8 Answers

  1. The death of an individual is the end of life that is natural to his thinking. The remaining cases are intentional shortening of life, murder. Now there are a lot of such deliberate deadly positions.At the same time, it is enough for a person to detect or be deliberately misunderstood, and the sentence is signed and executed.
    Good depends on how a person considers it good.

  2. The death of every human being is a blessing for civilization. Without it, there would be no progress, development, or change. Civilization wouldn't last long. After all, old people have always resisted radical changes, clung tenaciously to their own, native, idealized it. �They do not accept changes in society, they do not accept more than what they agree to – to eliminate some shortcomings, to make amendments to the existing ones. Of course, something would change with the development of knowledge about the world, technology, and everyday amenities, but this would take much longer until the new thing becomes commonplace, becomes its own, native. But the attitude towards scientists-revolutionaries would be much more negative, radical – after all, the foundations are being encroached upon : “After all, we live well without THAT, and suddenly something will happen!,,,” And so in all areas of human activity. And in literature, for example, Homer would have already become an unquestionable authority, would still be writing something that repeats the Iliad for the thousandth time and looking out for Shakespeare to appear somewhere in order to eliminate the pretender to the throne in advance… Old people are afraid of everything, even though they shouldn't care anymore. (Not all of them, of course).�

    Death is bad only for each individual person, and in general only for himself. After all, damn it, it is closer to death that a creative person has so many plans, ideas and hopes. But you have to put up with it.

  3. Badly. Death is the result of the forces of evil. When there is no evil in the world, there will be no diseases that destroy the body and soul, and there will be no death itself. All people will be immortal

  4. As Albert Camus said:

    Knowing that we are going to die makes our life a joke.

    And now it's up to everyone to decide whether this joke is good or bad 🙂

  5. Death is neither good nor bad.This is unavoidable,just like the passage of time.The bad attitude towards it is only a result of our culture.There are people who rejoice in the death of a relative, because they believe that after death he goes to a better world.It is customary for us to grieve and mourn.

  6. Here on 50/50.I don't know the answer myself. .How would death end : life, movement, actions, etc.

    .But I will say that this is better because after a period of time when a person dies, he enters a new life.

  7. Please do not read to deeply religious people.

    Every living person has their own opinion about death, it is impossible to say whether it is good or bad. There are no scriptures that are absolutely revered by every person and are the absolute standard.�

    For a dead person, there can be no concepts of good or bad, as well as opinions about death. He is dead, the brain does not work, and accordingly there is no consciousness, feelings and opinions.�

    That is, if you once consider death to be the best way to get rid of the problems and heaviness of life, then do not think that after death you will experience relief, rather, you will not feel anything at all, you will not even regret it.

  8. All is well that ends well. And whether death is good depends on life. For example, if life is bad, then death is good, and good living leads to a bad death. So for a good, strong and worthwhile end, you need a bad life, so that the end is not so small, sweet and mediocre as in a vulgar TV series, which makes you sick and disgusting for this “good” life. But a bad life is not so easy to live, so you can't get off with an easy ending here 😉

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