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In postmodernism, Text is understood as everything that somehow transmits information to consciousness – as a result, the space of the Text grows to the scale of the Universe. I mean, it's not just words as such, but also colors, shapes, sounds – everything we know or don't know yet. All this is a system of rhizomes – a bundle of universal infinite relationships. Therefore, indeed, it turns out that because of this globality, there is nothing outside the Text.
I don't think it's even about the text, it's more like a phrase said at the right time in the right place, or it came out after a lot of thought, perhaps about political regimes or dictators…
One-sidedness of thinking, ignorance of the depth of thought, the lack of context of events and the torn out part of the non-torn out, full faith in the correctness of the thought of the comprehender, faith in a better future.�
That's how I understand this phrase.
Let's say that everything (by everything here we will mean EVERYTHING in GENERAL, I don't know how to put it more precisely) consists of two parts:
Something that can be said in words.
Something that can't be said in words.
So: the statement indicated above is apparently trying to assert that what we have indicated here by point 2 does not exist, in general and in no form. Reality is something that can be described in words, and what cannot be described in words is unreal. Here it should be said that completely different religious and philosophical systems in one form or another claim exactly the opposite, from apophatic theology or Buddhism to Castaneda: what can be described in words is only a part of reality, and a smaller and least significant part of it, or even an illusion in general. In conclusion, I will quote from Evgeny Torchinov, a remarkable orientalist and Buddhist scholar:
“Language, in principle, cannot adequately describe reality, because all linguistic forms are inadequate to reality. It is also inadequate for philosophical thinking, which operates with concepts and categories. Logical thinking cannot comprehend reality as it is, and language cannot describe it. Therefore, no ontology, no “science of being” is possible, because it will always be connected not with reality, but with our ideas about it, or even with some pseudo-reality constructed by our thinking skills and false ideas. Everything real is indescribable, everything described is unreal.”
This is Derrida. Reality is perceived as text, structured as text, and means exactly what this text is about. There is no super-sense, “the essence of things”, “big narrative” on the other side of this text. Text-reality is self-sufficient, it is everything. Just relax.
This means that there are only words behind the words. It's a vicious circle. This vicious circle is the text. There is no extra-linguistic reality. Reality is just a word. Just like everything else.
The text is a reflection of our consciousness, our subjective perception of the world. We use it to describe everything. Outside of our consciousness, the world around us loses its meaning.