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The name “existentialism” comes from the word existentia-existence. It is opposed to the concept of essentia, essence. The main thesis of existentialism is that existence precedes essence.
Existentialists believed that all previous philosophy put essence first and existence second. For example, the claim that a person does certain things because it is inherent in him by nature, God, or anything else is an essentialist approach that existentialists have criticized.
According to existentialism, on the contrary, a person is determined solely by his own free decisions, that is, your actions determine your nature, your every choice is free, and you are fully responsible for it. It is man, his moral choice, the problems of freedom and responsibility that existentialists put at the center of their philosophical constructions.
Existentialism is a direction in philosophy, whose representatives believe that every person's life depends on his decisions to commit or not to commit certain actions, and that he is responsible for these decisions and his fate as a whole.
Existentialism is a branch of philosophy that studies” existential ” human problems: life, death, meaning, etc. One of the main ideas of existentialism is to go beyond, to touch eternity.
The actualization of existential problems was caused by world wars.
An existential leitmotif can be found in culture and art. Most often, Russian authors recall Dostoevsky with his near-philosophical reflections on the meaning and value of life.
The philosophy of existentialism formed the basis of existential psychology and psychotherapy.
This is something like looking at the world through the eyes of a particular person and building a practical philosophy based on his subjective experience. Existentialism relies heavily on people's personal experiences, because almost everything you experience is relevant to determining your relationship with the world. Existentialists in general are looking for a meaning of life that would justify existence under the condition of all the accompanying suffering.
Existentialism is a philosophical trend that has a very broad and deep meaning. Existentialism implies that a person consists of actions. The main postulate of this direction is that we are not born as we are at an older age. Character, temperament and other qualities of a person that are not related to physiology are formed during life. And we would literally be born with a blank slate.
Existentialism implies awareness of every action. In the light of this line of philosophy, every person is absolutely free. And he decides for himself what to do in this or that situation. And he will bear at least moral responsibility for this.
Thus, existentialism is a set of psychological reactions and consequences of actions that a person performs during life. In fact, this term can be interpreted in different ways. In general, there are many controversial trends in philosophy when one criticizes and excludes another. However, in general, existentialism promotes the idea of mindfulness. This means that it is not the body and some physical processes that control us, but we control them. The direction addresses many different issues. But at the same time, it confidently builds a cult of the human soul.
Existence is life. So existentialism is a form of life, life processes, a form of a certain attitude to human life processes.
In this form, there are basic, so-called, concepts that existence is:
Awareness of the end of one's life, that is, death
Responsibility and freedom
The meaning of life, what a person lives for
In Russian, there is a very appropriate word for this – “awareness”. The philosophy of existentialism is the philosophy of mindfulness.
“According to existentialist philosophers, the main flaw of rational thinking is that it proceeds from the principle of the opposite of subject and object, that is, it divides the world into two spheres — objective and subjective. Rational thinking considers all reality, including a person, only as an object, an “entity”, the knowledge of which can be manipulated in terms of a subject-object. True philosophy, from the point of view of existentialism, must proceed from the unity of object and subject.”
This integrity of perception is the main value of existentialism. And this integrity is provided not by rational thinking, not by analysis, but by awareness – the feeling of being part of a single world, as it really is.
Existentialism is a phenomenon based on the belief in human superiority over natural data. In other words, it is the exaltation of the soul and intellect.
The point of existentialism is that we are not born the way we become with age. Each person is shaped by certain events, habits, environment, upbringing, etc. This is of primary importance in comparison with external data and physiological characteristics obtained from nature.
Existentialism is the ascension of the human being. According to this philosophy, a person is born empty and pure. During life, it is filled with certain actions and experiences. All this is combined in the end into the character, temperament and life views that a person has at a conscious age.
This philosophical direction considers a lot of interesting questions. For example, the popular expression “as many people, so many opinions” is a characteristic confirmation of the truthfulness of existentialism. The search for the meaning of life, the superiority of artificial intelligence, loneliness in the crowd – all these are the key questions of this philosophical branch.
I will answer in Sartre's words: “Existentialism is humanism”, and, of course, I would like to add that this is a great recipe for finding real freedom, the formula is very simple:”freedom = responsibility”
Existentialism is a philosophy of existence. The key word here is existence. Existentialism looks at it from the perspective of a person's experience of his relationship with the world around him. The main question here is the meaning of human existence. We can say that existentialism divides existence into authentic and inauthentic. But to find the authentic, you must first realize the inauthentic. And this awareness is painted in somewhat gloomy colors: the external world is hostile, opposes freedom, a person loses himself in the faceless everyday life (Heidegger), is in thrall to objectification (Berdyaev). The acquisition of true existence is also the acquisition of freedom – a person breaks out from the power of the external world and gains freedom. This is the main idea held by existentialists, each of the existential philosophers has its own variation of this idea.
The doctrine that existence (experience) precedes the essence (subject of consideration). First we find ourselves in a certain situation, and then we begin to see objects and circumstances within the framework of the situation. Therefore, the task of philosophy is to consider how it became possible to exist inside a situation as a long and perceived process, whether it leads to despair and hopelessness, or whether something can be corrected by a special effort of thought and action.
In simple words and in short: your existence is not equal to that of a dog. And the existence of a dog is not equal to the existence of a stone. And the existence of a stone is not equal to the existence of a fairy tale character. And someone will say that even your specific existence in different situations can have different values or different qualities. Here existentialism presupposes a distinction between the types of being.
For me, this direction – in psychology, in any case – is about how people cope differently in different periods of their lives with fundamentally unsolvable contradictions inherent in the very foundation of human existence.
That is, we will all die , but we want to live.�
We want intimacy, merging with those who are dear – and yet we are shatteringly separate; and any close relationship ends in separation (except in rare cases when everyone died on the same day)).
We want meaning in life , but there is no objective meaning.
We want to control our lives, we want the world to be fair , and he doesn't care.
And such nice things.�
That is, existentialism sits tight on the “damned questions”, they are also “eternal questions”. His specialty is this.
If we talk about existential psychology, then first of all, the concept of meaning is important in it. That is, the meaning is both in individual actions and in life as a whole. It also adds concepts such as choice, responsibility, and freedom. Since an adult is responsible for his choice at every moment of time, is responsible for its consequences, and if there is responsibility for the choice, then there is freedom in life. Then the person lives his full life, not trying to please someone. And since he is responsible for his actions, then he does not have guilt, he learns from experience, if he suddenly made a mistake or if there is real guilt, then he can atone for it by asking for forgiveness or somehow making it up.
Translated from Latin, “existentia” means existence. This is a philosophical trend, in the center of which the person himself and his responsibility for his existence. There are different points of view on this concept, and I like best the interpretation of the French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre, which he expressed in 1946: “existentialism – humanism”. What is humanism? “This is a person's search for himself. Not a physical, physical person, but a nominal human being.” There is a joke about artificial juices: “How much juice is in the juice?”. For existentialism, I would form a modern and very relevant question: “How much is human in a person?” Is humanism increasing or decreasing at the present stage? “How to increase the 'existential' in the 'existential' or existing-that is the main problem of our time!
I will show you this with an example, let's say you feel something, feel it, the brain processes your impression based on the experience of life and sends a signal to the speech apparatus to say something about it, say it to make an existence, from the word exit, i.e. You use your words to make an existential choice about what to say out of yourself and what not to say.Good luck to you, make the right existential choice!
Existentialism is a pseudoscience about the existence of creatures that live by the rules-primates. Eat, sleep, get carnal satisfaction.
Pleasure is the happiness of fools.
Happiness is the sages ' pleasure.
The meaning of a person's life is self-improvement.
Existentialism considers the life of a person. The gurus of existentialism claim that our lives are absurd (read meaningless). Modern philosophy asserts that life is both good and not. We can't choose.
Existentialism comes from the word existentia (existence). The main thesis of existentialism is that existence precedes essence. Existentialists believed that all previous philosophy put essence first and existence second.
EXISTENTIALISM is the doctrine of existence, here, here, in the moment, with all its problems and goals, and the highest research status of EXISTENTIALISM corresponds to Existenz-philosophy. Moreover, from a historical point of view, Existential Philosophy is the beginning of philosophy, which, as the last absolute, puts a person with his real tasks and difficulties at the center of philosophizing. From a systematic point of view, existentialism is a persisting member of such a philosophy, which, in its tense relation to the whole, supports a long-term anxiety in the Experience of this fact. But, being a doctrine strictly about the personality of a person, Existential Philosophy can never become the whole of philosophy itself. There is no pure Existential Philosophy. Where it is held as a whole for a long time, it degenerates into a position of stubborn cruelty (an example of all tyrannical Empires and Existential Philosophy of Prisoners “By Concepts”), having already abstracted itself from the world and revolving in itself, being unable to comprehend reality outside of man-in its own essence and fulfill his task in it”, needing, for all this, a deep General Philosophical Pragmatism of its understanding.
For example, in the Existential Philosophy of S. Kierkegaard, a person constantly asks himself such questions: “What is the meaning of my existence?”; ” How to live and what to do?”; ” What rules should I follow in my behavior?”, etc. He painfully searches for answers to these questions and does not find or even can not find them in the wanderings of his experiences.
• • • In general, a Person is a transcendent being, that is, constantly trying to cross the boundaries of his capabilities, his knowledge, his life, and his world. In transcendence, a person does not achieve anything definite: he does not comprehend God, the meaning of his existence, etc., but the very attempt to transcend plays the decisive role that changes his consciousness, and he can no longer live easily and thoughtlessly and thinks in such concern for his own existence, for those forces that support true human existence. M. Heidegger notes that in transcending, surprised and shocked standing in front of the “whole” of the world, lies the possibility of inner transformation, the feeling of being a living person, the possibility of creativity. Источник: [URL=https://studme.org/1766060326722/filosofiya/filosofiya%5D.
• • • Existential—is understood as having to do with the highest, semantic, ultimately rationally inexpressible values and manifestations of human Personality and subjectivity (as a higher kind of anthropocentrism in the representation of Truth, by the individual's consciousness), because in general, Meaning, as finality—is an already existing metaphysical basis of being (and not a goal generated by the evolution of reason, as in Hegel, which must be removed from this direction), and meaning (like Love) is impossible beyond the possibility of producing in the transitivity of cognition, Calculus of the Logic of Truth, understood always in the ultimate philosophical reflection of a certain practical direction and as a Person. And Personality … Personalities – – – there is discord and unevenness, and Love – – – is not Transitive.
• • • Existence in essence means the very inner core of a person, which remains intact even when a person loses everything (and in general only then is it correctly known) that he can possess in this world and to which he can be cordially attached, or when all this turns out to be illusory.
In the study of the essence of Existentialism in general, the following QUESTION is appropriate:
Of course, in order not to put the cart (i.e., existence) ahead of the HORSE (i.e., the POSSIBILITY, i.e., the nature of this existence, its – this existence – PRIMACY), it must be recognized that the IDEA of existence (like Plato's EIDOS) precedes this existence, and IT is always these IDEAS of existence that WE KNOW, and the LAWS of NATURE that relate to essence. But LOGICALLY, an ENTITY doesn't make any sense if it doesn't actually have a Model associated with it. Hence, pure SENSUALISM itself (outside of EXISTENTIALISM) probably does not say anything about reality, and therefore does not represent any interest.
And there is no hope that all half-educated people will ever understand that there is no pure SENSUALISM, no pure EXISTENTIALISM, no pure anything else – – – but there is a UNITY of all This, which is the maximality that alone can constitute at least some type of equality with TRUTH, for “Truth (the necessary) follows from everything” – – – The strict Law of Implication (CI Lewis). And speech is this very type of equality, as a strict implication. Even an Intuitive datum is the UNITY of a Mental subjective reality, given as One in feeling, as an experience of consciousness, namely, as a subjective psychological (qualitative) reality. And there is nothing in thought that was not previously present in feeling, as Immanuel Kant pointed out.
CONCLUSION: THE NATURE of Speech, as this most universal type of equality, as a strict implication, is quite capable of substantiating the development of Truth not only in Existentialism, but in general in any maximum study of truth in any cognitive direction.
Existentialism is a direction (philosophy, psychology) that develops the problems of human life in the context of human existence. Here, “existence”is the key term: a person is mortal, finite (in this paradigm), and he can only exist, but not be. Being is inherent only in the eternal, for example, God. Hence the main feature of existentialism – the tragic awareness of human mortality and the problem of understanding the activities of people in the face of imminent death.
Existentialism can be both religious and secular.
Existentialism or existentialism? Existentialism is a branch of philosophy. Existence, as I say, is a collection of ways of being, in simple words. However, in textbooks, existence is translated as existence.
An attempt to comprehend the uniqueness of human existence based on the inner world of a person. A person is comprehended through the experience of the tragedy of his own being. For example, Karl Jaspers introduces the concept of “borderline situations”, that is, such moments in a person's life when he is on the verge of conditionally” being and non-being ” simultaneously comprehends the value and meaninglessness of his own self. Best of all, in my opinion, the originality of the existentialist approach is demonstrated by Leo Tolstoy's novel “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”.
Existentialism – in simple words, the world is moving faster, children are not so much formed by their parents as by the world around them!
People don't get married until they're old! They live a long time!
Children live and face stress every day, but they are still learning and accepting it existentially, for them this is the norm!
A person has to solve very critical situations, in short periods of time!
Many people are adept at this, they break the outcome and earn more than their parents!
Breaking cause with effect and effect with cause – (I think) this is existentialism!
The simplest definition of existentialism was given by Jean-Paul Sartre in his work “Existentialism is humanism”:
At first glance, it may seem that such a definition of exi is too general, that a lot of everything and everything can be put under such an understanding of exi, but it is worth recalling the works of those philosophers and writers who are usually classified as existential, and it becomes clear that it is hardly possible to answer this question more precisely.
This is the philosophy of existence-a trend of the XX century with an emphasis on the uniqueness of human existence. Psychotherapy helps you find the answer to your own meaning in life. Internal conflicts and other conditions are considered not as problems and mental disorders, but as necessary natural stages for personal development.
In very simple terms , this is a switch in the subjects of philosophy from external objects (being) to the cognizing subject itself and its experience of the experience of existence – the very existence that gave the name to the entire direction. However, Socrates did something similar in his time in philosophy.
Before existentialism, philosophers believed that the world consists of matter, which is described by the laws of physics, and spirit, which develops according to the laws of logic.
Existentialists have invented a new substance-existence, which is neither matter nor spirit, and which exists (exists) according to their own laws. Existence is an imaginary world of human experiences that cannot be felt and strictly defined, but which are familiar to everyone: fear, love, hatred, longing, etc. Thinking about human experiences is existentialism.
Existentialism appeared simultaneously and in parallel with psychology, largely intersects with its subject and problematics.
Existence, reification, where a person as a being exists driven by the program of self-meaning. It is like the alphabet carriers are not able to exit the program.�
Existence, being, life
22 No one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the wineskins, and the wine will run out, and the wineskins will be lost; but the new wine must be put into new wineskins.
(Mark 2: 22).
At its core, history is a narrative about God and the true meaning of life.
The existence of ideas, the existence of reason, and LIFE as the rational existence of an entity are the PATH of a self-conscious PERSONALITY.
God creates the Word in His Mind and treats it with Love.
The Manifestation of God is Threefold:
As the Father He creates the world;
as the Son, He is made man in the world He created by His Word (Truth);
how the Holy Spirit works in human souls, giving birth to the spirit of love and understanding from His Spirit.
If LIFE is realized as a way of existence-the Embodiment of an Ideal Idea (God is Love), as a CO-creation of Its Own Image and Likeness, then this is the Path to Truth from two sides:
materialization of the ideal and idealization of the material, which at the” meeting point ” give a sense of True CO-existence (CO – creation) – communication in the Holy Spirit and leave a memory of themselves (materialized objects) about the conscious meaning of eternal existence as the Embodiment of Subject-subject relations: God is man, Love is love.
God is a Person-Jesus Christ, Who brings the Truth to life by His Will.
A person is a Christian person who lives according to the Will of God in Truth = God is Love and in its incarnation partakes of the Life of God.
If you think about it, then the bread of the Eucharist can be likened to the unity of form and content, and wine – to the content that has NO form. You can also remember that a pot of clay is necessary so that what is poured into it does not disappear and takes shape.
If we liken our soul (created by God) to the form of content that has NO content, and wine to the Spirit of Understanding the Truth (God is Love), then communion of bread and wine is the acquisition by the Spirit of form, and the form of the spirit, which defines a person as a soul in which the spirit of Truth lives, born in it by the Holy Spirit For ONLY the existence of the spirit determines our life. And ONLY our (personal) attitude to the Truth makes us the people for whom God created the universe.
As we approach God in our way of thinking and similar relationships, people also become closer to each other, forming the Church of Christ (which will not be “overcome by the gates of hell”) – a community of the living.
I'll be brief. Just remember a quote from the American psychologist G. Allport:
“The central theme of existentialism: to live is to suffer; to survive, one must find some meaning in suffering.”
Well, this is a direction in philosophy that says that a person is a complex animal that experiences a bunch of different emotions, his whole nature is so complex, fears, torments that cannot be understood constantly, about crises and the search for oneself, awareness of oneself as a person, the search for freedom and the meaning of existence. With an emphasis on a lot of emotions, and not all of them are negative, they say, even fear.
I do not know how to make it even easier.
Existentialism: a person is the last resort, free to do as he pleases and is responsible only for what he has done. A person is determined solely by their actions.
Minus: the above system works only “in a vacuum”, i.e. if you were on the planet a single person, and not a society. Unfortunately, there are many of us, we have naturally transformed into a society, created the concepts of the state and the institution of law. Plus, no one agreed to be an existentialist with you. Even if we imagine an ideal world where everyone follows the concepts of E., it will be difficult to say where our free choice ends and begins subconsciously delegating power over ourselves to someone or even forcibly depriving us of power over ourselves, our lives by someone from the outside.�
Existentialism presupposes freedom, but freedom is inseparable from responsibility. Once a person has done something in the midst of a crisis, they will no longer be able to say “I was influenced, I got confused”, and they just need to say so while they exist on the planet not alone, but among other people, because they really influence them in one way or another.
The simplest way I would describe it is with the three words “existence without purpose” or in other words “existence, not life”. although this should not be perceived from a material point of view
To put it more simply, existentialism is a French philosophical trend characterized in the problematics of human existence (otherwise-being).
Before� all, it is� humanistic� reflection� on� barbarism� Second� World� war,� which� price� life� was� impaired� in absolutely� unprecedented� forms� dozens� million� dead� as� on� field� the battle, so� and� in� CAMPS� DEATH!!! Central� concept� existentialism� is� the so-called “border� situation” – a set of� cases that threaten� individual� death, according to� which only� then� people� starts� to think� about� sense� life, and� to� that� he� carefree� basking� under� the Sun!!! By the way,� to Freud, from� person� two� fundamental� lust – care� from� Thanatos (see!)� and� maximum approximation� to� Eros (cm!), that is, the desire� immortality� in� unrestrained� high. How� would� not� like, but� to leave� from� topics� God� Abraham� not� could� even� the� steadfast� atheists!!!
For my own exaggerated understanding of existentialism, I rely entirely on the concept of “borderline situation”. The fact is that a person, in fact, is a deeply selfish being and with favorable “settings”, he is not interested in the surrounding reality. But here comes a borderline situation – a fine line between life and death, between righteousness and sin, between resistance and compromise, to fend off which begins the maximum mobilization of mental and physical efforts, resulting in insight, rethinking of one's own being. Someone quits drugs, drinks, smokes, commits adultery, goes to church, becomes a volunteer, distributes wealth, etc. Another example of existence is the deep faith or beliefs of the individual. For example, for me, my religion is an intimate existence, a mink through which I communicate with God, and these experiences, just completely, actualize my earthly existence, give a moral fulcrum!
Where does the statement that we can be robbed, humiliated , etc. come from?
What does existentialism have to do with it?.
The State does not allow violence against an individual within the framework of the law.
If we were talking about existentialism, then we are talking about Christianity. This is a religious philosophy, from the very foundation. It assumes that freedom is absolute, the will of the individual is primary, if he acts in the name of God, God (and therefore all his actions) cannot be comprehended, and the process of religious thinking itself is the ability to think for eternity. Literally, the state of fear (or rather despair) before trying to understand the infinite, eternal-leads a person to God, gives a person freedom about society and makes his communication with God personal, and all the actions of such a person-extra-moral and extra-moral.
In short, exist-m (I was tortured to pronounce), this, as I understood it, is the everyday life of a person in isolation from mathematics, which is very bad. Reality here and now, in isolation from the general
First of all, it is the philosophy of the uniqueness of each person's existence, his being, worldview, actions and responsibility for them.
According to existentialism, a person is characterized by his decisions and actions that determine his nature, and not vice versa.
Animals, for example, do not have freedom of choice, their actions are determined by their essence. A person finds his essence in the process of existence throughout his life. He is able to think, to be aware of himself in society, he builds his own life and is responsible for himself and his actions.
Simply put, the essence of existentialism can be formulated in one phrase: a person makes himself, and he is responsible for what he has done.
Existentialism is a philosophical direction whose main issues are questions of being. What does “to be” mean? Does being make sense? Authenticity and non-authenticity of being. And many other similar questions. In psychology, existentialism is not unique, it has many different schools, each of which considers either some aspects of human existence or tries to cover the whole of being as a whole. Some of the schools that refer to themselves as existential psychology are very different in their views of the person, for example, the followers of Sartre and the followers of Biswanger. In simple life, a person asks himself the question ” what is the meaning of life?” he asks himself exactly the existential question.
Existentialism sees man as a unique spiritual being, capable of choosing his own destiny. So, it is freedom that is the main attribute of every person and of all mankind.
There is also a very interesting thesis, namely: “Human existence seems to hang between the past, which is no longer there, and the future, which is not yet there.” Therefore, we so often think about what we did not do, why we could not fulfill our cherished desires. Hence the constant suffering and search for the truth.
Existential dynamic conflict is generated by the individual's confrontation with the four ultimate givens: death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness. They are interesting because every person faces them in one way or another.
The answer is much simpler: egzistentialism is a plane of behavior where a person, an individual, acts in the” name “of intuition, the inner “happening” is clothed in the form of a primitive action, without waiting for a logical generalization, which is always a product of the multiculture of one or another society, or the union of intelligent beings, i.e. this FEELING of the BODY, the virgin behavior of consciousness, awareness and awareness…
// moral choice, problems of freedom//
All these are entities acquired by man through generalization and abstraction… – I think the question should be put-what is primary…
This is human life itself. This is the importance of showing the best human qualities in all natural aspects. The essence of what he is, precisely as a human being, is in discipline and without the manifestation of his inner egoism.
In the history of human thought, in different periods and by different thinkers, the essence of man is explained in three main ways.�
First: personality does not exist at all, a person is a drop of water in the ocean, whose name is God/gods, Tao, Supreme Intelligence, etc.�
Second, a person's personality is determined by the fact and insofar as a person is involved in the world around him, thinks and acts for the benefit of the environment and society.�
Third: a person is self-sufficient, his personality is determined by an internal system of beliefs and views.
Relatively speaking:�
1) Man is for God/The dao.�
2) Man-for the world; �
3) A person-for himself.
Existentialism is a kind of third way of explaining a Person. At the same time, existentialists ' endowment of the human person with a self-sufficient value, in isolation from the world and/or any kind of deity, inevitably leads them to conclusions about the instability, unsettled state of human life, and the inevitability of feelings of fear, despair, and hopelessness in it.
Existentialism is a philosophy of being, a philosophy of unlimited freedom, for which a person bears the same unlimited responsibility. The proposition that existence precedes essence is a principle of Existentialism. I agree with this philosophy that the essence of a person finds posthumously, when he has passed the path of his being.�
Egoistic direction of philosophy with a positivistic attitude to science. By and large, we all relate to such people. Me in particular. Although they deny it.
In simple terms, existentialism is a philosophical trend that puts a person's experience, his experiences, his existence in the first place. The opposite of existentialism is transcendence, a way of obtaining knowledge directly from the “cosmos” (in simple words), that is, bypassing the personal experience of a person. The existentialist checks everything, tastes it, and touches it. The transcendentalist does not need this, he knows from space what taste and what to touch))
Why do we live on Earth? What is the meaning of our lives?
In the history of philosophy, we know a number of unsuccessful attempts to find answers to these questions.
For example, the founders of existentialism argued that the life of each of us on Earth is just a ridiculous accident; moreover, none of us gave anyone our permission, consent — to live. They lamented this and saw only suicide as a worthy solution to this “ridiculous situation”.
They were atheists.
And many modern believers in the existence of God do not ask themselves this question at all. They… only dream of earthly well-being and escaping hell after the death of the body… and what do you have to do for this? – it turns out to participate in various “religious” rites, repent of true and imaginary sins, and also “pray”, that is, first of all, beg for “salvation” from hell — from God or from the “gods” and “saints”invented by representatives of these confessions.
And this absurdity has always been actively promoted by the priests of such religious trends. They instilled in their “flock” the idea of God — as an evil Bogeyman who only does what punishes, and therefore it is necessary to be afraid of Him! And we, they say, the priests-we are your intercessors before Him: we “pray” for you and teach you how to “pray”correctly…
Why do I call this form of pseudo-religion absurd? But because, in fact, we, according to the Will of God, should PERFECT OURSELVES (as souls) in accordance with His Teaching-and not cry out to Him about our sinfulness! And not to beg before Him for “earthly” goods — but to strive to become “perfect, even as our Heavenly Father is perfect,” in the words of Jesus Christ!
And another thing: does fear help bring someone closer to someone else? No! – love! And it is not for nothing that Jesus and all the other Divine Teachers teach us not to fear, not to hate — but to LOVE!
THERE is no DESCRIPTION OF GOD IN the entire Bible. And, accordingly, there is not even an indication of where to look for It in order to realize that very consubstantiality with It …
Part 2.
The Creator (or God the Father, Primordial Consciousness, Ishvara, Tao, Allah — and so on, no matter in which of the human languages we call Him) is the subtlest Part of the Universe, and it is the MAIN Part of It — INFINITE in size and ALWAYS existing.
I will briefly say that spatial dimensions are like floors of the Universe (also called the Absolute), which differ from each other in the levels of the roughness — subtlety scale.
The layer of the most subtle energies is God in the aspect of the Creator. It looks like an endless stretch of pure Light, similar to the light of the gentle and warm morning sun. There are no forms in it. Once in It, all forms immediately dissolve.
At the opposite end of the above — mentioned scale of subtlety — coarseness is hell-the abode of the most disgusting souls: aggressive, evil, consisting of black energies.
In fact, individual souls are-by their origin – not particles of the Original Consciousness, but particles of another component of the Universe. Namely, protopurushi.
The task of these souls (that is, including each of us) is to advance in their development to the Original Consciousness, to the Creator.
In the end, Souls who have reached Perfection flow into the Creator, enriching Him with Themselves. Having settled forever in the Abode of the Creator, now living in Fusion with Him, becoming His integral components, They continue to work, helping other evolving souls. In the world of incarnate beings, They now manifest Themselves as Representatives of the Creator, also called Holy Spirits (or, collectively, the Holy Spirit).
This is the meaning of the existence of all Creation, as well as the meaning of our existence and the existence of all beings here!
Well, the lot of those who do not go this Way, who, on the contrary, develop rudeness, malice, cruelty — their lot is hell.
What you are hearing now is not an “invention” of the speaker now. No: this is the knowledge that God has at his disposal, what the Divine Teachers — that is, the Messiahs and Holy Spirits-have always taught incarnate people and are teaching them now.
This was taught, among others, by Thoth-Atlantean (aka Hermes-Trismegistus in His next Divine Incarnation), and Pythagoras, and Krishna, and Gautama Buddha, and Jesus Christ, and the Divine Teachers of later epochs and our modern times. (This information is most fully presented in the book “Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and Modernity”).
part 3.
I will tell you about the fate of a famous scientist who was a stubborn, stubborn atheist. But he devoted his life to the Good, heroically, self-sacrificingly helping people with the highest knowledge and methods that he possessed. The premise of his atheism was that he, having the terrible brand of a Jew in Russia during the Brezhnev era, also lived here in the cruel era of” militant atheism”, and from religious concepts he was familiar only with the one that, as an intellectually highly developed person, could not satisfy him in any way.
He left his body in a feeble old age, suffering from it and realizing with heavy sadness that the “end ” was approaching.
And you can imagine how stunned he was later when he realized that there was no “end”!
Summing up his life, he said very sincerely: “After all, I have lived an honest life! I also gave my all to make people better!
He, living in Russia for those decades, suffered a lot of troubles. And of course, he could not accept the “Christianity” that managed to officially curse all Jews and has always treated them with varying degrees of hostility ever since… He endured everything humbly, never getting angry. Only marveling in silence at the savage moral primitivism that surrounds them… And he was right! His abode is now paradise!
But here is one of his closest colleagues, also a scientist and a Jew by nationality of the earth body, who did a lot in the last years of his earthly life to bring people to an understanding of the immortality of the soul, published a lot of publications on psychology, spent his life in endless fuss, made the main theme of his efforts to establish his name among other people at any cost, developed superliveness (even in the course of one conversation, he used to “lie”, exposing himself), insisted that” man is an autonomous, closed system”, who did not think of God and did not conform his life to His Being, who developed the “lower self” to the stage of “sticking out” in all directions of bright vices, who ended his earthly life from a brain disease — now, having disembodied, he is seen “distorted”, black and still deprived of rest. The hell he created for himself continues…
I say this with great sadness: this man helped so many people on Earth to start looking for true Freedom. But it turns out that he wasn't looking for her at all…
After all, a person remains in an out-of-body state exactly as he trained himself to be during his life in the body and as he was caught by the death of the body…
Although existentialism originated in Germany, it became a major philosophical fashion in post-war France (Camus, Sartre). This is far from accidental. France suffered little from the war in the material sense, but suffered enormous moral damage, putting up minimal resistance to the German army, then obediently accepting the occupation, readily serving the Nazis, including in the search and extermination of Jews.
Existentialism made it possible, on the one hand, to distance oneself from this national catastrophe, and, on the other, to find within oneself some (albeit illusory) grounds for restoring the integrity of the individual and at least some dignity.
another opinion about a person who finds himself in a strange world and survives in this jungle and probably smart people continue to experience the horror that the first people on earth experienced and tried to calm themselves first of all with words and gestures and come up with different ways to protect and create at least the appearance of a safe corner for their life a kind of nest that is hidden among the branches of a thin tree growing on the edge of a cliff in the shadow of a huge volcano
In simple words, the explanation may sound like this. Man is a social animal. Deprive him of this quality, atomize his life, and you will get a picture of a being with missing meanings in a space closed by him to himself. Such an analysis – as things in themselves-is known not only in philosophy. In economics, it is used in so-called robinsonades. It is always abstract, and sometimes even harmless.
More ignorant and not meeting the requirements, as well as the interests of a person, than the philosophical trend of existentialism in the 21st century, apparently does not exist.
If someone really wants to get answers to the questions that this philosophy deals with without any benefit, they will need to turn to the modern morphology of the human brain and realize their curiosity without much effort.
This is the most accurate definition of existentialism given by a person more than a hundred years before the word itself appeared.
“Being one or the other depends on us. Each of us is a garden, and the gardener in it is the will. Whether nettles, lettuce, hyssop, cumin, one or many things grow in us, whether they die out without care or grow luxuriantly-we ourselves are masters of all this.”(Shakespeare)
If krtako ,then existentialism is a philosophy of existence, which, as can be understood from the definition, focuses on the uniqueness of human existence.
If it is vulgar, existentialism is: the world that surrounds us is what we feel through the senses, the rest does not exist and the senses also do not exist, there are only our sensations.
Briefly, I put it this way: “An existentialist is a person who has realized that the world is meaningless, absurd, but finds the strength to live on.”�
In other words, existentialism leaves a person to himself, leaves him alone with his existence (existence) – in which there is no God, morality, values, goals, there is no meaning, since a person is mortal. But this person must explore everything around him and move on, move forward, without realizing for what purpose.
The idea of a person as a phenomenon that determines its own existence: a person is left to himself ,only he decides what to do, and only he is responsible for his actions. Each person's existence is unique
What is the question is the answer.
“…just like for a fool” won't work. By asking in this way, you:
or (and most likely) imitate a fool – I'm not a stupid guy, but I really don't want to read and delve into various rubbish myself. I'd rather call the other fools and let them amuse themselves, tell me about existentialism. If I hear something interesting or useful , it's fine. If I don't hear it, it's a small loss: someone else's strength and time…
or (unlikely, but more interesting and promising) sincerely state your stupidity, wait for help from clever experts and … risk becoming a victim of someone else's cleverness and arrogance (=stupidity), i.e. remain a fool, already “squared”…
In both cases, there is no understanding of existentialism. For both the “vague object of desire” (existentialism) and the initial attitude towards it (“I don't understand”)are considered as such. and the optimistic perspective (“Oh, I got it right now!”) is conceived essentialistically, essentially, as a certain” what”, i.e. fundamentally anti-existential. Existence is not a “what”, but a “how”. And it is found (understood) in the movement (life) itself, and not in the instruction “How to move (live)?”that precedes it.
From this point of view, the second position (sincere stupidity) is more productive. Because:
it, unlike the first one (the crafty imitator), is not absolute: to recognize one's stupidity as something that must be overcome is no longer stupid (stupidity is not the lack of intelligence, but its inadequate use).;
from this point (again, unlike the first one), movement is possible and in any case it will be a movement “from” stupidity. As they say, “There is still a way out of pessimism, but there is no way out of optimism” 🙂 Good luck!!!
I understand it this way. Existentialists consider freedom of choice to be an inalienable and basic property of a person. No matter how you are influenced from the outside, you can always make a choice. Even in a concentration camp situation. Throw yourself on the guard with your fists or on the electric wire, or even think about the wife from whom you were separated. This is how Viktor Frankl described his discovery.
People are fleeing en masse from their freedom to make informed decisions to everyday automatism and conformity:
Why did you go to university? Мама Mom said.
Why did you start a family? Ну Well, so it is accepted, everyone started up and I.
There is a VK audio recording “Existential psychology-Leontiev” where the essence is clearly explained.