35 Answers

  1. To say that the Cossacks went over to the side of Hitler's Germany is incorrect. The Cossacks did not fight for the Nazis, but against the USSR and all the horror that they had experienced during the planting of Soviet power in the territories occupied by the free-loving Cossacks!

  2. what are you doing stupid?.. What is the “full list”? Picked up the tops of the youngsters. There were one and a half million Don Cossacks in Russia alone. More Kuban,Tersk,Orenburg, Siberian, Ural

    … a total of eleven “Troops”. In the Cossack divisions of the Reich, according to the” ROA Combat Strength List “compiled by the head of the operational department of the ROA headquarters, Colonel Aldan (A. G. Neryanin), at the beginning of May 1945, the 15th Cossack Cavalry Corps numbered” about 40 thousand people ” (including families and disabled people). The corps consisted of more than 3,000 Germans. In total, according to various estimates, by the end of the war, from 70 to 110 thousand Cossacks, including women, the elderly and children, were on the territory of Germany and the countries under its control. This is 3-4 % of the country's Cossack population.

  3. It is not true. There were much more Soviet Cossacks. Who beat the Nazis.In 1936, a decree was issued on the creation of the Cossack Army again and this Army was disbanded in 1956. And there were more traitors on the part of the Vlasov soldiers, compared to the Cossacks. But also much less than Soviet soldiers.Protecting their land and family.

  4. ))) you probably read this somewhere in a parallel universe. Those nations and peoples who did so were evicted or otherwise punished. And there were significantly more Cossacks in the USSR than in the Wehrmacht

  5. Because this is the authorities ' favorite aggressive redneck, why will they ban Cossacks, Orthodox activists and other biomusor? Yes, they promote a criminal lifestyle, and they arrange criminal amnesties every six months – and you're talking about the Cossacks. Soon every urka will be happy to tell you that he is cutting you to the glory of Putler

  6. First,not all the Cossacks went over to the Reich. Very, very many people were left to defend their native land, including from their traitorous brothers. Including, as mentioned below, among them were the heroes of the Soviet Union. And even at the parade of 1945 in Moscow there were Cossack units. That's saying something. Secondly, the Cossacks are a special culture within the Russian culture, they are practically a people. Of course, there are just weirdos who think they're cool and stick to them, but mostly not. How do you ban people with their own traditions and customs? Finally, the Cossacks have been heterogeneous since the October Revolution. White Cossacks, red Cossacks… Then the Second World War and a new division – some of the former Reds went to the Vlasovites, someone on the contrary, being for the Whites in the civil war, considered the Germans much more dangerous for the motherland. And even now there is a division, though mainly regarding the figure of our president. There are those who support him and those who are dissatisfied with him. And all consider themselves real Cossacks, and their political rivals – mummers. Which of them is right? May God be their judge. But no one will be able to ban the Cossacks, and they will not want to. It may simply become extinct and disappear into the modern world, but it is far from certain that this will happen.

  7. And who would forbid it? The true history of the emergence of the Cossacks, I believe, is completely unknown to us. It would seem that its existence was justified under the same sauce as it is served by sources, only not even looking into the events of the Second World War, but only into the events of our time, i.e. the participation of mummers under the Cossacks in the Donbass and before that in the Crimea , the history of the so-called “Russian Revolution”. If you think about the Ural Cossacks and their fraternization in Israel with those Basurmans, then I conclude that something was once there ( it is not so easy to erase the national memory), but to pervert and use it , like Christianity , for their own purposes-this is very likely.

  8. And why is the Russian Army still not banned in Russia – after all, in the Patriotic War, the whole army of Vlasov (and not only!) went over to the side of the fascists? After all, the CPSU and Komsomol were banned because they stood to their deaths and were the first to rush under tanks and onto embrasures?…

  9. A Cossack is a state of mind…no one went anywhere…there was a raskazachivanie, but the Cossacks themselves, the vast majority remained (except for the Tertsy)….how they lived and live to this day, and in general here in the answers Ivan Chumachenko laid out everything on the shelves!

  10. To begin with, the question is formulated completely incorrectly. Especially in that part of it, which concerns the author's passage that ” the Cossacks almost in full force went over to the side of Hitler.” The author of the question is either very poorly acquainted with the history of the Second World War, or deliberately trolls.

    If it's just a matter of illiteracy, then I ask the author to open at least Wikipedia as the first step of the educational program and at least read a lot about the Cossack divisions and Red Army corps in the Second World War. If you are too lazy to read the article, then just quote from there: “From among the Cossacks, 262 cavalrymen received the title Hero of the Soviet Union, 7 cavalry corps and 17 cavalry divisions received Guards ranks.”

    As a second step of the educational program, you can get acquainted with the combat path, for example, the 4th Guards Cavalry Kuban Cossack Order of Lenin, the Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Corps, or the 5th Guards Cavalry Don Cossack Budapest Red Banner Corps.

    I purposely gave the full and official names of the buildings in order to make it clear that these buildings are : 1. Cossacks 2. Guards (!) 3. Awarded orders of the Red Army.

    You can also cite the example of native-born Cossacks who played a major role in the Victory over the Nazis without being part of the Cossack military formations: the commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral A. A. Golovko (Tersk Cossack); the designer-gunsmith F. V. Tokarev (Don Cossack); the commander of the Bryansk and 2nd Baltic Fronts, army General, Hero of the Soviet Union M. M. Popov (Don Cossack), etc.

    Moreover, the top leadership of the Red Army, unlike the author of the question, for some reason did not consider all the Cossacks traitors at all. As an example, the quote of Marshal of the Soviet Union I. S. Konev about the Korsun-Shevchenko offensive operation: “The cavalry especially distinguished itself in the last period, when the German-Fascist troops tried to get out of the cauldron. The Don Cossacks in this complex and difficult operation did not put to shame their former glory of the Don people-well done and wrote another bright page in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Many, many thanks to them for this, and eternal glory to Commander General Selivanov!”

    Do you still think that “the Cossacks almost in full force went over to the side of Hitler”? Yes, there were Cossack divisions of the Wehrmacht, no one denies this either. But perhaps I will now tell you a big secret-in the Wehrmacht in general and in the SS in particular, in addition to the infamous Ukrainian, Latvian and Estonian divisions, there were also such divisions as Armenian, Serbian, Belarusian and – you will not believe it – Russian national divisions.�

    There was a time when all nations, ethnic and religious groups, and social strata had their own heroes and traitors. If we exaggerate too much and rephrase your question for the sole purpose of showing its stupidity, then we can formulate it as follows:” Why is it still not forbidden to be called Russian in Russia, because many of the Russians went over to Hitler's side in the Second World War? ” It sounds stupid and even blasphemous, don't you think? Now read your title question again and think about how it differs from what I asked.

  11. No need to level all the Cossacks under one comb! Whether the Cossacks are a separate people or not – the question and answer is not clear.But to speak of the Cossacks as “traitors” is an insult to the millions of ancestors who gave their lives for the preservation of the borders of the Russian State! I, as a hereditary Kuban-Don Cossack, do not consider it necessary to “enroll in the “Cossacks”: the blood of both Kuban and Don Cossacks flows in my veins – and this is enough for me to know that I am a COSSACK! But, to the “mummers” – I treat with contempt: I have quite a lot of examples when I met “Cossacks” who wore Cossack trash, but who have a very distant belonging to the Cossack class! And, most of all , I hate the Krasnodar “Cossacks”: they put on the Kuban cupolas,stuck whips in the tops of their boots and,together with the cops, roam around the city performing police functions! Shame and damnation to such “kazunyam”! And, what was done in Moscow by the sons of bitches who disgraced the Cossack uniform, is an echo of what has been happening in the Kuban in recent years! If someone thinks that he has something to do with the Cossacks, then he should know that a Cossack is a kind of border guard, and not a policeman or policeman: let gendarmes perform gendarmes! About these bastards who broke up a civil rally in Moscow, you can say for sure that their grandfather, maybe, was a Cossack, their father was a Cossack's son, and they are dog pussies!

  12. First, just for one statement that “the Cossacks went over to the side of Hitler” – the author should spit in the face, and this is the end of the discussion. My great-grandfather died fighting against the Nazis as part of the 4th Guards Kuban Cossack Cavalry Corps. But this is the lyrics. Secondly, the Cossacks are essentially a class, the same as the peasantry, merchants, nobility, etc. How is this author going to prohibit, for example, the peasantry ? I won't repeat myself – Sergey Lavrov has already responded to such “smart guys”.

  13. The Cossacks are a class. There has been no class society in Russia since 1922. Accordingly, there can be no Cossacks. These mummers are just clowns. Point.

  14. In full force? And I do not know any of my relatives who fought for the Germans. My uncle died in the First World War. Grandfather was killed in Vyoshenskaya, great-grandfather went to fight with the whites and took two sons with him. He died in 1920 in the Crimea. The sons slowly returned home and fought in the Great Patriotic War from the first days to the Victory. My father fought at Khalkhin Gol, then from July 1941 in the 19th SD, then served in Germany, demobilized in 1946. My aunt's husband died in 1943 near Kharkiv, and my other aunt's husband went through the war as a driver. It's my father's fault. On the mother's side, two uncles fought, one since 1941, the second since 1943. My grandfather fought in Stalingrad in 1942 and ended the war in Vienna. Somehow traitors and collaborators are not visible here. By the way, a full cavalier of St. George and Hero of the Soviet Union K. I. Nedorubov. he lived and was buried in the village of Berezovskaya, which is 15 km from the metro station. Seregievskaya, where my maternal ancestors lie.

  15. Is it that all the representatives of these places who considered themselves Cossacks became traitors? I wonder what textbooks the author used to study history?

    Cossack troops in Russia until 1917.

    Don Cossack Host
    Orenburg Cossack Host,
    Terek Cossack Host,

    Siberian Cossack Host,

    Ural Cossack Host,

    Trans-Baikal Cossack Host,

    Kuban Cossack Host,

    Astrakhan Cossack Host,)
    Semirechensk Cossack host
    Amur Cossack Host
    Ussuri Cossack host

  16. I know that during the retreat of the German army from Rostov , a sick number of Cossacks and their families withdrew and left with the Germans. According to some sources, up to 40 thousand people, who formed the basis of the Cossack divisions that served the Germans. At the end of the war, they surrendered to the British, who turned them in with their families to the Red Army. They say that they were not even sent to their homeland but were liquidated there. There is a well-known case when they were driven by women and threw their children to the Germans to save them from death.

  17. The Cossacks were, are, and will continue to be, as long as Mother Orthodox Russia stands and all the persecutions, attacks, and perversion of the history of the Cossacks are only due to the fact that the Cossacks have always stood up for Russia. I am sure they will stand, because you can't become a Cossack, you have to be born a Cossack. Thank God we are Cossacks.

  18. This is the nonsense of an idiot-that the Cossacks “almost in full force went over to the side” of the bastard Hitler. There were traitors, but they were no longer Cossacks. The Cossacks are not a nation, but a class, serving people who have devoted their lives to serving the Fatherland. I will note-not to the authorities, but to the Motherland, the only one for everyone. My ancestors were Don Cossacks and peasants of the Kherson province of the Russian Empire. They were dekulakized, exiled to Siberia, and my grandfather was stripped of his rights for refusing to join a collective farm. He worked as a shoemaker all his life. He was rehabilitated posthumously. He hated Bandera members, despised them, and considered even exiled people traitors.
    My grandfather was absolutely right, even though he had his own scores to settle with Stalin-only my grandfather and my father, then a five-year-old boy, survived the famine in the 32nd out of seven people in the family.

  19. The 1st Cossack Division was the largest formation of Russian collaborators in the Wehrmacht, and since November 4, 1944 – in the SS, which fought on the side of Germany against the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia [22]. The historian Dr Drago Negovan states that the first anti-partisan operation of the Cossack division inIn the autumn of 1943, the city of Srem was accompanied by devastation, atrocities and brutality, which affected many villages in northern and southern Srem. Referring to the words of the authorized representative of the Wehrmacht in Croatia, Edmund Gleise-Horstenau, he notes that the actions of the Cossacks did not differ from the practice of the SS from the 13th SS Division “Khanjar” and SS division “Prinz Eugen”: occupy the village, kill men, rape women, and appropriate property. Only the Cossacks preferred horses, pigs, and sewing machines. [23] [24] In all the villages through which the units of the 1st Cossack division passed, they left behind them ” inhuman traces of robbery, rape and other atrocities.” After their departure, the peasants voluntarily joined the ranks of the Yugoslav partisans [25]. Nurberg data , issue resolved

  20. a letter to Adolf Hitler.”

    Here is an excerpt from this letter:

    “We, the Don Cossacks, the remnants of the survivors of the Jewish-Stalinist brutal terror of our compatriots, fathers and grandsons, sons and brothers who died in the fierce struggle against the Bolsheviks and were tortured in damp basements and gloomy dungeons by Stalin's bloodthirsty executioners, send you, the great commander, brilliant Statesman, builder of a New Europe, Liberator and friend of the Don Cossacks, our warm Don Cossack greetings!
    Death to Stalin and his oprichniks! Heil Hitler! Long live Hitler! Long live our organizer and commander, Cossack General Pyotr Krasnov! For the ultimate victory over our common enemy!
    For the Quiet Don and the Don Cossacks! For the German and Allied Armies! For the leader of the New Europe Adolf Hitler — our mighty, heartfelt Cossack “hurrah!”. issue resolved

  21. The 1st Cossack Division was the largest formation of Russian collaborators in the Wehrmacht, and since November 4 , 1944 – in the SS, which fought on the side of Germany against the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia [22]. The historian Dr Drago Negovan states that the first anti-partisan operation of the Cossack division inIn the autumn of 1943, the city of Srem was accompanied by devastation, atrocities and brutality, which affected many villages in northern and southern Srem. Referring to the words of the authorized representative of the Wehrmacht in Croatia, Edmund Gleise-Horstenau, he notes that the actions of the Cossacks did not differ from the practice of the SS from the 13th SS Division “Khanjar” and SS division “Prinz Eugen”: occupy the village, kill men, rape women, and appropriate property. Only the Cossacks preferred horses, pigs, and sewing machines. [23] [24] In all the villages through which the units of the 1st Cossack division passed, they left behind them ” inhuman traces of robbery, rape and other atrocities.” After their departure, the peasants voluntarily joined the ranks of the Yugoslav partisans [25]. Nurberg data , issue resolved

  22. The current government will accept and caress anyone, even if they are for this power! So the Kushchevsky Cossacks were for this power ! EVERYONE knows what kind of CRIMINAL LAWLESSNESS this has led to on a Russian scale! What else do you want!?

  23. Trotsky destroyed 95 percent of the Cossacks.
    The rest of us went to Argentina and Greece

    And who were they supposed to marry?
    The Fuhrer promised them a free fiefdom, just like under the tsar. .
    Yes, such a difficult relationship must be accepted..

    The Cossack, in fact, is better considered not as a war on horseback, which, .
    at the first call …etc.,
    and as a person who has every right to do “what you want” in the Russian state.
    We have , right now, instead of them, the Chechens, who very loosely snapped and got the upper hand.
    Yes…this, too, must be accepted..
    Bl!..just like the Social Revolutionaries in 1917!
    “In the struggle you will gain your right!”

  24. The author-he needed to write an article – so he did. his for such to become on 10 lashes with a whip and preferably on the feet, so that he went to the hospital with lowered kidneys. After the main part of the Don Army joined the Red Army,on the eve of the end of the civil War,the Bolsheviks almost completely exterminated and dekulakized the Don Army. the people were starving to death and scattered all over Russia. Here is the state's policy. And the fact that the Cossacks 300 years were part of the regular army and went with their own weapons and if mounted-then with a horse. Monuments to the Cossacks in almost all the wars of Russia can be put up. In a word

  25. At one time, in Germany. During Hitler's reign, the issue of half-breeds became acute. Those who had one of the parents of Jewish nationality. We had a long consultation and came to the conclusion that they should be considered Germans. During the Second World War, about 150 thousand such half-breeds served in the Wehrmacht. But at this time, no one is saying that the Jews are fighting against us. Some mean little man wrote about the Cossacks.

  26. There are no Cossacks in Russia. Those who call themselves Cossacks are shifters, traitors to the Cossacks.

    In general, according to D. D. Penkovsky, more than half a million Cossacks and their families emigrated in the 1920s and 1930s.

    According to a number of Russian historians, no more than a third of the total number of Cossacks fought in the Red Army. Mostly the Cossacks served in the units of the White Movement. In the active Red Army during the Civil War, there were four regular Cossack cavalry formations – the 2nd Don Consolidated Cossack Division and three formations of the Chervonny Cossack division.
    In May 1919, signed by Yakov Sverdlov, the Central Executive Committee issued an order on measures applied to those Cossacks who served with the Whites. All of them were subject to execution, and their families became hostages, their property was confiscated (if one member of the hostages ' family went somewhere without asking, both he and the others, including children, were shot).

  27. https://zen.yandex.ru/media/shit/na-kubani-nas-vstretili-horosho-vostochnyi-front-glazami-soldata-vermahta-5cebae09276b9000b35fcb1c
    “We were well received in Kuban!” Eastern Front through the eyes of a Wehrmacht soldier
    Letter from Alfred Marx to his wife and children dated 22.8.1942:

    Konstantin Semin. Biochemistry of betrayal.

    https://zen.yandex.ru/media/codaru/ten-atamana-5c235f03b5e90c00aa78a53c-Тень атамана


    Cossack atamans in elite units of the Wehrmacht. Who and why went to fight against their homeland?

    “Scorched Earth Tactics”: how Hitler's 1st Cossack division fought

  28. The White Cossacks did indeed completely go over to the service of Hitler. The leaders were hanged by the neck after the war.
    But the Red Cossacks played a very significant role in the Second World War. During the Battle of Moscow and the subsequent counteroffensive, the Belov and Beloborodov corps were the only highly maneuverable units of the Red Army. The Red Army at that time did not have motorized infantry and its role was played by the dragoon cavalry( the same Cossack formations). The opening and collapse of the German front in 41-42 years is entirely their merit. And their small number did not allow the Headquarters to completely destroy the German front, since the rifle units of the Red Army did not have sufficient mobility, the pace of the offensive could not be sustained, and the Germans were able to stabilize the front.
    After the Battle of Moscow, it was decided to increase the number of cavalry units in the Red Army. As well as the Wehrmacht, having lost a large share of motor transport in the Battle of Moscow, and German military leaders appreciated the actions of the Soviet cavalry, and decided to create cavalry formations.
    In ' 42, on the southern sector of the front, Cossack formations were actively fighting in the run-up to the Battle of Stalingrad. Also, the Cossack units closed the ring at Stalingrad.
    In ' 44, they actively participated in the collapse of the front by Stalin's blows.
    And Napoleon – two people had the highest military awards of the RI and the USSR – Cossacks Budyonny and Nedorubov.

  29. First,not all the Cossacks went over to the Reich. Very, very many people were left to defend their native land, including from their traitorous brothers.

    You know, there were also patriots among the Nazis who fought against Hitler. They even died fighting fascism. But this does not mean that clowns in Nazi uniforms and swastikas should run through the streets of Berlin today.

  30. The Cossacks fought for the Whites . And what else could they do if Trotsky, the chairman of the RVS, decided to destroy the Cossacks ? Anyone would fight for themselves and their family . Well ,yes, they also fought for Hitler . Name at least one nation of the USSR, whose representatives, except for Jews, did not fight on the side of the fascists . Everyone had traitors .So, it is impossible to blame all the Cossacks . Many fought heroically for their homeland and died on the fronts of the Second World War .

  31. .. before you write nonsense, you should have at least searched the Internet for information: 262 Cossacks became Heroes of the Soviet Union,and 2 more Efimov and Gulaev were awarded this title twice.Only in the Kuban in July and August of the 41st formed 9 divisions.The formation of militia divisions was completed by the winter of 1941-1942. The 15th and 118th cavalry divisions were formed on the Don, and the 12th and 13th cavalry divisions were formed in the Kuban. In early 1942, they were merged into the 17th Cavalry Corps.

    The corps received its baptism of fire in July 1942. Lieutenant-General N. Kirichenko then became the corps commander.

    The militia Cossacks had to defend their land, and in July and August the battles were already on the Don and Kuban. As a result of the battles, the corps and the Don and Kuban divisions that were part of it received the Guards rank, the 17th Corps became the 4th Guards. In November 1942, the corps was divided in two. Two Kuban divisions (the 9th and 10th Guards) became part of N. Kirichenko's 4th Guards Cavalry Corps, and two Don Divisions (the 11th and 12th Guards) became part of A. Selivanov's 5th Guards Cavalry Corps. Both corps soon took part in the pursuit of German troops retreating from the North Caucasus.The Cossacks, with the exception of a small part of the traitors, stood up for the defense of the Motherland….

  32. Modern Cossacks are faithful to the traditions that emerged hundreds of years before the revolution and the Second World War. Individual traitors like Krasnov have received their shame and certainly do not represent all the Cossacks.

  33. and now what, not the seizure of Soviet power, the destruction of the USSR, even worse than Hitler, from sneaking,sneaking into power, destroyed the country, enslaved the people.

  34. even if the Cossacks who broke up bydlomiting in Moscow and mummers, they did the right thing.Navalny should have been whipped too.
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