5 Answers

  1. I don't watch such videos very often, but it happens. I really liked Sergey Kapitsa's lecture ” In the demographic mirror “in the series of the program on TV-Culture”Academy”. In the same place: Arnold Schnoll “Biological clock”. I recently watched Sergei Guriev's “Was Stalin an effective manager” – an interesting study, in fact, by a dissident economist. Also on TED, you can find something that will be interesting to you with Russian subtitles. There, however, most of the speakers are not scientists with their discoveries, but just interesting people, but there are also scientists. I also like to listen to Alexey Semikhatov (he talks about the “Theory of Everything” in an interesting way)

  2. I strongly advise you to watch Paola Volkova's art history programs “Bridge over the Abyss”, where she analyzes the picturesque masterpieces of world culture. Not a banal approach, but an interesting interpretation.

  3. For those who are interested in social sciences and humanities, I highly recommend “Arzamas”. The format is very close to “Post-Science”, but the main guests are historians, linguists, sociologists, philologists, etc. arzamas. academy

  4. I don't know if Yevgenia Timonova can be called a famous scientist, but the fact that she is “smart” is a fact. Her series of programs “Everything is like animals” is very informative, and she often gives lectures in various educational institutions. She explains it clearly, and her relaxed way of presenting it, in my opinion, makes the content special.

  5. “Conversations about Russian Culture” by Yuri Lotman is a must-see .

    There's a lot of good stuff in Gordon's Nightly Broadcast, but it doesn't take long to find it. There you will get acquainted with the necessary brainy ones, such as Starostin, Rudnev, Chernihiv, Anokhin, Stepin, etc. And then look for them.

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