4 Answers

  1. Primary matter. The fact is that matter can exist without information. For example, somewhere in the boundless universe, a lone proton flies, which is just an elementary particle (a material object) that does not carry information. However, information cannot exist without matter. There must be a physical storage medium, such as a flash drive, a photo, a book, a brain, an encoded electromagnetic wave, etc.

  2. I like to give the example of DNA, because dialectically it is the unity of matter and information. DNA simultaneously programs the material, because the substance is a priori material, the composition of DNA is material and material. But is the information itself tangible or not? �In this case, information is only a certain way of storing a material substance. In this case, you can do without human consciousness, which raises the question of primacy.

    You can also give an example: you know that a dog is behind a closed door, its presence there is a probability, but you can not say that it is alive or dead if you do not open the door and make sure. �The dog's condition is information. It is divided into two types, i.e. information is inherently immaterial, and �the object is material. The state, its properties, and functions are information. But the question is, does information about an object exist only in the mind of the knower? It seems to me that everyone will decide in their own way, personally for themselves, what is more important for them.

  3. Independently identify and analyze the structure of your native language, then you will have the most objective scientific worldview, since it is in the structure of the language that two qualitatively different levels of the natural sequence of human and social development, as well as the properties of inanimate matter and the qualities of organisms, are most objectively reflected.

  4. To the question “What was in the beginning – an egg or a chicken?” the correct answer is “a rooster”. Accordingly, the answer to the question of which is more primary, matter or information, is “observer”. Matter as such does not exist, there is no initial neutral “hule”, a form is needed, and a form (information) without a head does not exist. Only the mind fills certain conventional signs with meaning. Only an observer can see the object hologram in the interference pattern of energy fields. Does this mean that the world around us is an illusion, Maya, as, for example, Brahmanism or Buddhism believes? No! The world is quite real, and its reality is such that it needs intelligence to be there. That's all! Is the existence of atoms or dharmas real, and the existence of reason unreal only because it is different in form from the existence of atoms? This answer is not an invention of the information age. It was known in the time of Aristotle, who introduced the concept of “hypostasis” to avoid the reductionism of atomists, where form and matter are inextricably connected, and the hypostasis itself is emergent, which makes it necessary to have a mind capable of visualizing it. Please excuse me if, as someone seems to say something unintelligible. Than rich…

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