4 Answers

  1. This is quite a controversial issue, I will give one of the points of view.

    Professor David Conway in his book Rediscovery of Wisdom, referring to the concept of Aristotle, defines wisdom as ” understanding why the world exists and why it is the way it is.” A person who thinks about a certain subject will be engaged in “theory”. A person who reflects on the first cause of the world, on its most general foundations, will strive for wisdom (sophia).�

    Oleg's answer is, with all due respect, incorrect, because Sofia is neither ignorant nor skeptical about her knowledge. Plato's point is that Socratic skepticism gives him the very opportunity to reflect and gain wisdom.

  2. The totality of mental abilities, in an exceptionally correct format, and naturally with truly good goals, is magnified by Wisdom ,the rest is incredibly subtle.For this reason, one piece of Wisdom is enough!

  3. Wisdom does not refer to mental capacity; rather, the mind depends on the wisdom accumulated by previous incarnations.

    The mind is just a reflection of one pole of the mind, the second will be the heart, as the nerve center of communication with the Higher Mind.

    It is necessary to properly understand the place of intelligence and wisdom, the relationship between these concepts, no matter in what culture. The essence of concepts will be the same at all times, but expressed differently.

  4. Recognition of the limitations of any mind and the relativity of any knowledge.�

    “I asked the Pythia: is there anyone wiser than me? and she said that no one is wiser, because if I don't know, I don't think I know.” (Socrates, according to Plato).

    In everyday life, it is often reproduced as “I know that I don't know anything”, sometimes with the addition “But others don't know this either”.

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