4 Answers

  1. It might not have been.�

    We are already getting closer to bioconstruction. We learned how to install electronic prostheses. Genes seem to have been edited. A human, obviously, is a collected and animated biorobot, to put it in primitive language.�

    The Talmud generally says that man was not the first attempt to plant intelligent life on earth.�

    It is quite possible that the first individual did not have a navel as unnecessary. Subsequent generations got a navel by the fact of birth from my mother.

  2. These questions clearly show the weakness of positioning the Bible as a carrier of some special knowledge or a source of answers to important questions. And they show very clearly that this book is a set of myths of the ancient Jewish people, which was slightly more fortunate than other sets of beliefs (Greeks, Babylonians, Egyptians, Zoroastrians)

  3. Dante must have had a lot of fun watching this kind of discussion in his time. The most fun always begins when the text of the Pentateuch is understood literally and then they try to find a rational grain there. It is strange that the language of metaphors and symbols is considered a novelty. Adam is a person, and not just the name of a man, as it happens today. And not a specific one, but a person as a creation, as a biological species, if you will. The creation of man can be understood not as the emergence of a man from nothing or “clay”, but as the granting of a certain being – or beings – free will and creative intelligence. Only these 2 things will later distinguish this creature from all creatures and turn it into a Human. The question of having a navel after this, I hope, disappears?) Or do you seriously think that before the 20th century, people for thousands of years, like trusting three-year-olds, believed in a fairy tale, and it seemed quite plausible?

    The question of Adam's or Eve's navel is what would now be called trolling, and the debate about it would become a Special Olympics discipline (see Lurkmore).

  4. Put the question more broadly – does the Lord God have a navel – after all, he created Adam in his own image. This question has preoccupied generations of theologians.

    Artists didn't bother much with this question – Adam and Eve both have navels, from Cranach to Michelangelo.

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