2 Answers

  1. But this is the most important, if not the most important task of a person – to understand what he lives for.
    Most people do not think about it, but live out of habit : they were born, studied, and married. Work and the daily care of daily bread do not elevate the human mind to such abstract concepts as the meaning of life.
    But a person doesn't just eat, drink, sleep, raise children, meet friends. He has a vague premonition of a different life, which is not so simple in its everyday life. He feels an unconscious longing for something unclear, but disturbing to the core of his soul. And at such moments, a person begins to look for the lighthouse that will lead him to the shore of happiness.
    Most people want to start a family, have children, make a comfortable life, travel, and have hobbies. But this is an attempt to hide from dissatisfaction. It always seems that here it is, happiness – in a family, in a good job, in prosperity, in changing places, faces and impressions. But no, this is only a temporary calm, and then there is again irritation and melancholy.
    Man is so arranged that he cannot live only in the momentary, mundane. He is spirit, and he strives for the spiritual, to find out what is beyond existence. Is there another world? How do I get into it and what do I need to do?
    If a person starts asking himself similar questions, then the answers to them will also be found. And this is already moving in the right direction. Tasks will be defined and solutions will be found for them.

  2. A person's life has meaning only if he lives for the sake of what he was created for. We can either grieve or please God with our lives. What goal a person wants to strive for, he chooses for himself. God himself offers:

    “I have offered you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life, that you and your descendants may live” (Deut 30: 19)

    Pleasing God is truly a real goal and a real life that brings satisfaction.

    “Be wise, my son [daughter], and rejoice in my heart..”(Prov.27:11)

    The Bible says that in the near future God will bring order to the earth and all those who please God today will live on earth forever in excellent conditions. Everything that hinders life today, the Almighty will eliminate forever:

    “And I heard a loud voice from heaven, saying, Lo, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them; they will be His people, and God himself will be with them, and their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death; there will be no more weeping, no more crying, no more sickness, for the former things have passed away.”

    How can you please God and receive eternal life? This is what the Bible says.

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