3 Answers

  1. A worldview based on “faith” cannot be refuted by a worldview based on logic, since they are located in different “paradigms of understanding reality”. Nota bene, God cannot be refuted, either you interpret reality through religion, or you don't. It's a matter of your personal choice.

  2. Euthyphron's dilemma is taken from Plato's dialogue “Euthyphron”, where Socrates poses the dilemma, and the priest Euthyphron cannot solve it. Anyway, today it is called “Euthyphron's Dilemma” and looks like this: “… do the gods choose good because it is good, or is good good because it is chosen by the gods?”
    If the first part of the dilemma is true, it turns out that human morality is formed independently of the gods.
    When recognizing the second as true, the gods are the primary source of morality, and could declare anything good, that is, morality is the subject of an accidental whim of the gods.From the point of view of most believers, God is the source of morality. Socrates more than 2,000 years ago presented proponents of this view with a dilemma:
    1) A certain standard becomes the norm of morality only because God so decided. Therefore, the norms of morality are arbitrary, and God is not the source of MORALITY.
    2) The norms of morality are independent and primary in relation to God, and he gives instructions to follow them only because he considers these norms good. Therefore, God is not the SOURCE of morality.

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