3 Answers

  1. There is no need to divide people into humanities and techies.
    As I believe, you define them by their academic direction.

    So: in the same humanities, there can be so much from technology that an excellent student of a technical university could not dream of. And an engineer can have so much literature that it will completely overshadow his red diploma.

    Take me, for example, a tech guy in the framework of the question posed here. I don't even hang a painting in the house on a nail, because I know that it will end up with holes in the wall. But watch this person's channel and see what an ordinary lawyer can do:


    And about the engineer with a red diploma – you probably know Viktor Pelevin. He graduated from the Department of Electrification and Automation of Industry and Transport at my university, but found himself completely different.

    So a tech guy or a humanist is a stupid brand. The main thing is to do what you like.

  2. I advise you to try to dig into the Scratch programming language. It was created on the basis of serious work at MIT. The goal is to teach children algorithmic thinking. Try, for example, to understand my algorithm for drawing a cat:)�

  3. Humanities and techies are all conditional. But if you consider yourself a humanist, then try to go to a working technical specialty to work and not to study. Carpenter, car mechanic, electrician, laboratory assistant and so on and so forth. Even in the technical professions themselves, there is a huge gap between theory and practice, as well as in the humanities. Just this difference blurs this conditional division . In production, everything works according to different laws.

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