4 Answers

  1. The Indian said this in some kind of Indian language, I don't know how the Indian language works. But in the Russian language there is a separate word “truth” and a separate word “truth”. “Truth” – if the statement corresponds to the speaker's belief (as opposed to “deception”), “truth” – if the statement corresponds to objective reality (as opposed to” lies”, which (lies) are divided into” delusion “and”deception”).

    Your question can be rephrased as ” is the truth necessary if there is a truth?” It's not clear what you wanted.

    Most likely, you meant “whether the truth is needed, if there is a truth”.

    You need both. There is a very strong inner need for truth, plus truth is needed for science and progress. In other situations, it is the truth that matters. It is important for us to know why a person did what he did, because he is a goat or because he is sincerely mistaken, whether it is necessary to punish/avoid or reason with him. The second point is that the truth is unattainable, there is only a path to the truth, while the truth is easily achievable, at least the person himself knows whether he is telling the truth or not, moreover, there are all sorts of lie detectors. So the truth part serves us as a good substitute for the truth (according to the “bird in the hand” principle).

  2. That's why they're Indian chiefs: why should we try them?… However,”What is great for an Indian chief, for a Russian – as for a German, as for a Frenchman, as for an Arab, as for a Jew – is death.”

    And this is not a joke at all, but a reminder of the deepest, fundamental difference between the spiritual foundations of Christianity, Islam and Judaism on the one hand and other religious cultures (especially Hinduism and Buddhism) on the other.

  3. The truth is needed. The fact is that a person needs information that corresponds to the real state of affairs in order to “survive” in constantly changing conditions. The more reliable information a person has, the more likely they are to efficiently solve their current problems with the least cost and loss. For example, if a person has reliable information that there is a high probability of being beaten and robbed in their area at night, then based on this information, they will make the right decision not to appear there at night, which will ensure their health and “finances”. So the truth is constantly needed to find and develop the best possible solutions.

  4. To be precise, these words belong to the leader of one of the Dakota Sioux tribes, Tatanka Iyotaka, or as the Americans called him: Sitting Bull (Sitting Bull). But these are just words that determine the degree of this person's worldview. It would be more accurate to say: “People believe what they believe to be true!” And the key word here is “consider”! After all, it is often easy to shake faith in your personal truth. So whether a person needs the truth or not is up to him. But the truth is always more expensive! Something like that…

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