3 Answers

  1. How didn't you do it??? What are you talking about???

    Judge for yourself: salaries are scanty, it is often more profitable to work in physical jobs than to be, say, a doctor. Propaganda is flourishing, and even attempts are being made to revive the Cold War. There is a leader who, apparently, will leave his office only feet first. The opposition is being persecuted, and criminal cases are being fabricated against them. Private businesses are being stifled only in this way, and the state is increasingly interfering in the economy. The number of people receiving salaries from the national treasury is increasing. There is even a united party.�

    What do you dislike about the USSR? Unless the iron Curtain hasn't been lifted yet, but it will come to that.

  2. Because it's impossible to go back in time. First, you need to be a little stupid, that is, become naive idealists and believe that everyone deserves happiness and a bright future is already dawning on the horizon. This is after the MMM pyramids, defaults, cannibalistic loans and May promises? Secondly, in order to restore the USSR within its former borders, we need to restore the confidence of our neighbors in our peace-loving policy, and they will immediately reunite and give all their powers to the wise center. After all, the USSR was a kind of new community without nationality, religion, or social status. One can argue about ways to maintain this format, but the Soviet man is really a new social unit. Even in the Soviet version, but something like a world without borders, the European Union, though not always put together by free will. How to return all this, I wonder?

  3. There are really a lot of nostalgic people, and they do what they can, for example, vote for Grudinin and this is the maximum. Judging by the way the question is posed, perhaps the revolution is meant, it's not all that simple. The Russian people also had nothing to do with the 1917 revolution; its ideologues were the protocracy headed by Lenin, who, not being a proletarian, nevertheless spoke on their behalf. So even now, no matter what anyone says, there will be no “merciless Russian revolt”, at least if the deterioration of conditions in the country continues as gradually as it is, without sharp jumps.

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