6 Answers

  1. I don't want to think abstractly, I'd rather remember the fact. I knew one of the inmates. He landed for 2 years at the age of 18, due to romanticism and stupidity. When we talked, he was an old man. And now those miserable two years have become for him a psychological dominant for life. It was as if his consciousness was divided: his mind admitting that prison is the worst place and the accumulation of evil, at the same time, paradoxically proud of the prison experience, literally identified himself with the role of a convict. In order to support this role, he zealously affirmed the “theater scene” – the entire context of his experience. That is, he was constantly mixing up camp life, thugs, and stories from the barracks-as if he didn't notice how disgusting it all was. This is how the prison changed his personality – it hammered into it an alien, alien foundation, from which there is no escape. The prison won him decades after serving time, and the further, the stronger.

  2. It depends on people – the very idea of prison is this: being sometimes determines a person's consciousness, that is, certain factors can encourage a person to change his thinking, change his life, change the direction of movement. This is how a prison has not only a punitive factor, but also a corrective factor, which is aimed at encouraging a person to repent, atone, work on mistakes and subsequent changes. However, it happens that a person, like a Hard Nut, only hardens even more and changes consciousness even more only in the same direction-deepens, so to speak. Sometimes it masks its consciousness, sometimes it accepts the prison environment as its lifestyle, etc.

  3. I was visiting a friend for a sleepover for a couple of days, that's where I met a 45-year-old guy, he spent only a year in prison, and after that year, he became completely independent, his relatives kick him to plow on the farm, and even kick him to wash, otherwise he doesn't wash at all, is afraid to ask for soap or a brush, everything is decided for him, until they kick, the disease is like this. I think it's schizophrenia.

    But I think he changed so much not only because of prison, but because he couldn't cope with his emotions, because the death of a guy he stupidly hit at high speed is hanging on him. And after that, I couldn't cope with my emotions, I began to run away from the silence, take chifir, smoke a lot, communicate with fictional prisoners, whom I often yell at and arrange lawlessness for them.

  4. I advise you to watch the movie “Shawshank Redemption”on this topic.

    In general, it depends on the person. Someone will be morally broken by prison, someone will want to commit more crimes, etc.

  5. Good time of day.
    Social environment – (regime, unspoken rules, those people with whom you communicate more often, the time of arrival.) affects a person's behavior, level of education, lifestyle before incarceration ( by the way, a person's lifestyle outside also affects behavior in prison), an important part of control is moral and ethical standards and mental health.
    But the imprint remains, and whether it will be noticeable depends on the person.

  6. prison does not educate or change a person, but provides an opportunity to meet people who are more sophisticated and can violate the law or the Constitution.

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