11 Answers

  1. Any exercise, both physical and mental, becomes easy when it becomes a habit. Until then, the very idea that something needs to be done in terms of intellectual effort, to put it mildly, is not very encouraging. But this habit does not develop by itself.

    The habit of learning new things is formed in childhood by parents or, less often, a person creates it for himself, including self-discipline. If there is neither one nor the other, or, for example, everything was in order at school and university, and then there was a break for a dozen years and the person did not strain the brain from the word “at all”, then you will have to form / restore the skill from a low start. The longer the break , the harder it is to start. It is very similar, by the way, to classes in the gym – after a long break, it is difficult to force yourself to start again, and the muscles ache for a long time, and you get tired quickly.

    And, of course, the older we get. the less capacity we have to learn new things. If a person constantly loads his head, then he retains the status quo and will be able to slow down the process of slowing down cognitive processes for a long time (the principle “To stay in place, you need to run”). But there are few such people.

  2. Because a person is not used to living at a modern pace, and because the assimilation of new information requires a certain process – the inclusion of new information in their activities.

    I gave a detailed answer about laziness, I recommend reading it.

    The fact that mental activity seems easier is an interesting phenomenon. But this is just another activity – it's hard to compare directly like this.

  3. The process of learning something new, like mental stress in general, is a waste of the body's resources.

    If we can't bring ourselves to do this, it's worth figuring out whether it's a habit or a defense. Most often it happens that one is a consequence of the other. At first, we are too tired to learn or remember anything, and instead we find some activities that do not burden the brain. And then it turns from a defensive reaction to a negative habit, and we can no longer force ourselves to learn, even if we have the strength to do so.

    A protective reaction occurs as a result of fatigue – when we have a downed mode, fatigue has accumulated, resources are depleted, the brain refuses to spend the last energy on mental activity. As a result, overall performance decreases and we look for less energy – consuming activities-surfing the Internet, watching TV shows, or hanging out in social networks. But this is self-deception, because these activities also waste energy. To avoid such a reaction of the body, it is important to avoid severe exhaustion and fatigue, take breaks in mental activity and switch between different types of exercise.

    What else causes laziness?:

    • Lack of motivation – we do not see the practical benefits of new knowledge, we are forced to do unnecessary mental work, we just want to pass the session and forget everything that we passed this semester – so the brain does not see the point in spending resources on this. We may also have difficulty learning material that we don't understand. First of all, you need to make the information clear to us – it's easier for someone to perceive the text, for someone-tables and graphs, you can even dictate a lecture and then listen to an audio recording.
      How to avoid this:

    • In any case, no matter what causes laziness, you should not let it develop into a habit. To avoid the temptation to trade mental work for endless procrastination, you need to keep your brain in good shape. Daily small loads will develop a useful habit of engaging in mental activity regularly. A special development program for the brain will help you do this.
      The online service Wikium offers 44 cognitive simulators that develop the main cognitive functions of the brain-attention, memory and thinking. To develop a healthy habit, the service sends reminders about training sessions. And the development program itself is built on the basis of the results of introductory testing: when registering, you fill out a mini-questionnaire and pass a test that will show how your brain is currently developing. You can train for free on a limited number of simulators, and a premium account will allow you to develop your brain to the maximum and always be ready for mental stress.

  4. In my opinion, everything is obvious. You just don't think what you're doing right now is useful or meaningful to you. And the body itself regulates the forces that you spend on unnecessary business. Remember when you've been too lazy to sleep, eat, or play on your favorite computer lately. At work, you have a DEadline to do everything urgently… and what is.. laziness really disappears, if not, then this work is not interesting and boring for you.�

    At the expense of learning ANY information.

    The problem is that you don't need any information at all. You know how to write and read – this is really necessary information for a person living in cities and villages.�

    If you were an Aboriginal, then the above information would be boring to you and, probably, you would not remember it. But they clearly knew how to kill a tiger and what berries they could eat.

  5. The brain requires a large amount of energy, and the so-called laziness is a kind of “trick” that would save the body's energy. Overload does not happen in these cases, it is a natural function of the brain, to save energy, but there is also willpower), it would also not be bad to develop it.The effectiveness of training depends on constant research and application of various tools in practice.

  6. Basically, the brain is a computer. When overloaded, it begins to give some failures in the nervous system. But, as a rule, with the right approach to training, nothing serious can happen. Effectiveness depends on your interest in the material being studied. For example, some people read literature and memorize it, others learn the material more easily through diagrams and drawings, and some use associations. There are countless such methods, but, as they say, if you don't try it, you won't know.

  7. If laziness is not bad, laziness is a protective mechanism against wasting energy on unnecessary things. Laziness is like honor and conscience, if you are lazy, then you really don't need it, you are forced to do it, or you need it, but not now or someone will do it for you. That is, laziness is not so bad. Imagine a situation: a person is beaten with rods every day according to the schedule (in the morning, afternoon, evening) and he does not want to do anything, he just wants to fall on the couch, as he is resting from the inconvenience. But then at a certain point, they stop beating him with rods and he will also lie on the couch and as much as he is tired of it, he will lie on the couch. But then he will still get up from the couch and start doing something, since man is a creator from birth, he will do what he likes. That is, rods are what we don't like: school, work, etc.what we spend our energy on, and not many people have Seeley for other things yet. That's why you don't want to learn anything, you just want to take a break from the inconvenience. You need to give up what you don't want to do, or at least try to give up the minimum number of things you don't want to do. I also have a feeling of laziness, and when it comes I just don't do it because I'm lazy. But then there is a desire and I start to do it, of course it does not work with everything, but if you live by this principle you will be happy, but this path is certainly difficult. Not immediately Moscow was built. You need to give up the shit that is imposed on you, which you do not want to do, and you will be happy, but it is difficult to do it, of course, but it is possible. In general, I gave you thoughts and I hope I was useful, sorry for my illiteracy and for not being able to express thoughts, I'm just learning. I took my thoughts from the channel of Johann Sebastian and from the site everything will be fine. All happiness!

  8. I would consider this issue in an unusual form for the layman.

    If you ask for help in the ancient Indian shamans, or rather their teachings. They answered this question like this.�

    Each person has a power called intention, i.e. fixing the flow of their thoughts in the right direction. You set a goal and focus your thoughts on solving it.�

    So the brain is so lazy that it likes to have fun, not learn. To learn something, you need to force yourself to learn it, or intend to get this knowledge.

  9. The brain is a cunning and completely pragmatic machine. And very economical and cynical. Even very simple-minded people. And if he is not convinced that this knowledge will be vital in the future, he will block and switch to more interesting things for him. You can force it, but like any disinterested employee, he knows the golden rule: if you don't want to do what they ask, do it, but ” so that you never ask again.” Conclusion – you need to do only what you really need…ideally))

  10. The brain is lazy by nature

    “We become what we think about all day.”

    • Ralph Waldo Emerson

    We create the world in which we exist. Our brains, our thoughts and experiences are the creators of who we become. We are the result of what we see, hear, and feel. All our knowledge of the world reflects only our personal interpretation of the world, not its objective representation. Our human brain creates a world based on our own familiar and reliable foundation. Our perception of the world depends on our experiences, our memories, and even our desires, which create new or strengthen existing neural connections in our brains to help us understand the outside world. However, our brain is “lazy, and naturally resists anything that requires extra energy, so it is necessary to make” efforts to push it to the action that we want to take.

    The human body and mind are inert in nature. In particular, the brain, the main consumer of energy in the human body, chooses operations that require minimal effort, since it is configured to conserve energy. The brain is biologically programmed to be lazy and minimize a variety of activities. Why is this happening?

    Any natural and closed system tends to move towards a state with minimal potential energy, which corresponds to an increase in its entropy or disorder. This is one of the basic laws of physics, known as the “Second Law of Thermodynamics”. This principle explains why mountains collapse and turn to sand over time. The application of this law to human physiology means that the body and brain, like any materially complex system, ultimately seek states of minimal energy consumption, striving to reach a state of rest or, in other words, to a state corresponding to maximum entropy. So it's not surprising that most people usually choose inactivity as an option. Some people are passive and don't like to do anything. However, the “state” of complete rest for a living organism is unnatural, because it means nothing more than death itself.

    Moreover, Masood Hussain, a neuroscientist at the University of Oxford, has experimentally shown that �patterns of brain neurons responsible for the transition from decision to action are less effective in apathetic people. This means that the brain of naturally lazy people will have to work harder and spend even more energy on certain actions. However, it is possible that brain structure may not be the cause of apathy, and laziness itself may be the culprit for this inefficient neural circuit. Perhaps in this case, we should force our brain to be more active to improve the brain structure that helps us achieve our goals with less energy.

    So, as human beings, we need to be more dynamic and active to improve our own livelihood abilities . In order not to become a living corpse, we must always voluntarily “choose” the path of development and self-improvement, be active in order to optimize “our full potential.

    A source:





  11. In addition to the information above

    Try getting up earlier and developing before work, before school, and so on. The brain will remember the information perfectly, the mood will improve, and work/study will be easier.

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