3 Answers

  1. Theomism! Really. There is nothing at all reliable from my point of view. But let's look again at one exception to this rule.

    I am. This is an indisputable fact. This is something that I am 100% sure of, and there can be no mistake about it.

    “What if you're wrong?”

    “I'm not mistaken.

    “What if it's all an illusion?”

    “Who sees this illusion?”

    “What if you think you can see her?”

    “Who thinks so?” To me.

    I am – for me, an irrefutable fact. The only one of all the facts.

  2. In general, answering all questions is a good old rabbinical answer ).�
    “One day, a goy came to Rabbi Moshe and asked.
    “Moishe, why do all the rabbis answer a question with a question?”
    “Why not?”

    Well, actually because I want to believe in something. If I don't believe in it,then I don't want to believe that I'm alive,which means it's a direct struggle for life. Exist and resist as I like to say. Exist and protest (resist) . If you want to understand why a person is sure of something,why they want to believe in it so much, just walk around in their shoes. This is also not my metaphor, by the way. Это из Depeche Mode – Try walking in my shoes�

    Now I'm not looking for absolution
    Forgiveness for the things I do
    But before you come to any conclusions
    Try walking in my shoes
    Try walking in my shoes

    I know that probably few people will like my version of the answer,but I'm tired of the usual philosophy. That's my philosophy. It defies any explanation. I have my own values and vision. I don't want to be like everyone else. I will prove everything by what I have seen in my life.

  3. Absolute 100% confidence is fundamentally unattainable. For unimportant matters, it is not required at all, and for matters of life and death, people willingly or unwittingly, whether they are aware of it or not, accept as sufficient what is there. And this is normal, because otherwise you can spend your whole life in fear of making any mistake.

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