One Answer

  1. This is Physiology. I saw the same thing when a friend came back from the second shift in the dorm and turned on the light in the room. Sleepy eyes when moving from dark to light, it is perceived painfully, and unusual. An empty Brain, unable to instantly digest so much information. I suggest replacing the Lamps with BLUE YELLOW AND RED ones, so that all three shine simultaneously with the same POWER, but it would be possible to adjust the light flux and its SPECTRUM, only in the range of these three colors. Why the brain needs Infra and ultra rays. He still remembers, only three (three types of receptors). Kompyutera offered to transmit the image, not by three pixels, but by a revolution, with three beams per pixel. Or “TIKURILA” had only these 3 types of paint, and with their help made all the other colors. Physiology cannot be considered a LAW of PHYSICS. You never know what we will see when we go out into the yard, after a year of QUARANTINE.

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