works not only have cultural significance, but also a high value. It is important to try to convey something to people through art, and if you can convey a thought through matter or action-your audience will not be long in coming!
Creativity is a very big job, no matter what you do.
I can't say anything about Russia, but in Europe and the United States, creative people can ask the state for grants if they clearly state the goals of their projects. At best, you can get a grant for 5 years. It's always a small amount of money, but they won't let you starve to death.
Grants for creative people are sometimes given out by patrons and businessmen, but you need to be very active in any case.
Some people succeed, but most often our everyday life and daily duties dictate their own rules. Therefore, if there is no passive income and you are not a famous artist or craftswoman , then it is unlikely that you will be able to feed yourself and your family. But if the other half has a good salary that keeps the family afloat – go for it! Try it! Water does not flow under a recumbent stone!
JK Rowling is quite a vivid example of how you can escape from the gray everyday life of everyday work to the world of independent creativity, which also brings a good income. And even a very good one.