4 Answers

  1. Questions related to the study of suicidal behavior are often very ambiguous. This is due both to the fact that suicidal behavior is difficult to study – those who have committed a complete suicide can no longer be asked about anything, and to the fact that suicide causes a strong emotional reaction in many people, and not everyone can stand a more or less objective tone in a possible discussion on such topics.

    I adhere to the concept that “norm suicide”, i.e. suicide committed by a mentally healthy person, exists.

    Often this is the result of the fact that there are some values in a person's life that are more important than their own survival. This case can be attributed sacrifice – can you imagine the captain, which last is on the ship, directing the evacuation, even though he knows that in this case, the chances to survive are very high, “the suicide of honor” – for example, cases of war, committing suicide before the execution or Tribunal; adherence to cultural traditions (could be a value in itself, but may be due to the fact that not following will lead to negative consequences for the person or his family) – the notorious hara-kiri. This can be, for example, a conscious choice in favor of euthanasia in order to save your family from many years of caring for a seriously ill person.

    Suicide can be committed in order to avoid extreme torment, in the inevitability of which the person is sure , for example, very severe pain during illness or serious bullying in a closed team like the army or prison. In this case, there are definitely external circumstances, but we do not know exactly how they affect the hormonal state of a person. That is, the act itself can be performed both in a sober mind and with rational confidence in the unsolvability of the problem, and in confusion due to pain and despair.

    With a fairly high degree of confidence, we can say that if suicidal thoughts occur against the background of seemingly ordinary life without obviously extreme circumstances, then this is a reason to worry about health.

    If there are difficult circumstances and they are present in life directly and directly, then treatment of depression alone is unlikely to help overcome the distress. However, it can add strength to change painful circumstances.

  2. Are “hormonal failures” subjective causes?

    In fact, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to your question today, because the psychophysical problem of how the body and consciousness interact is not solved.

    We do not know whether the hormonal failure in the body of a suicide is a consequence of his suicidal thoughts or the cause.

    The link seems to go both ways, and just as depression can cause changes in neurophysiology, changes can also cause depression – and addressing depression-induced changes with antidepressants can cure depression.

    Another question is that there are always some reasons – mental or physical-for suicidal thoughts, it is difficult for me to imagine a person who commits suicide for no reason. I would not divide these reasons into subjective and objective ones.

  3. Suicidal thoughts cannot be the result of objective causes – they are always the result of subjective causes.

    But you should not discount your own subjective reasons: you should work on them and rethink them – if possible, with a psychologist…

  4. Since the human mind has such great power to change its own biochemistry, both in positive sensations and negative, but within certain limits (still, a schizophrenic will not cure himself if he stops drinking neuroleptics and practices meditation, or applies Tibetan medicine), so far as a person develops the habit of thinking in such a way that certain trajectories are formed, where thoughts flow, it is all distributed among neurons. And it turns out the answer to your question-partly-they can't, partly they can. If the case is not severe, and there is no brain damage or biochemistry disorders. Some people with bipolar disorder often have suicidal thoughts, and the process is poorly controlled, and the reasons seem irrational ,spontaneous. Biochemistry disorders. It is also strange to observe suicidal tendencies in children, for example, or adolescents, which sometimes occurs, even if their life is in relatively acceptable conditions. And at the same time, no one can forbid a completely healthy person to “wind up” themselves to a very dangerous state.

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