5 Answers

  1. Read Hermann Hesse first, for example, his “Demian” is good or “Siddhartha”. Top books for beginners interested in philosophy. Read” Self-knowledge ” by Nikolai Berdyaev. Think the idea, as Merab Mamardashvili used to say. Or just watch the video lectures of Mikhail Pyatigorsky with an all-time fascinating reading of comments to these lectures on Youtube.

    Well, the basic condition: let the philosophy itself sort you out for absolute success!

    Finally, philosophy is philosophy, not science.

  2. Start reading and getting acquainted with philosophical teachings. In my opinion, the most preferred (among them) are works related to classical philosophy. After all, they are the most visible philosophical system and, consequently, science.

    It is to be expected that a careful reading of them will introduce you to the philosophical environment and with the philosophical content, as a result of which new and concrete thoughts will arise on many philosophical issues: what is philosophy, what opportunities it offers in the knowledge of the world, existing problems and ways to solve them.

    Although with all this, it is worth noting that so far only a few philosophy has revealed its secrets a littleā€¦ And then mostly only in the form of speculation, which is not enough for its objective study and assimilation. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is too deep a discipline and these, so to speak, its depths and its entire system remain inaccessible to modern scientific and philosophical thinking, and with it, thorough <philosophical> comprehension…

  3. If you are interested in the history of philosophy and how philosophical thought has developed over the centuries, then I definitely recommend Bertrand Russell's “History of Western Philosophy”.

    The book provides a concise explanation of all significant (or sometimes not very) philosophical trends, so this book can be considered a platform from which you can delve into the philosophical direction you are interested in + our teacher recommended it to us

  4. First, read the basics ,find out what philosophy is and what it stands for, Then choose a specific direction in philosophy, and start studying it, and so on every time.Philosophy is a science in which you can not quickly learn to disassemble, stock up on a mountain of books and go ahead.

  5. I recommend refreshing your knowledge of history first. Buy the simplest textbook on world history for universities and a textbook on philosophy. As a rule, textbooks on philosophy duplicate the structure of the history textbook (ancient ages-Middle Ages-Renaissance-modern times-twentieth century-modernity) by their presentation structure. Study both period textbooks, overlaying the philosophy material with the historical one. This will make it easier to understand the historical context in which a particular philosopher worked. And only then, when you reach the end of two books, begin to master philosophy more deeply by period, as already advised above – read the primary sources.

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