3 Answers

  1. Meaning is a concept coined to denote the agreed true meaning (purpose) of things, processes, and phenomena in people's lives. Or maybe it exists objectively and simply manifests itself, and is not invented by subjects for the convenience of meaningful and useful communication? Maybe. Or both can make sense, without contradicting each other.

  2. “Meaning” is the same as” meaning ” (just not mathematical). The meaning of the word, the meaning of the gesture, the meaning of the song… Now think about whether it exists.
    I don't see the point at the end of your question. How can the word “meaning” justify something?

  3. E. Trubetskoy “The meaning of life”:

    “c-1” is a logically necessary assumption and one that every thought seeks. The main task of logical thought is not to be just a subjective experience. Therefore, every logical thought tends to establish itself in something unconditional and universal, which is called truth or meaning. But only a subjective thought, which does not reach the goal of this striving, a thought that is incapable of becoming universally valid, is rejected by every logically minded person as meaningless. In other words, “meaning” is a universally valid thought content, or, what is the same thing, a universally valid thought, which is what is required for every thought.

    It is not difficult to see that the “meaning” thus understood is a logically necessary assumption not only of every thought, but also of every consciousness. To co-know is precisely to comprehend, that is, to refer the conscious to some objective, universally valid meaning. As long as I am only experiencing certain sensations, impressions, or emotions, I do not yet know; I am conscious only from the moment when my thought, rising above what is perceived, relates it to some generally valid mental content, which is affirmed as “meaning.”

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