Posted on 2022-11-19 by The Andromeda Nebula What is the difference between modernity and postmodernity? Read What is the difference between modernity and postmodernity?
Posted on 2022-11-18 by Maximka Apelsinka How much time is left until the end of the world and can it be avoided? Read How much time is left until the end of the world and can it be avoided?
Posted on 2022-11-18 by Kirill Kvyatkovsky What is the difference between the modern interpretation of the concept of "hedonism" and the original postulates of this philosophy? Read What is the difference between the modern interpretation of the concept of "hedonism" and the original postulates of this philosophy?
Read What is the difference between the modern interpretation of the concept of "hedonism" and the original postulates of this philosophy?
Posted on 2022-11-18 by Alexey Evstratov Explain the difference between Stirner's Egoism and anarcho-individualism? Read Explain the difference between Stirner's Egoism and anarcho-individualism?
Posted on 2022-11-18 by Baglan Alseit Why don't Christians simply remove the prohibitions against eating pork from the Bible (Leviticus 11-7; 8, Deut 14-8 Isaiah 65-2; 5)? Read Why don't Christians simply remove the prohibitions against eating pork from the Bible (Leviticus 11-7; 8, Deut 14-8 Isaiah 65-2; 5)?
Read Why don't Christians simply remove the prohibitions against eating pork from the Bible (Leviticus 11-7; 8, Deut 14-8 Isaiah 65-2; 5)?
Posted on 2022-11-17 by Anonymous question Still, what is the meaning of the two creations described in the Old Testament: Genesis 1 and Genesis 2? Read Still, what is the meaning of the two creations described in the Old Testament: Genesis 1 and Genesis 2?
Read Still, what is the meaning of the two creations described in the Old Testament: Genesis 1 and Genesis 2?
Posted on 2022-11-17 by George D. What is the meaning of the existence of a reasonable person on the planet Earth? Read What is the meaning of the existence of a reasonable person on the planet Earth?
Posted on 2022-11-16 by Anonymous question Can paradoxes like "Schrodinger's Cat" or" Wigner's Friend " mean that each observer actually lives in a personal reality/world of their own? Read Can paradoxes like "Schrodinger's Cat" or" Wigner's Friend " mean that each observer actually lives in a personal reality/world of their own?
Read Can paradoxes like "Schrodinger's Cat" or" Wigner's Friend " mean that each observer actually lives in a personal reality/world of their own?
Posted on 2022-11-16 by Esty ♡ Why is the use of even artificial fur not vegan (others do not know that it is not natural, propaganda of fur…), and vegan products made for meat are normal? Read Why is the use of even artificial fur not vegan (others do not know that it is not natural, propaganda of fur…), and vegan products made for meat are normal?
Read Why is the use of even artificial fur not vegan (others do not know that it is not natural, propaganda of fur…), and vegan products made for meat are normal?