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There is an internal contradiction in the phrase “personal freedom”. Because a person is a set of connections, attachments. In infancy, when the personality has not yet been formed, a person is not free only from physical needs, and some social stereotypes do not yet exist for him. In the process of growing up, a person forms connections with the outside world and other people, learns something from others, agrees with something, and so his understanding of his own Self is formed and structured. When the Self is formed, desires appear. I want this, I don't want that. Desires are manifestations of unfreedom. Imagine a cranky child in a toy store when he was refused a purchase. Is he free of the desired toy at this moment or dependent on it? On the contrary, freedom is the rejection of personal attachments.
Loneliness itself is neither good nor bad. To assess loneliness in any way, a person must consider this state through the prism of their personality, through a network of attachments to different people and phenomena. For some, loneliness manifests itself in dissatisfaction at the moment. For another, it can be a pleasure and a break from other people.
Responsibility is when a person considers the construction of his personality and finds connections with external phenomena and people in it, maintaining or breaking these connections leads to some consequences. A person makes a free choice: to keep these connections or break them, and accepts the consequences of their choice. If he is isolated from his connections with the world, then he has no one to answer to but himself. Responsibility is a personality trait. Personality is a network of connections in the mind. The more connections, the less freedom.
Freedom is the number of opportunities.
Loneliness is a state of being deprived of communication with people who are close in spirit. Loneliness can also be caused by forced communication with people who are not close in spirit, so to speak, communication “in the negative”.
There are clearly fewer opportunities in solitude than in non-solitude, so there is also less freedom in solitude.
Responsibility is an awareness of the degree of one's influence on others, in other words, an adequate awareness of the degree of one's freedom.
The more responsibility, the more freedom-a person is not given what he can not do. A person gets exactly as much freedom as he is able to bear responsibility.
It is not always easy to bear the realization of your power – this, in turn, is determined by the amount of guilt that a person can withstand. The more influence a person exerts on others, the greater their guilt in case of a wrong action.
The self-accuser, the self-denier, who often blames himself for everything, is not able to take on additional responsibility at all. He is not capable of the slightest power or relationship because of the burden of guilt that he already bears, for “world peace”, for example, and the additional guilt does not stand at all.
Self-accusation is beneficial because it helps the self-denier avoid potential “punishment” – it creates the illusion that the person who accused himself has already “punished” himself, repents, and should now be treated as a victim – pity and comfort such a modest and conscious poor fellow. Self-denial and irresponsibility are often disguised as modesty.
The self-denier's favorite illusion – ” I'm not alone, I'm free, and I don't need anyone!” – is the so-called “proud loneliness”. Here, the other pole of self – denial is activated-arrogance. It has nothing to do with pride, just the inadequacy of self-esteem takes various bizarre forms, rushing to the upper arrogant, then to the lower self-denying extreme.
Arrogance creates a “wall of cold” between a person and other people. The self-denier hiding behind this cold wall is lonely, unfree, and deeply unhappy.
Exactly the opposite. A single person is a slave to his position: He is constantly sad, complains about this very loneliness, is unproductive in some activities, is limited in opportunities where social connections are required(and this is almost always the case). A person should be attached to someone and have some responsibility and obligations to the other person.
But! There is an important caveat here. For freedom, of course, it is important to be able to be alone, so as not to become completely dependent on people to the limit. But such loneliness differs in that it is a choice. Out of necessity, I need to be alone to think and rest. Actually, having a choice makes a person free. It's great when you have someone and when at the same time you can be alone with yourself. And when you are not alone of your own free will, it is very harmful.
Also, loneliness can be understood quite differently(that is, not social). Intellectual loneliness, ideological, creative, professional, moral, etc. In this case, the person feels misunderstood and suffers from it. Naturally, there is no question of any freedom here. For example, a person has strong empathy and a sense of justice. And around him are people who have a hut on the edge. And this person will be alone in this sense.
Loneliness is not associated with freedom. Responsibility is not linked to freedom. You can link them, but it's pointless. Most likely, you justify loneliness (your own or someone else's) with freedom and / or responsibility. There's no need for that. Look for the causes of a crisis and / or depression, or something similar.
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“Loneliness or freedom?” https://yandex.ru/q/question/odinochestvo_ili_svoboda_a1696880/?answer_id=ac7e837a-0025-4cf2-94a9-91641a33e583
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This is off-topic, but maybe the questions will prompt you to think.:
I think that each person defines the concept of freedom and loneliness for himself. A state of loneliness usually weighs a person down, brings mental discomfort, a state of freedom on the contrary, increases the level of optimism and helps to realize a life perspective. Responsibility for the family, for example, will always lower the level of personal freedom that needs to be sacrificed for the good of the family, but there is no middle ground. In fact, a single or free person in any case will be responsible, at least for his life.
I think that the wording of the question is not entirely correct. For example, loneliness, if we start from the context of the question, means nothing more than irresponsibility, or lack of any responsibility. But is this correct? After all, there are many examples when a person who is alone, has some plans, dreams of performing certain actions. Moreover, he even considers himself obligated to perform them.�
The most appropriate literary example is the Count of Monte Cristo. When was the count more free, whether he was in prison or had already escaped, and became rich, but was burdened with various obligations given to himself? And the fulfillment of obligations is nothing more than a responsibility.�
And as an option- “truly free” single traveling person. Traveling light. Clean air, blue sky, clear water ,a piece of stale bread and a haystack as a bed. And all thoughts are only about what he sees and feels around. If this is enough for him, then he is happy and free.
Loneliness is the breaking of ties with social society.
Breaking ties with people first of all deprives a person of speech sounds.
For a formed Mind, this is not so terrible, but for a child and an unformed mind, loneliness is fatal.
For a person, the sound of speech is the formation of his Logical mind. Because only with the advent of Speech and a Logical Mind can a person Compare life facts and Images obtained from the Surrounding Reality and find Cause-and-Effect Relationships.
So Images of the surrounding reality in the human Brain leave a Stable Imprint, which are linked in a Logical chain: beginning-action-consequences. This is how stable Abstract Images are formed in the Brain, which develop a person's Imagination.
That is, the World around us is already imprinted, as on a film, in the human Brain and STORED in its Logical explanation.
And in this way, a Person Develops, Develops and Preserves Short-Term and Long-Term Memory. A Person begins to Realize Himself already Separately from the Surrounding Reality. With sounds, a person begins to designate surrounding objects and phenomena.
Various phenomena and objects are combined into stable sounds of designation, so the Sound Speech of a person develops, which gradually turns into a Sound Image, which is superimposed on Abstract Images (Pictures), animating them.
In Humans, the Sound Internal Image of a Picture leads to the creation of Internal Speech that connects Internal Images to each other in a logical chain of cause-and-effect relationships.
The Brain begins to Think. This means that the Received Emotions begin to take shape in Thoughts. And Stable Thoughts create an Imprint in the Brain, creating Certain Parts of the Brain. Thoughts consist of Images (pictures and sounds) and Thoughts want to be realized, that is, Thoughts have a desire (desire) to be realized in reality.
Therefore, separate Islands appear in the human Brain-Brain regions connected by chains-neural threads. Therefore, the Imaginative Mind, the Speech Mind , the Logical Mind, and the Motor Mind (Aspiration of Desire) appear.
Life Experience Clarifies Abstract Images, translating them from Fantastic (Phantom-Unreal) to Real, adequate to the Surrounding Reality.
With the help of Speech Memory, a person can Classify Images in the Brain. By the presence of animal conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, a person has an Inner World with his own Inner Speech and Abstract Images.
Without speech and a logical mind, a person simply leads an animal lifestyle, following only animal instincts to find food, water, and movement.
Hence THE CONCLUSION: for the development of the human mind, it is necessary not only to live in the Nature of the Earth, but also to communicate with other people in speech in order to form Logical Imaginative Thinking and use people's Skills and Memory in order to quickly mature into a Human Personality.
A person can strive for solitude only in order to Condense in His Consciousness the Life Experiences and Images Obtained from Natural and Social Life.
Now, with the development of the Internet, gaining Knowledge and Communication alienates many people from social society. And the experience of communicating with different people is not acquired, which leads to poor adaptation to the surrounding reality.
But the survival of all mankind is necessary in a universal dialogue and in the contribution of each person to labor , scientific and organizational affairs.
This is more true than false. The main thing is to find the right balance, a comfortable personal range of existence. Raising loneliness to an absolute level is a specific extreme that rarely suits anyone. Similarly, we can say about the reverse side of the coin: a person burdened with responsibility from all sides will feel constant pressure, which is unlikely to have a positive impact on his standard of living. If we talk about me, then personal freedom is a fundamental factor. There should be no more responsibility than the amount that will allow me to radically change the vector of my own life at any time. The more freedom you have, the easier it is to act, since you don't need to take into account a lot of extraneous factors and make adjustments.
Everything is much simpler. A person is never completely free. A prisoner in solitary confinement can only be pitied because such a heavy load of contradictions that he finds in his thoughts is difficult to bear both spiritually and phesically. The cause of such torment is human imperfection burdened with original sin.
More likely yes than no. Although, probably, to whom as. My personal goals do not coincide with those of others in anything, or almost anything. What interests me is of no interest to anyone else. If I am harnessed to responsibility to someone or something, I get nothing but restrictions. Both theory and practice show me that the higher the level of loneliness, the freer the breath.
As for the natural need for communication, it is not the loneliness itself that scares you away, but the habit of the form of this communication – to communicate with people. What is the” sting ” of communication? In the response. A person (and maybe all living things) has a need to hear a response to themselves. We are like a submarine that regularly sends out an echo signal and receives its reflection from objects outside. The most obvious way to get a response is to talk to someone. Most often, we do this. What does it mean? That the psyche is simply set up to extract responses from other people (a kind of vampirism, if you think about it that way). But it can also be reconfigured. If you don't immediately run away from loneliness, then there will come a time when you suddenly realize that a person is not the only, and far from the best source of emotional response. In fact, the response comes from everywhere-from animate and inanimate nature. And it is much cleaner than from a human – because it does not carry verbal trash and emotional slag. As soon as you realize this, something in you turns upside down, and the silence becomes music, and human voices become annoying croaks.
Loneliness – when this happens, privacy is a personal choice. In the first case, if this was not planned, there is not enough freedom, since there may be an internal desire to change this situation. Privacy is a travel suitcase, as already mentioned here, packed little things and ciao. This is the lot of strong people who are confident and can afford it. A secluded person has all his contacts – this is a guest house, they will still leave sometime. People just retreat from meaningless responsibilities, and the longer they stay in seclusion, the weaker the root responsibility becomes.
With the invention of the Internet, there will be more singles, as previously people who were single simply had nothing to do with themselves, their brains were very bored. Yes, and it was harder to survive alone before, there was no social assistance, just as there were no pensions. With the advance of social society and the invention of the television, loneliness becomes more acceptable. Of course, and taking into account other social changes in the social society. Previously, before pensions, children supported their parents in their old age. Now, with the advent of pensions, social democracy and robotization, and the state, your children are not particularly necessary and you do not need them either, like your wife, for your personal survival in this world. because the welfare state will take care of you until you die. And so kids now are just like hobies, like getting a pet and keeping it for the rest of their lives. And that is why pensioners now, and especially in Western countries, support their children until they die. And they treat children as their favorite “pets” and do not let their children go free swimming, constantly getting in and zatarmazhivaya their life. Because it treats children as its eternal “toy”. A good parent should feel when it is time to let their child go free, as a late released child has a greater chance of “dying” in the wild in conditions of freedom.
Nowadays, children are becoming more and more expensive and time-consuming pleasure, which also hinders the individual's important individual ascent up the social ladder.
And now, thanks to the Internet, everyone can find their own pleasure, which is interesting to your brain. TV did not provide such an opportunity, so interesting programs for one person were not interesting for the other. And the brain was bored and sad without new interesting information, and it was lonely and sad.
The Internet has removed this problem, now everyone can find interesting information for their brain. And social society has removed the problem of individual survival from a person.
real people are becoming less and less necessary for each other in the new social , virtual world.
A bunch of roosters ran up, reinterpreting the meaning, declaring that “everything is the opposite”, that “freedom is responsibility”, that “a person cannot live without attachments” and other cackling.
Your question already contains the answer.
Not all connections make you responsible. Yes, and loneliness, just raised to the absolute, lowers the level of personal freedom – after all, you are not available, how should I put it, paired joys, or something. In the plan, you can't say after a strike, “Jesus fuck you and dry you out!” [Mr. Major, this is just a phrase from the movie “Big Lebowski” – I don't want to offend anyone]. Why? Because there will be no one to go bowling with, but one to play with.. Well, Camon, this sucks.
I like to be in it myself: I feel comfortable, I don't get bored, nothing distracts me from business. But if a couple of times in a week I don't get out somewhere in people, and most importantly with people, it starts to escalate me.
Loneliness can be different.
If your personal freedom means time, it's not your goals and activities that take away your free time.
As a conclusion, responsibility for someone else takes up your time for your own affairs.
The bottom line is that loneliness focuses a person on one thing, and it doesn't matter what kind of loneliness it is. Even if a person was able to remove any connections from his life, he will still be pressured by many factors that restrict freedom. Relationships help you make better choices, not restrict your freedom of action or interests. They can act as an irritating factor, but only when it is a marriage( it is still not a reason to move to loneliness) we are now talking about simple relationships, and ordinary relationships are called free, and almost do not limit the individual in any way.
You're missing some important points.�
People are born different, so they perceive and experience the same events and circumstances differently.�
In addition, we are all in different situations, which also affect the perception of the world around us.
The degree of current loneliness also matters. Let's say someone has 1 loneliness score out of a possible 10 – an increase to 2 can have a positive effect on their level of personal freedom. And his neighbor with 9 points to bring to suicide.
I think not, at least not always – if we draw some analogy, then loneliness can be a metaphysical “solitary cell”, a certain way of solitary confinement of a person. And by the way, a person receives this conclusion in the physical world precisely because he has neglected his responsibility to others, to the Law, for the sake of his personal “freedom”. In general, there are a lot of subtleties here.
And then, loneliness often feels like a prison, in which people shout about the desire to at least communicate with someone. You can't get the words out of a song:
There is no peace in my soul –
I've been waiting all day for someone.
Without sleep I meet the dawn,
And all because of someone.
I don't have anyone with me,
Ah, where to find someone?
I can go all over the world
to find someone.
But I don't have someone with me.
I feel sad for some reason.
I swear I'd give anything
In the world for someone,
In the world for someone,
I swear I'd give anything!