3 Answers

  1. Don't be down and just say to yourself: “damn, they're doing so well,I don't want to ruin their relationship”and just start to understand that she doesn't need you,she's a lesbian so she doesn't care about you + she also has a relationship

  2. Well, first of all-to learn that the correct spelling is not “le z biyanka”, but “le s biyanka”. Of course, we all understand that we don't live in the most tolerant country, but we love our own language so much, and it's funny to see when we speak it incorrectly ourselves.

    Do nothing, sit up straight and relax. If a girl answers with absolute certainty that she is a lesbian, then either this is true, or it is a lie to stop your annoying courtship. In this case, if she is in a relationship with another girl, leave it as it is. Communicate as friends, if it is difficult – do not communicate at all; and to destroy their relationship, to try to get in third – no one needs an absurdity.

    Understand what you want from her. If your goal is a relationship, then remember that you can't build your own happiness on someone else's misfortune. Destroying other people's relationships is low and disgusting enough. And if friendship is much more important to you, then go ahead.

  3. It's very simple: as you know, there are no lesbians. Some women become lesbians when there is no demand for them among real men. What should you do? “Just to prove to her that you're a real man.” That you can swing your hand on the table, or rather with the heel of your foot, so that the service jumps up and the spoons in the cups clink. Show her that you're much better than a one-night stand. Show off your biceps when she walks by, swear (her best friend probably won't be able to do that), or at least when she asks you to pour the tea into the cups, and she turns away for the sugar bowl – pull out your machine and thump right on the table so that the cups and spoons ring. When she turns around, a small cry of delight will come out of her mouth. That's all-it's yours.

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