3 Answers

  1. Because the dependence of a person on external circumstances and nature has predetermined precisely the division of labor, the social roles, the gender division of responsibilities that has existed in history, and we must take into account that the economic and production component is primary in social development.

    Patriarchy arose because men were physically stronger (just physically, not mentally) to earn a living.�

    It is the division of labor, the material conditions and the level of productive forces that influence the way of life, the worldview, and life priorities. The housewife will not think about high matters, she is alienated by reproductive and domestic work, for example. People without a historical understanding say that the conditions around them are “natural” and “innate”, and the people around them have some natural essence, respectively, but in reality, no, empirical conditions are ALWAYS historical and always changing.

    Absolutely also explains the existence of religion and belief in the gods. Man could not explain the phenomena of nature before the emergence of scientific thinking, and therefore he had to explain it to the “supernatural”.�

    “Thanks” to such a weakness of humanity, slavery existed, and there is now the exploitation of man by man. After all, slavery, for example, was progressive at a certain stage, because it corresponded to the productive forces that were at a certain historical stage.�

    You can read more about this in F.'s book. Engels ' The Origin of the Family and Private Property.

  2. This is quite a natural consequence of the economic model that existed in the agrarian era. The man plows in the field, the woman cooks at home, looks after the children. This separation occurred for several reasons. First, the difference in the maximum effort that a man and a woman can develop. a man, on average, is stronger. Therefore, he performs work that requires great physical strength. Secondly, the woman gives birth. this greatly restricts her freedom of movement and economic usefulness if she is pregnant. And finally, this is a banal division of labor.

    As a certain contrast to the agrarian Christian society, we can cite the Scandinavians, whose role of women was somewhat different, there was almost equal rights, because women also went on raids, held weapons in their hands and had to be reckoned with.�

    In the modern world, such a division of labor by gender is not required

  3. The most primitive explanation: because someone has to do one thing, and someone has to do another.

    Ideally, a man and a woman are yin and yang, complementary parts in both the emotional and everyday sense.

    And to complement each other, a man and a woman must be different and have different social roles too.

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