9 Answers

  1. Yes. And most of them are people whose life ideals are different from mine: they have a narrow outlook, they can sleep peacefully without thinking about the global, and they believe everything they hear without trying to refute it. For me, this is the ultimate manifestation of stupidity.

  2. There is. And in their own unrecognized stupidity, they feel more comfortable than any of the intellectuals with their treatises. In order not to feel irritated once again, I will go plunge into Montaigne's “Experiments”.

  3. Yes, as much as you want! According to statistics, from 2 to 5% in any country are morons. Not in a swear word, but in a medical sense. And a considerable number of those who do not pull on medical morons, but clearly do not differ in intelligence. There are just all sorts of conspiracy theorists who stupidly believe in all sorts of nonsense, which, well, absolutely nothing can convince them. In any denomination, there are stupid fanatics and so on. It is full of stupid “yazhmaterey”, their hyper-care and hyper-love disfiguring their children.

    There are a lot of people who might be smart, but who are just undeveloped.

    Humanity shines with intelligence only in the face of its best representatives

  4. Easy. I took it and named it. He called whoever he wanted.

    The question was probably about something else, but here's what the author himself probably doesn't know. Can the author be called “stupid”because of his inability to ask the correct question? To name it is no problem, but who knows if he is really stupid or very cunning, which he managed to provoke, to pointless work, answering a poorly formulated question.

    In reality, the question can only have practical significance in a job interview. If two words can not connect, then it seems like a type of stupid. Which doesn't necessarily make him a potentially bad employee, by the way.

  5. PEOPLE of practical work (“hands-on” people) seem stupid to people of intellectual work (erroneous opinion), but they themselves/smart people in practical life very often look very stupid (a huge number of examples).

    THE PROVERB “Do not sit in your own sleigh” or “To each his own”.

    Famous Geniuses of intellectual labor had colossal problems in life and personal disasters – in the practical everyday side of life.

  6. A person may not understand any areas, do not want to study or something else, but at the same time be somewhat intelligent in everyday life. Or it may be that it is in everyday life that a person is just a complete dumbass. Recently, there was a situation when they tried to convey to a friend the idea that you should not invite a guy to your home, whom you met yesterday in a social network and he already managed to send photos of his penis. Her arguments were something like ” he's not like that, you don't understand anything.” It turned out, of course, just like that. But she didn't even get it later.

  7. It's more complicated than that, I think. At some point, you need to realize that there are people who may not think like you, that is, their system of values and beliefs is fundamentally different from yours. These guys may not pay absolutely any attention to the things that seem important to you. Now, if you don't realize that they don't think the same way as you, then you start to consider such a person to be narrow-minded. You, for example, adore history, but he does not know in what year Russia was baptized and confuses Nevsky and Macedonian. What is your opinion about a person? Pralna that he is stupid and should not get involved with him at all. And then, all of a sudden, he tells you about fluoroplast, photoresist, and makes a printed circuit board in front of your eyes. An awkward question arises in your head: “Well, which one of us is stupid?” It all depends on the field of interest and interest in the subject. Well, of course, I'm not talking about cadres who are completely illiterate as hell in all areas and relations. For me, these are the people who do not see anything good in knowledge and live simply because they can.

  8. Yes. Stupid people are those who don't want to learn new things. And it doesn't matter how : Through books, audio / video lessons, tips, or practice. This is a problem that gives rise to topics for writing treatises on relativity, subjectivity, and other philosophy.

  9. At first I said “Oh, yes!” to myself, but then I realized that I really didn't know any people who were really stupid. All those who would like to be counted among them, at some points in time, showed fantastic speed, skill and knowledge in any field. Even if there were such areas… well, not quite applicable for “peaceful purposes”))

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