2 Answers

  1. They define different types of intelligence; for example, there is an Amthauer Intelligence Structure test for this purpose.�

    It can be an excellent “mathematical” intelligence, but in terms of everyday relations – sad, or vice versa: lagging behind in school in all subjects, but tenacious about finding-getting-an agreement.

    Then, chauvinism, like arrogance, and all sorts of xenophobia, is rather a story not about intelligence at all, whether high or low.

    This is about:

    • hierarchy: feeling superior, humiliating others in person or in absentia, declaring yourself as one of your own among the reference group, “being friends against someone”

    • typical types of psychological defenses for a person: displacement followed by abundant projection. A lot of fear that I am “not like this”, may become or turn out to be “not like this”, insignificant, is replaced – and this fear is projected onto others with subsequent face-to-face or absentee denunciation: this is not me, I'm fine, all this is about them, not about me!!

    • Well, for example, acquaintance: An active ONF member who says “I'm a homophobe!” and “We, the Russians, are Orthodox”, and the whole topic is about the peculiarity of Russians and hostility to other nations. At the same time, I see that the person is certainly smart and decent in his own way. With pronounced oriental features, – this is about the war with yourself and “we are Russians, and non-Russians are them, I am against them, I am not them at all.” And homophobia – no, this is not at all about latent homosexuality usually, this is about a normal teenage fear about yourself “man/ not man”.

    • about understanding decency. For you and me, chauvinism is dirty, but for some, it's not.�

    Well, yes. This is a difficult experience of the last two years: that a smart person, in fact, and a recognized respected professional, can write in a social network about the cursed “black monkey”. Not Alzheimer's, no… And continue to be a smart person, safe in all other areas.

    Well, that's part of the complexity of the world and the complexity, the inconsistency of people. Maturity – including, in turn, not smearing people with black or white paint, but withstanding this complexity. Its inconsistency (each of us has enough of it). Inconsistency of others.

  2. I would say – erudite, but limited. Narrowness is usually inherent in less intelligent individuals, because it is difficult to maintain narrow thinking with a broad outlook, but there are exceptions.

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