3 Answers

  1. Tasks of the first importance are responsibility. The brain understands this. You will start – and you need to continue: “I took up the guzh …” and then in the text of the saying. And it is still unknown what will happen in the end. Therefore, the beginning is delayed as much as possible.

    By the way, not everyone, but many people start with “washing dishes and other household items” – part of the process. I.e. the brain is already starting its work, analysis is already underway, intuition is already working. The computer is already warming up.

    A separate, not particularly large category of people is the so – called “anti-crisis managers”: they almost consciously postpone the start of work on tasks of the first importance-oddly enough, in conditions of lack of time, they are more interesting to work. And these people never miss deadlines.

  2. As an answer, I cite an article by D. Dekhanov called “Your brain is a lazy bastard”, in which he offers a solution to your question in clear language as life hacks, for example, how to deal with laziness. I also took note of his life hacks.

    Reading your favorite newspapers (authors), working in a well-known specialty, using your native language and communicating with friends who understand you well, visiting your favorite restaurant, Reading your favorite newspapers (authors), watching your favorite TV series… – all this, so beloved by all of us, leads to brain degradation.

    Your brain is a lazy bastard (like you), and therefore seeks to reduce the energy spent on a particular activity by creating a kind of” macros ” — programs that you execute according to templates.

    Biologist Richard Simon at the beginning of the penultimate century called these programs “engrams” — a physical habit or memory trace left by repeated exposure to a stimulus. Engrams can be represented as pathways that neurons “trample” in your brain, performing the same action. The longer we do it, the less energy our brain spends on it.

    Therefore, the plasticity of the brain must be constantly maintained and trained. Imagine that your brain is concrete, which after a while will solidify.


    The image of” hardened ” brains will become clearer to you if you look at the majority of 70-year-olds who are not able to master the timer on a microwave oven, perceive everything new in hostility, perform similar actions for years (or reproduce thinking patterns). These “paths” in their heads turned into burrows and tunnels in the rocks, and it is almost impossible to” dig ” a passage to the next cave.

    Your task is to constantly mix this “mental mixture”, not to let it harden. As soon as we relax and start using engrams, some part of our brain hardens, and we don't even notice it.

    What should I do to stop brain degradation?
    1. Watch yourself
    If you suddenly feel uncomfortable because something is wrong (for example, your favorite website has changed its design or your favorite yogurt has disappeared from the store), grab this feeling by the tail and start to “unwind”it. Why not try all the yogurts or start making your own?

    2. Don't reread books you've already read

    Don't review movies you've already watched. Yes, it's a very pleasant psychological feeling-to plunge into that cozy world, in the life of already familiar characters, no surprises, you already know the end and can enjoy the little things that you didn't notice the first time, having swallowed a book in an hour (or watched the season over the weekend). But at the same time, you take away the chance for new books and movies to reveal something fundamentally new to you, and you deprive your brain of forming alternative neural connections.

    3. Look for new routes
    Try to find new routes for the usual way home and back, find alternative shops, cinemas and other infrastructure points on the map of your life. This may take some extra time, but it can also bring some nice bonuses — for example, lower prices in stores or fewer people in the cinema.

    4. Search for new music
    If you are a music lover, there are tens of thousands of tracks on your iPod, and you think that your taste is very rich and diverse, then I hasten to disappoint you — most often we listen to 50-100 familiar tracks that are pleasant to us all for the same reasons — we have adapted to them, and our brain does not need to spend additional resources to process and comprehend them.

    There are several hundred thousand Internet radio stations in the world, and even if we switch to a new one every day, we still don't have enough time to listen to them all again.

    5. Look for new friends and acquaintances
    Yes, of course, it's great to have friends with whom it's nice to get together every Friday and discuss football or Beyonce's new dress. Psychologically more comfortable.

    But after all, most of us live in megacities, why limit your circle to 4-5 people, and most often chosen not by us, but “imposed” by circumstances — school, institute, work?

    The social tools embedded in us greatly influence our way of thinking, and sometimes it happens that we, under the influence of certain friends, change our point of view, set of interests, and sometimes even the type of activity.

    6. Stop criticizing

    “What a terrible design!”, ” How disgusting they made the denouement!”, “How uncomfortable it is to sit in these new chairs!” – these and millions of other Facebook messages, from the mouths of your colleagues and your own, are indicators of resistance to changes that have suddenly come to life. Changes that, most often, you can't change. Or you can, but with a lot of effort that isn't worth it.�

    It is much more useful for your own development to accept these changes and motivate your brain to continue living in the new reality.

    7. Stop putting labels on people
    This is very convenient — instead of understanding the person, thinking about why he did this — give in to weakness and simply “brand” him, attaching him to one or another psychotype.�

    Each of us is under the influence, perhaps, even more pressure of life circumstances than the same Rodion Raskolnikov, but many find his reflections described by Dostoevsky interesting, and divorced neighbors with two children-something vulgar and not worthy of attention.

    8. Experiment with flavors
    Despite the fact that evolution has pushed our olfactory receptors into the background, odors still have a huge impact on us. And if you have a favorite eau de toilette that you haven't changed in years, then it's time to change it. And do it with some frequency.

    9. Learn foreign languages

    And you don't have to fall in love with a Chinese woman to do this, you can find other motivations related, for example, to professional interests or hobbies. Foreign words and related semantic fields often differ from your native language, and learning them is probably the most effective tool for training brain plasticity (especially if you move further away from the tourist vocabulary and delve into cultural features).

    Summing up the above, the author of the article believes that we should also not forget that our brain is much more complex than many people think. Engrams associated with listening to the same music, going to a restaurant, or washing dishes affect how we communicate with our friends. Therefore, the above life hacks are best combined.

  3. I believe that it is not appropriate to shift responsibility for your mistakes to the brain – the brain is only a tool, and we are its user.)
    �It is a person as a person who is able to choose, evaluate, is the manager of everything and is responsible for everything. We want easy paths , so we do what's easy and pleasant.�

    “Socrates was walking with his disciples, and a hetaera (if you call a spade a spade, then a prostitute) met him. “Let's bet that I can take all your students with me,” she said. To which he replied: “I have no doubt about it, the road up the mountain to the shining heights is always harder than the road down into the darkness.”

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