2 Answers

  1. Meditation is a restriction of movements and thoughts accompanied by a pleasant feeling of relaxation (bliss, nirvana, knowledge of the true path-it is necessary to emphasize) achieved by reducing the brain's metabolism to background values. The reason is the release of mediators that lead to the appearance of a sense of pleasure. The same process occurs when you are lying on the couch and the brain confirms the energy benefits of this position. The positive side is one-insanity due to sclerotization of the vascular network of the brain will occur quickly and imperceptibly for the user, and until then you will not have to strain much.

  2. Are you ready to apply it regularly and for many years? This is not a hobby, not a hobby to entertain yourself and relieve stress, it is a means to achieve special spiritual results. From time to time, many teachers from Tibet, Sri Lanka, India, Laos and so on come to our country. they sometimes hold lectures, retreats, and seminars where they talk and share their experiences. If the intentions are firm enough, it is quite possible to get a job as a disciple and receive initiation to one of them. Some of these people have 20 years of meditation experience, and a consistent line of teaching. All this is quite easy to find on the web and make your own inquiries. But it doesn't make sense to tell it here, and it can't be done in a nutshell.

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