One Answer

  1. There is every reason to answer in the affirmative.

    Initially, the atmosphere on Earth was reductive – it had very little oxygen content for the formation of oxides, so they were restored. This atmosphere created simple organic compounds (monomers) as it was exposed to various forms of energy. In the future, these monomers became more complex organic polymers, from which the so-called “primary broth”was formed. The hypothesis of this “primary broth” (about it a little later) was first put forward by the Soviet biologist A. I. Oparin. At present, this theory has not been fully confirmed. This theory has a big sound idea, but there are also drawbacks, they are compensated for:

    1) One of the most promising hypotheses on the origin of life is the PAH world hypothesis

    2) Another option

    However, let's return to our story.

    To recreate the history of the origin of life on Earth, chemists Miller and Urey (the latter became a Nobel laureate) used a flask and connected tubes through which substances circulated, namely, cooled and re-entered the flask (under the flask was a burner that imitated the Sun). This flask was filled with gases that, according to the hypothesis, could have existed at that time: methane, water vapor, ammonia and hydrogen. Then two electrodes were attached to the flask, which played the role of lightning.

    So, the substances evaporated, for which they “received” an electric shock. After two weeks in this experiment, the liquid in the flask turned red-brown, and a sample was taken that showed the presence of amino acids. This experiment is called the Miller-Urey experiment.

    However, the research continued. In a similar way, chemists obtained all biological molecules: complex proteins, fats. It turned out that the role of electrical discharges could be played by ultraviolet radiation and heat. So all these organic molecules that were formed fell into the ocean together with the rain, and thus the “primordial soup”was created. From it came the prototype of the first cell.

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