3 Answers

  1. A great person is a person who has made a great contribution to the development of humanity: in culture, politics, science, art; who has performed a feat in the name of life on earth.

    That's only half the truth. Yes, greatness is determined by the scale of the human destinies affected, but it does not have an exclusively positive connotation. Genghis Khan was not only a great reformer and unifier, but also a great conqueror and destroyer. So many personalities-Peter, Stalin, Hitler and dozens of others-have a lot of controversy around their biographies. For some, they are the messiahs of a new time and a new turn of history, for others they are just murderers shedding blood, but everyone recognizes the scale of their personalities

  2. When applied to a person, greatness is just a subjective assessment of the actions or personality of one person by another (others). There is nothing that makes it possible to measure “greatness” objectively – therefore, there is no such thing as greatness objectively. And you can call anyone great (which happens all the time), as a result of which murderers, sadists, and schizophrenics are often considered great people.

  3. A great person is a person who has made a great contribution to the development of humanity: in culture, politics, science, art; who has performed a feat in the name of life on earth.

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