6 Answers

  1. The Bible says that all people go to hell when they die.

    For example, in the book of Psalms there are words that say that the wicked will go to hell:

    “Let the ungodly be turned to hell,* all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:18 Synodal Translation, 9:17 NM).

    Righteous people also go to hell after death. A devoted servant of God, Job, wanted to go to hell to relieve the suffering that Satan the Devil was causing him.

    “Oh that You would hide me in hell and keep me hidden until your wrath passes away, and set a time for me, and then remember me!” (Job 14: 13, SP)

    Jesus Christ did not commit any sin, but he was also in hell for a while. This is what David prophesied. The Book of Acts says the following:

    “David says of Him [Jesus Christ]:' [ … ]…You will not leave my soul in hell, nor let your holy one see corruption”(Acts 2: 25-27, SP)

    It says here that God did not leave Jesus in hell. This indicates that Jesus was there for at least some time.

    Hell is not a place of torment, but the universal grave of humanity. The penalty for sin is death, not eternal torment.

    “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6: 23).

    Those who have died have already been punished for their sin. The dead are freed from sin (Romans 6: 7).

    Soon God will release those who have fallen asleep from death. This will happen during the millennial reign of the Kingdom of God under the leadership of the God-appointed king, Jesus Christ.

    Jesus Christ healed the sick, fed thousands of people, and raised the dead. So he showed what he would do for the people when he was King of the Kingdom of Heaven. Then there will be no more death, and no more hell.

  2. Good afternoon.

    The Orthodox Christian Church does not exclude the possibility of saving people who knew nothing about the one God before the coming of Jesus Christ. I offer you a chapter of one article that covers this topic in detail.

    § 100. The descent of Jesus Christ into Hell and the victory over hell.

    The first revelation of the royal power of Jesus Christ after His sufferings on the cross and death was the abolition of the power of the devil over those who had died from time immemorial in his kingdom itself, where they were held in the bonds of death by those who had the power of death. Having descended with his soul into hades after death, He brought out his captives from there, and thus trampled under foot the power of the devil over the souls of the dead; for how can any man enter into a strong house, and plunder his vessels, unless he first binds a strong one, then his house will be plundered (Mt 12:29). The healing of those possessed with demons was only the beginning of this victory of the Redeemer over the devil and the destruction of his power over people. Through this victory, He made the whole pre-Christian underworld part of the atonement, opening the way to heaven for all, the entrance to His own all-encompassing kingdom.

    The teaching that Jesus Christ really descended into hell after His death on the cross is most fully expressed in the following words of Ap. Peter: Christ alone suffered our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us the Gods, for he was put to death in the flesh, but was quickened by the spirit, for whom he also preached to those who were in prison spiritually, who sometimes resisted, when they waited for God's longsuffering, in the days of Noah, who made the ark, in which there were few, that is, eight souls were saved from the water (1 Peter 3:18-20; cf. the same apostle's testimonies of this event in 4:6 and Acts 2:27-30). Of the other apostles, only Ap speaks of this event. Pavel. Quoting the words of the psalmist: “When thou didst ascend on high, thou didst take captivity captive, and didst give the gift of man, the apostle explains them thus: And if thou didst ascend, what is there, just as thou didst first descend (i.e., Jesus Christ) into the further regions of the earth? He that cometh down is the same, and he that ascendeth up above all the heavens, that he may fulfill all things (Eph. 4: 8-10; Ps. 67: 19).

    The testimonies of the apostles and the Ancient Patristic explanations of the apostolic teaching about the descent of Jesus Christ into hell answer some specific questions raised by this teaching. These are the following.

    I. When and how did Jesus Christ descend into hell: after His resurrection, in His already spiritualized and glorified body, or, like all men, that is, only with His human soul, and therefore before the resurrection? AP. Peter says that Christ ϑανατωϑεὶς μὲν σαρκί, ζωοποιηϑεὶς δέ τῶ πνεύματι, ἐν ᾧ καὶ τοῖς ἐν φυλακῆ πνεύμασι, πορευϑεὶς ἐκήρυξεν, i.e. Christ, being put to death in the flesh, quickened the same духу313), where (He) and the spirits that were in prison, went preaching. νΝ ᾧ – in which, i.e. πνεύματι, – cannot be understood in relation to the spirituality in which Christ rose from the tomb and in the body, in which He appeared to the disciples as His court of prisoners (which explanation is accepted by many in Lutheranism). The direct meaning of the apostle's words is that Christ went down to the prison of spirits when He was dead according to the flesh: then He, mortified according to the flesh, being alive according to the spirit, or according to the soul (πνεύματι – an adverbial expression, like σαρκὶ), went down to the prison of spirits. Confirmation that ap. Peter means byνν ᾧ the spirit or soul of Christ, and his words in the speech delivered on the day of Pentecost, etc. David did not say of himself, but of Christ, “Do not leave my soul in hell ,and let your venerable one see corruption” (Acts 2: 27-31). Thus we must believe that the Lord Jesus Christ did not descend into hell as His deity, with whom He is omnipresent, and not in His spiritualized, already glorified body, but only in His human soul.

    This is also the ancient church-wide teaching about the Lord's descent into hell. Origen writes: “A soul without a body He preached to souls without a body”(314). According to St. Athanasius: “the body (of Christ) reached only to the grave, but the soul descended to hell… These places are separated by a great distance,.. the tomb received the corporeal advent, and in it was the body, and hell was disembodied. Hell would not have endured the coming of an uncovered Deity ” (315). Against Apollinaris, who rejected the existence of the human soul in Christ, the church teachers asked: how did Christ descend into hell when His body lay in the tomb, and He was omnipresent as a deity?316) According to I. Although Christ “died as a man, and His holy soul was separated from His body in its proper place, yet His divinity remained inseparably with both-that is, with the soul with which He descended into hell and the body” 317). This teaching is immortalized in a famous church song: “in the grave of the flesh, but in hell with the soul.”..

    II. Was the descent of Jesus Christ into hell the beginning of His glorification, which He entered upon after His sufferings (1 Peter 1: 11), or was it the last degree of His humiliation, which He was pleased to undergo in order to gain complete victory over His enemy? Those who claim that Christ descended into hell quickened, with His glorified body, think that His descent into hell was already His work in a glorified state (Lutheran view). But ap. Peter, speaking of the descent of Jesus Christ into hell with a human soul, thereby (implicite) solves the question in a different sense. If Jesus Christ was pleased to become a full man and died according to the flesh, as a man, according to the law of human nature, then there is no obstacle to thinking, and it is even more correct to think, that He was also pleased to descend into hell with His human soul, as all men descend there, as one of the dead according to the law of And how could His descent into hell have been a matter of glory only as a human soul, when His body was in the tomb? His descent into hell was the last thing that He, as a Redeemer, was pleased to undergo, voluntarily humbling Himself to the very last degree – a descent in the form of a slave, as one of the dead, although, of course, the darkness and sorrow of hell could not and did not touch Him, and hell could not and had no power over Him.

    In this sense, some of the ancient teachers of the church have also expressed themselves. St. Irenaeus, for example, says: “The Lord kept the law of the dead, that he might be the firstborn from the dead; and he remained until the third day in the lowest places of the earth; and then, rising up according to the flesh, he ascended to the Father.” According to Tertullian, “When Christ God died as a man and was buried according to the scriptures, he also fulfilled the law that, like all men who died, he descended into hell”(319). Hilary of Poitiers says: “It is a necessary law of human nature that souls should descend to hell after the burial of their bodies, and the Lord did not refuse this descent, because he was a true man.” 320 In this sense, a church song is sung about the descent of Jesus Christ into hell: “Today the hell wall cries out: my power is destroyed, I will receive the dead, for I am one from the dead, for I cannot by any means keep this one” (Verse of the Great Sabbath).

    III. What was the activity of Jesus Christ in hell? Ap. Peter says that when Jesus Christ came down to the spirits who were in prison, he preached to them. Κηρύσσειν in the new Testament it is used to mean: to proclaim, to evangelize, to preach the gospel, the Kingdom of God or of Christ; this word is used in this sense even when after he had not, on the face of add-ons: το εύαγγἐλιον, βασίλειαν τὴν τοῦ Θεοῦ τοῦ Χριστοῦ or (eg. MT. 2:1; MRK. 1:38, etc.). The fathers and teachers of the Eastern Church, beginning with the earliest ones, say directly that He preached or preached the gospel in hell (321). Thus, in the words of St. John the Baptist. Irenaeus, “The Lord descended into the pit of the earth, proclaiming His coming here also, and proclaiming remission of sins to those who believe in Him.” 322 Clement of Alexandria says: “The Lord descended into hell for no other purpose than to proclaim the gospel.” 323 St. John of Damascus even equates the preaching of Christ in hell with His preaching on earth. “The deified soul (of Christ),” he says, “descends into hell in order that as the sun of righteousness may shine upon those who dwell on the earth, so also light may shine upon those who sit under the earth in darkness and in the shadow of death; that as Christ may proclaim peace to those who are on earth, deliverance to the captives, and sight to the blind, and to those who believe, the underworld” 324).

    In another place the same Apostle the purpose of the preaching of Jesus Christ in the Ada defines as: se Bo and dead blagovestie (νεχροῖς ἐυαγγελίσϑη), but the court of UBO mastery (ἴνа κριϑῶσι μεν – although convicted) according to men in the flesh, you live as the spirit Bose (ζῶσι δε κατά Θεόν πνεύματι – 4:6). Maximus the Confessor interprets these words as follows:” the word of the knowledge of God (ϑεογνωσίας) was preached to those who died in hell, so that, having been judged according to man according to the flesh during their life on earth (i.e., having been destroyed in the waters of the flood), they would live according to God in spirit, i.e., with all their soul”,

    Thus, Jesus Christ went to hell to preach the gospel, and his preaching was the same as on earth, that is, it was aimed at conversion and salvation, although, of course, we do not know the method of communication or the language of souls. In the liturgical books of the Orthodox Church, it is suggested that the souls of the dead were prepared for the reception of His message by the preaching of those who had descended into hell before the Redeemer of the dead, who, while still living on earth, believed in His future coming, such as the prophets, or had already seen His coming, such as John the Baptist. In the troparion to John the Baptist, the church confesses that he not only testified about Christ on earth, but also ” preached the good news to those who are in hell of God made manifest in the flesh, who takes away the sin of the world and gives us great mercy.”

    IV. To whom was the message of Jesus Christ addressed in hell? According to the apostle, Jesus Christ came down to those who are in spiritual hell, and sometimes opposed them when they were waiting for God's longsuffering, in the days of Noah… Thus, even Noah's contemporaries, who were once stubborn in unbelief and impiety, and were destroyed from the face of the earth for their depravity, were listeners to the preaching of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Jesus Christ went to the darkest places of hell, where the most ungodly of men were, to preach the gospel to them, so that they too would repent, be converted, and be saved. Hence, it is permissible to think that the word of salvation was offered to the souls of all the dead people who were in hell, i.e., not only to the contemporaries of Noah, but to all sinners in general, not excluding the Gentiles. First of all, of course, the Saviour announced salvation to the pious children of Israel who were in hell, and they recognized Christ the Saviour who had reappeared in hell before anyone else.326 But when He came to the farthest parts of the earth, He preached the gospel to sinners like Noah's contemporaries, and they could learn from Him that God had accomplished salvation through Him, and believe in Him or not.

    Some do not admit that the message of salvation can be offered to the dead ungodly people, claiming that such as, for example, the contemporaries of Noah, the Lord ἐχήρυξε-announced judgment, condemnation, and exposed unbelief. But if Christ was not a judge on earth, He did not come to hell to the contemporaries of Noah, as the judge of their past life. On earth, He preached the coming judgment to those who persisted in unbelief, but after He had already preached to them about repentance, He also preached judgment, encouraging them to repent. Nor did He go to hell to announce judgment to Noah's contemporaries. On earth, He preached about the kingdom of God and repentance to all Jews, and especially to sinners; there is no reason to believe that Christ also preached about the kingdom of God and repentance to dead sinners. His preaching in hell might have been a compensation for judgment against them in the same sense that even during His earthly life those who did not believe His word found judgment and condemnation in their very unbelief (Jn. 12: 48), but not directly by proclaiming judgment. Such an idea is more consistent with the concept of divine justice and love, which opened the possibility of salvation even to those of the dead who did not know and did not have during their earthly life revealed knowledge of God and reverence for God, did not have, like the Jews, the promise and prophecies of the Messiah the Redeemer, and in general with the idea of the universal meaning of

    V. What were the fruits of the preaching in hell and the descent of Jesus Christ into hell in general? Based on the ap certificate. The ancient teachers expressed the conviction that Christ, who descended into hell, destroyed the kingdom of the devil and freed the captives of hell from the bonds of the cross, and that the Lord, by His cross, took away the power of the rulers and authorities, put them to shame, bound the strong man, and plundered the vessels of his house. So, St. Chrysostom says: “Hell is captured by the Lord who has descended into it, abolished, reviled, put to death, deposed, bound” 327). St. Gregory the Theologian writes: “He (Jesus Christ) repelled the sting of death, broke down the gloomy gates of a dreary hell, and gave freedom to spirits.” 328 According to Eusebius of Caesarea, Jesus Christ “came for the salvation of souls who were in hell and had been waiting for His coming for many centuries, and when He came down, he broke down the gates of brass, broke down the bars of iron, and first led them bound in hell to freedom.” 329

    The destruction of hell was expressed in freeing the captives from the bonds of hell, in raising them to heaven. But did God bring all the captives out of hell? There is no direct answer to this question in Scripture. The Church has recognized since ancient times that all the pious prisoners of hell in the Old Testament were set free and taken from there to the holy abodes of the Heavenly Father, 330 or, as the catechism teaches (about 5 ch.), “souls who waited for His coming in faith” were delivered. With a host of these freed prisoners of hell, the Lord, according to the ancient belief of the church, ascended to heaven, and they were the first to form the heavenly body of the church, under the head – Christ. But the mention of ap. Peter's account of the former disobedience of the spirits of Noah's contemporaries, to whom Christ preached in hell that they should live according to God in the spirit, seems to suggest that the spirits of Noah's contemporaries were now converted, and if they believed the preaching of Christ, they were certainly brought out of hell. And some of the ancient teachers directly expressed the idea that the Savior brought out of hell not only the righteous of the Old Testament, but also many others, or even all those who only believed His sermons, everyone and everyone who wanted to follow Him as a Liberator. Of course, this is only a private opinion, but the opinion, it should be noted, is quite likely. It is very difficult to imagine that among the dead prisoners of hell there were people who would be satisfied with their unnatural position and in the presence of God Himself could declare their unwillingness to be saved. 331) This is how this opinion is expressed in St. John the Baptist. St. Gregory of Nyssa. In order, he says, “to catch the wise in his deceit and to turn his evil schemes against him,” the deceased Saviour voluntarily descended into his dwelling – place, the “heart of the earth, “and put an end to his power by extirpating all who were then in the bonds of death. Count to me all the generations of people that have passed by, from the first appearance of evil to its destruction: how many people are there in each generation, and how many thousands can they be counted? It is impossible to embrace the multitude of those in whom evil has spread in succession; the evil richness of vice, being shared by each of them, each increased… So, if you have destroyed in three days (i.e., during the time between death and resurrection) such an accumulation of evil, which was gathered from the creation of the world to the completion of our salvation through the death of the Lord – has he given you a small proof of a superior power? Isn't it stronger than everyone else?.. wonderful?.. One simple and incomprehensible coming of Life and the presence of Light for those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death caused the complete disappearance and annihilation of darkness and death”(332).

    Источник: https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/Nikolaj_Malinovskij/pravoslavnoe-dogmaticheskoe-bogoslovie-tom-3/1_35

  3. Pagans go to Hell.

    The Gospel of John


    3:36. He who believes in the Son has eternal life, not eternal life.

    He who believes in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God

    abides on it.

  4. Only God knows whether a person has gone to hell. But about the Gentiles in principle, the apostle Paul in Rom 2:12 says that they will be judged according to the law of their conscience. I.e., if they thought that something is evil, and did it, then they will sin, because they rejected the good. If they tried to live in love as much as they knew, they would probably be saved.

  5. Pre-Christian pagans did not go to Hell, as Hell is an afterlife only for Christians. The pagans also have a world like the Christian Hell and it is called Inferno. Hell and Hell are similar, but they are different worlds. And the pagans knew and know about many gods, including the god who stands above all religions. And the Christian God is not the highest god. Even on Earth, the Christian God is not the highest. The highest god on Earth is Perun.

  6. No, for the simple reason that there is no hell. Can a loving God look upon eternal torment, even for sinners?No . He himself came in the form of a man and suffered for our sins on the cross, so that he could give redemption to all those who believe in him. Even for the sake of one person, He would have endured all these unthinkable torments: flagellation, humiliation, abuse, ridicule, crucifixion.

    How can you send people to hell without a trial? The holy Scriptures say that the Day of Judgment is set, it is coming. Then why this subsequent trial, if, according to the generally accepted doctrine, the guilt of a person and his further fate are determined immediately after death? If God had created hell, it could be said to be part of His plan. However, this goes against the Lord's gracious character and wisdom.

    You can imagine: Cain, the son of Eve, who killed his brother, has been burning in hell for about 6,000 years, and a modern criminal, say, Chikatilo, has only been in hell for 26 years. It turns out that the serial killer will never catch up with Cain in terms of the scale of punishment, although he is guilty of sexual violence and murder of more than 53 people. Where is the justice then? This is illogical.

    There's another argument for why hell doesn't exist. In the view of all religions, the ever-burning hell is ruled by Satan. Would God trust the devil, His worst enemy, with fire? How can Satan be allowed to see to the justice of his punishment? And if he lets someone avoid it…Shouldn't Satan himself be the first to burn in hell?

    The doctrine of eternal hell is not consistent with the Bible. IT has been imposed for a long time. But it is absolutely absurd, devoid of any meaning. But you might argue ,” How is there no hell if the Bible itself says so? And Christ repeatedly spoke of gehenna of fire.”

    Here are some Bible texts:

    “And all his sons and all his daughters gathered together to comfort him; but he would not be comforted, and said, I will go down to my son in sorrow into sheol. So his father mourned for him. ” (Gen 37: 35).

    “And he said, My son will not go with you; for his brother is dead, and he is left alone; if any evil befalls him in the way that you go, then you will bring down my gray hair with sorrow to the grave” (Gen. 42: 38).

    The original text of both texts uses the word “sheol”. It occurs over 60 times in the Old Testament alone. And it really means the abode of the dead-the grave. Only the Russian Synodal translation translates it in various places as hell, coffin, underworld, hyena of fire, grave.

    The New Testament is written primarily in Greek. And “sheol” is replaced by the word “hades”, hence the Russian consonant word “hell”. In context, Sheol and Hades refer to the place of burial. In Psalm 88, we see that this is a place where everyone goes, both the righteous and the wicked.

    “Who among men has lived and not seen death, and delivered his soul out of the hand of sheol?” (Psalm 88:49).

    The righteous can't go to hell.

    And Isaiah 14 provides a more detailed description of the underworld.

    “Your pride is cast down to Sheol with all your noise; a worm is laid under you, and worms are your covering” (Isaiah 14: 11).

    It is clearly stated that Sheol or the underworld – hell) is a place where the dead are located, and worms crawl on them. If you carefully study the Word of God and compare it with the original, you can see the inconsistent choice of translators of the Synodal Bible and the substitution of concepts.

    The Lord reveals Himself to all. Everyone gets an idea of It. But whether to accept this revelation or not is already a decision for the person. Yes, to some the truth was revealed to a greater extent, to others to a lesser extent. And the Lord will take this into account in the judgment. But everyone gets the idea of the One God. It knocks at the heart of every person.

    “The Lord is not slow in fulfilling his promise, as some regard it as slowness; but he is patient with us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

    “Do I want the wrongdoer dead? Says the Lord God. Is it not that he should turn from his ways and live? ” (Ezekiel 18: 23).

    “Therefore, leaving the times of ignorance, God now commands all men everywhere to repent.”(Acts 1: 4). 17:30).

    God's blessings to you!

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